well, the dollar, you know, it is super strong and maybe it's not unprecedented, but it's certainly, you know, really, really strong, which is hurting any company that exports a lot. So in this, you know, a us company that exports a lot, it's helping anybody that is a domestic company, cuz they're able to buy stuff cheaper and that kind of thing. But I think it's gonna continue to dominate the dollar. I mean, we're, I like to say we're the best house in a black bad global neighborhood. And that's why we're attracting capital. That's why we're attracting people. I mean, money, there's an old saying that money flows where it's treated the best, which is true. And that's, you can look at like the United States with taxation and people going to Texas and Florida and Tennessee in places with low tax rates and people flow where they're treated the best. So that's why, you know, we're one of the few countries on maybe the only country, I don't know where people literally are taking their lives into their hand to get into this country. And you know, I think the us is still it's in a very good spot in the next, I don't know, let's say decade