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Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
$84.16M2.63244,187 shs173,183 shs
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Corbus Pharmaceuticals
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Corbus Pharmaceuticals
3.8705 of 5 stars
CompanyConsensus Rating ScoreConsensus RatingConsensus Price Target% Upside from Current Price
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
Buy$59.13755.64% Upside

Current Analyst Ratings Breakdown

Latest CRBP Analyst Ratings

DateCompanyBrokerageActionRatingPrice TargetDetails
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
Subscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy rating
Reiterated RatingOutperform$51.00
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
HC Wainwright
Subscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy rating
Reiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$75.00 ➝ $50.00
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
Jefferies Financial Group
Subscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy rating
Lower Price TargetBuy ➝ Buy$70.00 ➝ $53.00
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
William Blair
Subscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy rating
Initiated CoverageOutperform
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
HC Wainwright
Subscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy rating
Reiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$75.00 ➝ $75.00
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
HC Wainwright
Subscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy rating
Reiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$80.00 ➝ $75.00
(Data available from 3/13/2022 forward. View 10+ years of historical ratings with our analyst ratings screener.)
CompanyAnnual RevenuePrice/SalesCashflowPrice/CashBook ValuePrice/Book
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
N/AN/AN/AN/A($1.56) per shareN/A
CompanyNet IncomeEPSTrailing P/E RatioForward P/E RatioP/E GrowthNet MarginsReturn on Equity (ROE)Return on Assets (ROA)Next Earnings Date
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
-$44.60M-$4.69N/AN/AN/AN/A-42.28%-32.92%5/6/2025 (Estimated)

Latest CRBP Earnings

DateQuarterCompanyConsensus EstimateReported EPSBeat/MissGap EPSRevenue EstimateActual RevenueDetails
3/11/2025Q4 2024
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
CompanyAnnual PayoutDividend Yield3-Year Dividend GrowthPayout RatioYears of Consecutive Growth
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
CompanyDebt-to-Equity RatioCurrent RatioQuick Ratio
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals

Institutional Ownership

CompanyInstitutional Ownership
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals

Insider Ownership

CompanyInsider Ownership
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
CompanyEmployeesShares OutstandingFree FloatOptionable
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. stock logo
Corbus Pharmaceuticals
4012.18 million11.69 millionOptionable

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Corbus Pharmaceuticals stock logo

Corbus Pharmaceuticals NASDAQ:CRBP

$6.91 +0.03 (+0.44%)
Closing price 03/12/2025 04:00 PM Eastern
Extended Trading
$6.94 +0.02 (+0.36%)
As of 03/12/2025 07:28 PM Eastern
Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Learn more.

Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, develops products to defeat serious illness. It develops CRB-701, an antibody drug conjugate (ADC) that targets the expression of Nectin-4 on cancer cells to release a cytotoxic payload of monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE), which is in Phase I clinical trial; CRB-601, an anti-integrin monoclonal antibody that blocks the activation of TGFß expressed on cancer cells for the treatment of solid tumors; CRB-913, a peripherally restricted cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) receptor inverse agonist for the treatment of obesity. It has a licensing agreement with Jenrin Discovery, LLC to develop and commercialize the licensed products, including the Jenrin library of approximately 600 compounds, and multiple issued and pending patent filings. The company was incorporated in 2009 and is based in Norwood, Massachusetts.