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Bionano Genomics
$9.87M2.24242,837 shs51,172 shs
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1.397 of 5 stars
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Hold$90.002,393.07% Upside

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Bionano Genomics
$33.33M0.30N/AN/A$125.85 per share0.03
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Bionano Genomics
-$232.49M-$138.92N/AN/A-407.34%-154.45%-80.78%5/6/2025 (Estimated)
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Bionano Genomics
3002.73 million1.92 millionOptionable

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Bionano Genomics NASDAQ:BNGO

$3.61 -0.06 (-1.63%)
Closing price 03/12/2025 04:00 PM Eastern
Extended Trading
$3.59 -0.02 (-0.55%)
As of 03/12/2025 07:26 PM Eastern
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Bionano Genomics, Inc. provides genome analysis software that enables genomics labs to analyze and interpret data across a range of platforms to generate informative data visualizations for streamlined and simple reporting of causal variants. It offers Saphyr, a sample-to-result solution for structural variation analysis by optical genome mapping for genome analysis and understanding of genetic variation and function; Saphyr instrument, a single-molecule imager; Saphyr Chip, a consumable that packages the nanochannel arrays for DNA linearization; and Bionano Prep Kits and DNA labeling kits, which provide the reagents and protocols for extracting and labeling ultra-high molecular weight DNA. The company also provides Saphyr and Bionano compute servers; and VIA software, which offers one system for analysis and interpretation of genomic variants from microarray and next-generation sequencing data for cytogenetics and molecular genetics. In addition, it offers testing and laboratory services comprising FirstStepDx PLUS, a chromosomal microarray for identifying an underlying genetic cause in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, developmental delay, and intellectual disability; Fragile X syndrome (FXS) testing services; NextStepDx PLUS, a exome sequencing test to identify genetic variants that are associated with disorders of childhood development; OGM-Dx HemeOne testing; OGM-Dx FSHD, a test for individuals suspected of having FSHD type 1; and OGM-Dx Postnatal Whole Genome SV and OGM-Dx Prenatal Whole Genome SV for comprehensive testing. Bionano Genomics, Inc. was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in San Diego, California.