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Bank of Commerce Holdings stock logo
Bank of Commerce
$254.20M0.69113,111 shs431,073 shs
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Bank of Commerce
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Bank of Commerce
CompanyConsensus Rating ScoreConsensus RatingConsensus Price Target% Upside from Current Price
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Bank of Commerce
CompanyAnnual RevenuePrice/SalesCashflowPrice/CashBook ValuePrice/Book
Bank of Commerce Holdings stock logo
Bank of Commerce
$64.13M3.96$1.04 per share14.63$10.59 per share1.43
CompanyNet IncomeEPSTrailing P/E RatioForward P/E RatioP/E GrowthNet MarginsReturn on Equity (ROE)Return on Assets (ROA)Next Earnings Date
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Bank of Commerce
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Bank of Commerce
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Bank of Commerce

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Bank of Commerce

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Bank of Commerce
CompanyEmployeesShares OutstandingFree FloatOptionable
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Bank of Commerce
20616.76 million15.77 millionOptionable

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Bank of Commerce stock logo

Bank of Commerce NASDAQ:BOCH

Bank of Commerce Holdings engages in the provision of community banking and financial services. Its principal deposit products include the following types of accounts: checking, interest-bearing checking, money market, savings and certificates of deposit. The firm also offers sweep arrangements, commercial, construction, term and consumer loans, safe deposit boxes, and electronic banking services. It serves businesses, non-profit organizations, professional service providers, and consumers in northern California. The company was founded on January 21, 1982 and is headquartered in Sacramento, CA.