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Haynes International, Inc. stock logo
Haynes International
$779.45M1.39144,936 shs1.04 million shs
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Haynes International
3.0171 of 5 stars
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Haynes International
CompanyAnnual RevenuePrice/SalesCashflowPrice/CashBook ValuePrice/Book
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Haynes International
$589.96M1.32$4.76 per share12.82$34.11 per share1.79
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Haynes International
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Haynes International
1,28412.78 million12.01 millionOptionable

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Haynes International stock logo

Haynes International NASDAQ:HAYN

Haynes International, Inc. develops, manufactures, markets, and distributes nickel and cobalt-based alloys in sheet, coil, and plate forms in the United States, Europe, China, and internationally. The company offers high-temperature resistant alloys used by manufacturers of equipment, including jet engines for the aerospace market, gas turbine engines for power generation, and industrial heating equipment. It also provides corrosion-resistant alloys used in various applications, including chemical processing, power plant emissions control, and hazardous waste treatment. In addition, its products also have applications in flue-gas desulfurization, oil and gas, waste incineration, industrial heat treating, automotive, thermocouples, sensors and instrumentation, biopharmaceuticals, solar, and nuclear fuel. Further, the company produces its products in various forms, such as seamless and welded tubulars, slab, bar, billet, and wire. Additionally, it sells its products primarily through direct sales organizations, and network of independent distributors and sales agents. Haynes International, Inc. was founded in 1912 and is headquartered in Kokomo, Indiana.