Abundance Wealth Counselors Top Holdings and 13F Report (2023) About Abundance Wealth CounselorsInvestment ActivityAbundance Wealth Counselors has $459.49 thousand in total holdings as of December 31, 2022.Abundance Wealth Counselors owns shares of 141 different stocks, but just 37 companies or ETFs make up 80% of its holdings.Approximately 57.11% of the portfolio was purchased this quarter.About 11.84% of the portfolio was sold this quarter.This quarter, Abundance Wealth Counselors has purchased 72 new stocks and bought additional shares in 39 stocks.Abundance Wealth Counselors sold shares of 27 stocks and completely divested from 5 stocks this quarter.Largest Holdings iShares Core S&P 500 ETF $117,815iShares Core MSCI EAFE ETF $29,576PURECYCLE TECHNOLOGIES INC $27,672iShares MSCI Intl Quality Factor ETF $19,984SPDR S&P Biotech ETF $16,660 Largest New Holdings this Quarter iShares Core S&P 500 ETF $117,815 HoldingiShares Short-Term National Muni Bond ETF $12,816 HoldingFidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF $11,799 HoldingMicrosoft $8,909 HoldingVanguard Total Stock Market ETF $7,061 Holding Largest Purchases this Quarter iShares Core S&P 500 ETF 200,134 shares (about $117.82K)iShares Short-Term National Muni Bond ETF 121,501 shares (about $12.82K)Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF 194,733 shares (about $11.80K)Microsoft 21,136 shares (about $8.91K)SPDR S&P Biotech ETF 85,213 shares (about $7.67K) Largest Sales this Quarter PURECYCLE TECHNOLOGIES INC 4,489,803 shares (about $46.02K)Golub Capital BDC 131,660 shares (about $2.00K)Ecofin Sustainable and Social Impact Term Fund 30,423 shares (about $365.03)Alphabet 1,583 shares (about $299.66)iShares Core MSCI EAFE ETF 3,825 shares (about $268.82) Sector Allocation Over TimeMap of 500 Largest Holdings ofAbundance Wealth Counselors Selling Neutral Buying Latest 13F Holdings and Changes Since Previous Quarterly FilingIssuer NameHoldings ValueApproximate Purchase/SaleChange in SharesShares Held% of PortfolioSectorIVViShares Core S&P 500 ETF$117,815$117,815 ▲New Holding200,13425.6%ETFIEFAiShares Core MSCI EAFE ETF$29,576$269 ▼-0.9%420,8336.4%ETFPURECYCLE TECHNOLOGIES INC$27,672$46,021 ▼-62.4%2,699,6876.0%COMIQLTiShares MSCI Intl Quality Factor ETF$19,984$262 ▼-1.3%538,3524.3%ETFXBISPDR S&P Biotech ETF$16,660$7,674 ▲85.4%184,9933.6%ETFAAPLApple$14,282$459 ▲3.3%57,0343.1%Computer and TechnologySUBiShares Short-Term National Muni Bond ETF$12,816$12,816 ▲New Holding121,5012.8%ETFFDLOFidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF$11,799$11,799 ▲New Holding194,7332.6%ETFISTBiShares Core 1-5 Year USD Bond ETF$11,637$3,424 ▲41.7%243,5962.5%ManufacturingNVDANVIDIA$11,229$928 ▲9.0%83,6142.4%Computer and TechnologyMSFTMicrosoft$8,909$8,909 ▲New Holding21,1361.9%Computer and TechnologyVTIVanguard Total Stock Market ETF$7,061$7,061 ▲New Holding24,3651.5%ETFIJHiShares Core S&P Mid-Cap ETF$6,640$6,640 ▲New Holding106,5601.4%ETFGOOGLAlphabet$6,014$300 ▼-4.7%31,7701.3%Computer and TechnologyAMZNAmazon.com$5,687$398 ▲7.5%25,9221.2%Retail/WholesaleIWMiShares Russell 2000 ETF$4,834$4,834 ▲New Holding21,8771.1%FinanceIJRiShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF$4,500$4,500 ▲New Holding39,0531.0%ETFMETAMeta Platforms$3,366$81 ▲2.5%5,7480.7%Computer and TechnologyIBMInternational Business Machines$3,303$3,303 ▲New Holding15,0260.7%Computer and TechnologyJPMJPMorgan Chase & Co.$3,300$130 ▼-3.8%13,7680.7%FinanceAVGOBroadcom$2,988$2,707 ▲964.2%12,8870.7%Computer and TechnologyCSCOCisco Systems$2,985$87 ▲3.0%50,4230.6%Computer and TechnologyNFLXNetflix$2,900$106 ▲3.8%3,2540.6%Consumer DiscretionaryABBVAbbVie$2,894$46 ▼-1.6%16,2870.6%MedicalIXUSiShares Core MSCI Total International Stock ETF$2,840$62 ▼-2.1%42,9410.6%ManufacturingVVisa$2,679$236 ▲9.7%8,4780.6%Business ServicesGILDGilead Sciences$2,560$2,560 ▲New Holding27,7120.6%MedicalVZVerizon Communications$2,370$75 ▼-3.1%59,2600.5%Computer and TechnologyMCKMcKesson$2,322$26 ▼-1.1%4,0740.5%MedicalTSLATesla$2,303$9 ▼-0.4%5,7040.5%Auto/Tires/TrucksOVBCOhio Valley Banc$2,298$2,298 ▲New Holding94,9090.5%FinanceFIFiserv$2,282$2,282 ▲New Holding11,1080.5%Business ServicesCVXChevron$2,168$2,168 ▲New Holding14,9650.5%Oils/EnergyAMGNAmgen$2,086$117 ▼-5.3%8,0020.5%MedicalHDViShares Core High Dividend ETF$2,065$1,542 ▲294.9%18,3910.4%ETFPWRQuanta Services$2,035$40 ▼-1.9%6,4380.4%ConstructionPRUPrudential Financial$2,024$2,024 ▲New Holding17,0730.4%FinanceORCLOracle$1,908$262 ▼-12.1%11,4480.4%Computer and TechnologyAXPAmerican Express$1,822$58 ▼-3.1%6,1390.4%FinanceBMYBristol-Myers Squibb$1,809$1,809 ▲New Holding31,9870.4%MedicalMARMarriott International$1,808$1,808 ▲New Holding6,4810.4%Consumer DiscretionaryTFCTruist Financial$1,795$668 ▲59.2%41,3870.4%FinancePGProcter & Gamble$1,785$1,785 ▲New Holding10,6470.4%Consumer StaplesEXCExelon$1,757$885 ▲101.4%46,6740.4%UtilitiesLOWLowe's Companies$1,653$1,653 ▲New Holding6,6980.4%Retail/WholesaleKVUEKenvue$1,649$303 ▲22.6%77,2430.4%Consumer StaplesDEDeere & Company$1,599$1,599 ▲New Holding3,7740.3%Industrial ProductsPLDPrologis$1,595$680 ▲74.2%15,0910.3%FinanceCOSTCostco Wholesale$1,540$165 ▼-9.7%1,6810.3%Retail/WholesaleROPRoper Technologies$1,519$1,519 ▲New Holding2,9220.3%Computer and TechnologyTMOThermo Fisher Scientific$1,502$1,502 ▲New Holding2,8870.3%MedicalBROOKFIELD RENEWABLE CORP$1,475$1,475 ▲New Holding53,3170.3%CL A EX SUB VTGJNJJohnson & Johnson$1,410$1,410 ▲New Holding9,7480.3%MedicalBRK.BBerkshire Hathaway$1,373$320 ▲30.4%3,0300.3%FinanceMASMasco$1,318$1,318 ▲New Holding18,1610.3%ConstructionCCitigroup$1,297$1,297 ▲New Holding18,4300.3%FinanceNVSNovartis$1,250$3 ▼-0.2%12,8410.3%MedicalAREAlexandria Real Estate Equities$1,245$44 ▼-3.4%12,7660.3%FinanceULUnilever$1,242$1,242 ▲New Holding21,8960.3%Consumer StaplesENBEnbridge$1,229$157 ▲14.6%28,9620.3%Oils/EnergyDALDelta Air Lines$1,195$1,195 ▲New Holding19,7560.3%TransportationLLYEli Lilly and Company$1,188$1,188 ▲New Holding1,5390.3%MedicalFFord Motor$1,179$1,179 ▲New Holding119,1250.3%Auto/Tires/TrucksKHCKraft Heinz$1,163$1,163 ▲New Holding37,8600.3%Consumer StaplesQCOMQUALCOMM$1,153$1,153 ▲New Holding7,5080.3%Computer and TechnologyNEPNextera Energy Partners$1,149$112 ▲10.8%64,5580.3%Oils/EnergyTXNTexas Instruments$1,131$1,131 ▲New Holding6,0310.2%Computer and TechnologyTEAFEcofin Sustainable and Social Impact Term Fund$1,120$365 ▼-24.6%93,3440.2%Financial ServicesHTGCHercules Capital$1,120$1,120 ▲New Holding55,7480.2%FinanceHPQHP$1,118$11 ▲1.0%34,2700.2%Computer and TechnologyTTETotalEnergies$1,110$23 ▲2.1%20,3690.2%Oils/EnergyAGGiShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF$1,096$1,096 ▲New Holding11,3120.2%FinanceQUALiShares MSCI USA Quality Factor ETF$1,0780.0%6,0510.2%ETFDISWalt Disney$1,076$1,076 ▲New Holding9,6620.2%Consumer DiscretionaryUNHUnitedHealth Group$1,067$51 ▲5.0%2,1100.2%MedicalHASIHannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital$1,064$57 ▲5.7%39,6490.2%FinanceHUBBHubbell$1,061$1,061 ▲New Holding2,5320.2%Industrial ProductsMAAMid-America Apartment Communities$1,045$19 ▲1.8%6,7600.2%FinanceBACBank of America$1,032$55 ▲5.6%23,4800.2%FinanceADBEAdobe$1,005$103 ▲11.4%2,2590.2%Computer and TechnologyNUENucor$989$989 ▲New Holding8,4780.2%Basic MaterialsCWENClearway Energy$966$7 ▲0.8%37,1380.2%Oils/EnergyAMDAdvanced Micro Devices$954$153 ▲19.0%7,9000.2%Computer and TechnologyITOTiShares Core S&P Total U.S. Stock Market ETF$930$930 ▲New Holding7,2320.2%ETFIWBiShares Russell 1000 ETF$881$881 ▲New Holding2,7350.2%ETFSPYSPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust$874$874 ▲New Holding1,4910.2%FinanceLAM RESEARCH CORP$865$865 ▲New Holding11,9740.2%COM NEWGBDCGolub Capital BDC$844$1,996 ▼-70.3%55,6850.2%FinanceUGIUGI$833$833 ▲New Holding29,5140.2%UtilitiesMTDMettler-Toledo International$827$827 ▲New Holding6760.2%MedicalORealty Income$794$794 ▲New Holding14,8600.2%FinanceTGTTarget$787$22 ▼-2.8%5,8190.2%Retail/WholesaleHOLXHologic$782$782 ▲New Holding10,8500.2%MedicalBPBP$781$781 ▲New Holding26,4300.2%Oils/EnergyGNRCGenerac$775$775 ▲New Holding5,0010.2%Industrial ProductsAIQGlobal X Future Analytics Tech ETF$773$165 ▲27.1%20,0150.2%ETFVOOVanguard S&P 500 ETF$770$770 ▲New Holding1,4300.2%ETFCCICrown Castle$747$112 ▼-13.0%8,2280.2%FinanceUPSUnited Parcel Service$744$744 ▲New Holding5,9000.2%TransportationADPAutomatic Data Processing$715$715 ▲New Holding2,4430.2%Business ServicesShowing largest 100 holdings. 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