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Blink Charging
$99.15M2.864.96 million shs12.27 million shs
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Blink Charging
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Blink Charging
2.0191 of 5 stars
CompanyConsensus Rating ScoreConsensus RatingConsensus Price Target% Upside from Current Price
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Blink Charging
Hold$5.09419.13% Upside

Current Analyst Ratings Breakdown

Latest BLNK Analyst Ratings

DateCompanyBrokerageActionRatingPrice TargetDetails
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Blink Charging
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Lower Price TargetEqual Weight ➝ Equal Weight$3.00 ➝ $1.50
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Blink Charging
UBS Group
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Lower Price TargetNeutral ➝ Neutral$2.00 ➝ $1.70
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Blink Charging
Needham & Company LLC
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Reiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy
(Data available from 3/13/2022 forward. View 10+ years of historical ratings with our analyst ratings screener.)
CompanyAnnual RevenuePrice/SalesCashflowPrice/CashBook ValuePrice/Book
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Blink Charging
$136.93M0.72$0.12 per share8.16$3.12 per share0.31
CompanyNet IncomeEPSTrailing P/E RatioForward P/E RatioP/E GrowthNet MarginsReturn on Equity (ROE)Return on Assets (ROA)Next Earnings Date
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Blink Charging
-$203.69M-$1.51N/AN/AN/A-104.02%-25.50%-17.81%3/13/2025 (Estimated)

Latest BLNK Earnings

DateQuarterCompanyConsensus EstimateReported EPSBeat/MissGap EPSRevenue EstimateActual RevenueDetails
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Blink Charging
-$0.17N/AN/AN/A$30.77 millionN/A
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Blink Charging
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Blink Charging

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Blink Charging

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Blink Charging
CompanyEmployeesShares OutstandingFree FloatOptionable
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Blink Charging
200101.18 million94.60 millionOptionable

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Blink Charging NASDAQ:BLNK

$0.98 -0.03 (-2.97%)
Closing price 03/12/2025 04:00 PM Eastern
Extended Trading
$0.98 0.00 (-0.10%)
As of 03/12/2025 07:28 PM Eastern
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Blink Charging Co., through its subsidiaries, owns, operates, manufactures, and provides electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and networked EV charging services in the United States and internationally. The company offers residential and commercial EV charging equipment that enable EV drivers to recharge at various location types. It also provides Blink Network, a cloud-based system that operates, maintains, and manages various Blink charging stations and associated charging data, back-end operations, and payment processing, as well as offers fleets, property owners, managers, parking companies, and state and municipal entities with cloud-based services that enable the remote monitoring and management of EV charging stations; and EV drivers with station information, including station location, availability, and applicable fees. In addition, the company offers EV charging hardware, software services, and service plans. It has strategic partnerships across transit/destination locations, including airports, auto dealers, healthcare/medicals, hotels, mixed-use and municipal locations, multifamily residential and condos, parks and recreation areas, parking lots, religious institutions, restaurants, retailers, schools and universities, stadiums, supermarkets, transportation hubs, and workplace locations. Blink Charging Co. was founded in 2009 and is headquartered in Bowie, Maryland.