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Stocks to Compare Sections All Sections Selected Performance Chart Price & Volume MarketRank Analyst Ratings Sales & Book Value Profitability & Earnings Dividends Debt Ownership Miscellaneous Headlines About Compare NYSE:ENOVNASDAQ:IRMDNASDAQ:SLNONASDAQ:TMDX On This Page Performance ChartPrice & VolumeMarketRank™Analyst RatingsSales & Book ValueProfitability & EarningsDividendsDebtOwnershipMiscellaneousHeadlinesAbout Comparison Ideas Stock Ideas Comparative Price Performance Over Time1 day7 days30 days90 days365 daysCompare Price & VolumeCompanyCurrent Price50-Day Moving Average52-Week RangeMarket CapBetaAvg. VolumeToday's VolumeENOVEnovis$39.39-1.5%$42.51$35.14▼$62.79$2.24B2.05673,151 shs590,102 shsIRMDIradimed$52.96+0.2%$56.44$40.18▼$63.29$673.39M0.8343,386 shs27,431 shsSLNOSoleno Therapeutics$50.05-0.2%$48.01$36.61▼$60.92$2.30B-1.7538,294 shs1.63 million shsTMDXTransMedics Group$70.79-1.0%$68.43$55.00▼$177.37$2.38B2.121.31 million shs464,957 shsThe 10 Best AI Stocks to Own in 2025Wondering where to start (or end) with AI stocks? These 10 simple stocks can help investors build long-term wealth as artificial intelligence continues to grow into the future.Get This Free ReportCompare Price PerformanceCompany1-Day Performance7-Day Performance30-Day Performance90-Day Performance1-Year PerformanceENOVEnovis-1.55%+1.03%-7.89%-10.38%-34.65%IRMDIradimed+0.19%+1.75%-5.83%-2.31%+23.31%SLNOSoleno Therapeutics-0.18%-0.12%+8.50%+11.79%+20.11%TMDXTransMedics Group-0.95%+2.61%-1.61%+10.78%-0.39%Remove AdsCompare MarketRank™CompanyOverall ScoreAnalyst's OpinionShort Interest ScoreDividend StrengthESG ScoreNews and Social Media SentimentCompany OwnershipEarnings & ValuationENOVEnovis2.828 of 5 stars3. of 5 stars3. Therapeutics4.4362 of 5 stars3. Group3.051 of 5 stars3. Analyst ForecastsCompanyConsensus Rating ScoreConsensus RatingConsensus Price Target% Upside from Current PriceENOVEnovis 2.75Moderate Buy$58.5048.51% UpsideIRMDIradimed 3.00Buy$72.0035.95% UpsideSLNOSoleno Therapeutics 3.29Buy$71.2042.26% UpsideTMDXTransMedics Group 2.82Moderate Buy$122.7073.33% UpsideCurrent Analyst Ratings BreakdownLatest IRMD, TMDX, SLNO, and ENOV Analyst RatingsDateCompanyBrokerageActionRatingPrice TargetDetails3/11/2025TMDXTransMedics GroupCanaccord Genuity GroupSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$104.00 ➝ $104.003/5/2025SLNOSoleno TherapeuticsStifel NicolausSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingInitiated CoverageBuy$74.003/3/2025SLNOSoleno TherapeuticsHC WainwrightSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$70.00 ➝ $70.002/27/2025ENOVEnovisNeedham & Company LLCSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingLower Price TargetBuy ➝ Buy$65.00 ➝ $64.002/14/2025IRMDIradimedRoth MkmSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$60.00 ➝ $72.002/5/2025TMDXTransMedics GroupNeedham & Company LLCSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingHold ➝ Hold2/4/2025SLNOSoleno TherapeuticsLifesci CapitalSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingUpgradeStrong-Buy(Data available from 3/26/2022 forward. View 10+ years of historical ratings with our analyst ratings screener.)Compare Sales & Book ValueCompanyAnnual RevenuePrice/SalesCashflowPrice/CashBook ValuePrice/BookENOVEnovis$2.11B1.06$5.74 per share6.86$62.66 per share0.63IRMDIradimed$73.24M9.19$1.32 per share40.12$5.66 per share9.36SLNOSoleno TherapeuticsN/AN/AN/AN/A$5.16 per shareN/ATMDXTransMedics Group$441.54M5.40$0.13 per share530.08$4.20 per share16.85Compare Profitability & EarningsCompanyNet IncomeEPSTrailing P/E RatioForward P/E RatioP/E GrowthNet MarginsReturn on Equity (ROE)Return on Assets (ROA)Next Earnings DateENOVEnovis-$33.26M-$14.29N/A12.35N/A-5.95%4.39%2.80%5/1/2025 (Estimated)IRMDIradimed$19.23M$1.5035.3126.48N/A26.26%24.12%21.20%5/1/2025 (Estimated)SLNOSoleno Therapeutics-$38.99M-$4.26N/AN/AN/AN/A-61.99%-55.21%5/8/2025 (Estimated)TMDXTransMedics Group-$25.03M$1.0175.3149.50N/A8.14%18.74%4.39%4/29/2025 (Estimated)Latest IRMD, TMDX, SLNO, and ENOV EarningsDateQuarterCompanyConsensus EstimateReported EPSBeat/MissGap EPSRevenue EstimateActual RevenueDetails3/5/2025Q4 2024SLNOSoleno Therapeutics-$0.86-$1.27-$0.41-$1.27N/AN/A2/26/2025Q4 2024ENOVEnovis$0.92$0.98+$0.06-$12.05$555.14 million$560.98 million2/13/2025Q4 2024IRMDIradimed$0.45$0.40-$0.05$0.40$19.09 million$19.39 millionCompare DividendsCompanyAnnual PayoutDividend Yield3-Year Dividend GrowthPayout RatioYears of Consecutive GrowthENOVEnovisN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AIRMDIradimed$0.681.28%N/A45.33%N/ASLNOSoleno TherapeuticsN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ATMDXTransMedics GroupN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ALatest IRMD, TMDX, SLNO, and ENOV DividendsAnnouncementCompanyPeriodAmountYieldEx-Dividend DateRecord DatePayable Date2/6/2025IRMDIradimedquarterly$0.171.1%2/24/20252/24/20253/5/2025(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)Compare DebtCompanyDebt-to-Equity RatioCurrent RatioQuick RatioENOVEnovis0.402.271.12IRMDIradimedN/A9.217.82SLNOSoleno TherapeuticsN/A17.2617.26TMDXTransMedics Group2.428.207.33Compare OwnershipInstitutional OwnershipCompanyInstitutional OwnershipENOVEnovis98.45%IRMDIradimed92.34%SLNOSoleno Therapeutics97.42%TMDXTransMedics Group99.67%Insider OwnershipCompanyInsider OwnershipENOVEnovis2.40%IRMDIradimed37.10%SLNOSoleno Therapeutics12.30%TMDXTransMedics Group7.00%Compare Miscellaneous StatsCompanyEmployeesShares OutstandingFree FloatOptionableENOVEnovis6,55056.96 million55.49 millionOptionableIRMDIradimed11012.72 million7.97 millionOptionableSLNOSoleno Therapeutics3045.86 million37.81 millionOptionableTMDXTransMedics Group21033.66 million31.21 millionOptionableIRMD, TMDX, SLNO, and ENOV HeadlinesRecent News About These CompaniesTransMedics Group (TMDX) Shares Down 60% From Class Period High, Class-Action Suit Pending - Hagens BermanMarch 26 at 1:10 AM | markets.businessinsider.comLevi & Korsinsky Reminds Shareholders of a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of April 15, 2025 in TransMedics Lawsuit - TMDXMarch 25 at 9:30 PM | accessnewswire.comLost Money on TransMedics Group, Inc.(TMDX)? Join Class Action Suit Seeking Recovery - Contact Levi & KorsinskyMarch 25 at 7:30 PM | accessnewswire.comROSEN, A HIGHLY RECOGNIZED LAW FIRM, Encourages TransMedics Group, Inc. Investors to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action Commenced by the Firm - TMDXMarch 25 at 7:00 PM | accessnewswire.comContact Levi & Korsinsky by April 15, 2025 Deadline to Join Class Action Against TransMedics Group, Inc. (TMDX)March 25 at 6:45 PM | accessnewswire.comShareholders that lost money on TransMedics Group, Inc.(TMDX) Urged to Join Class Action - Contact Levi & Korsinsky to Learn MoreMarch 25 at 5:52 PM | prnewswire.comTransMedics Group (TMDX) Missed Expectations Due to SeasonalityMarch 25 at 4:03 PM | msn.comTMDX LAWSUIT ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky Notifies TransMedics Group, Inc. Investors of a Class Action Lawsuit and Upcoming DeadlineMarch 25 at 3:45 PM | accessnewswire.comTMDX SHAREHOLDERS: The April 15 TransMedics Group Class Action Deadline is Approaching - Contact BFA Law if You Suffered Losses on Your InvestmentMarch 25 at 3:22 PM | accessnewswire.comTransMedics Group, Inc. Class Action: Levi & Korsinsky Reminds TransMedics Investors of the Pending Class Action Lawsuit with a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of April 15, 2025 - TMDXMarch 25 at 12:30 PM | accessnewswire.comROSEN, LEADING INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages TransMedics Group, Inc. Investors to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action Commenced by the Firm – TMDXMarch 25 at 12:11 PM | globenewswire.comINVESTOR ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Reminds Investors with Losses on their Investment in TransMedics Group, Inc of Class Action Lawsuit and Upcoming Deadlines - TMDXMarch 25 at 10:00 AM | prnewswire.comTMDX SHAREHOLDER NEWS: BFA Law Reminds TransMedics Group Investors to Contact the Firm before the April 15 Class Action DeadlineMarch 25 at 7:34 AM | markets.businessinsider.comInvestors in TransMedics Group, Inc. Should Contact Levi & Korsinsky Before April 15, 2025 to Discuss Your Rights - TMDXMarch 25 at 7:25 AM | accessnewswire.comTMDX INVESTOR ALERT: Bronstein, Gewirtz and Grossman, LLC Announces that TransMedics Group, Inc. Investors with Substantial Losses Have Opportunity to Lead Class Action Lawsuit!March 25 at 7:00 AM | accessnewswire.comShareholders that lost money on TransMedics Group, Inc.(TMDX) should contact Levi & Korsinsky about pending Class Action - TMDXMarch 24 at 7:30 PM | accessnewswire.comTransMedics Group, Inc. Sued for Securities Law Violations - Investors Should Contact Levi & Korsinsky for More Information - TMDXMarch 24 at 7:00 PM | accessnewswire.comINVESTOR ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Reminds Investors with Losses on their Investment in TransMedics Group, Inc of Class Action Lawsuit and Upcoming Deadlines - TMDXMarch 24 at 7:00 PM | accessnewswire.comTMDX Investors Have Opportunity to Lead TransMedics Group, Inc. Securities Fraud Lawsuit Filed by The Rosen Law FirmMarch 24 at 6:14 PM | prnewswire.comLevi & Korsinsky Notifies Shareholders of TransMedics Group, Inc.(TMDX) of a Class Action Lawsuit and an Upcoming DeadlineMarch 24 at 5:00 PM | accessnewswire.comTransMedics Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:TMDX) Shares Purchased by Emerald Advisers LLCMarch 24 at 7:08 AM | marketbeat.comNew MarketBeat Followers Over TimeMedia Sentiment Over TimeIRMD, TMDX, SLNO, and ENOV Company DescriptionsEnovis NYSE:ENOV$39.39 -0.61 (-1.53%) As of 03/25/2025 03:58 PM EasternEnovis Corporation operates as a medical technology company focus on developing clinically differentiated solutions worldwide. It also manufactures and distributes medical devices which are used for reconstructive surgery, rehabilitation, pain management, and physical therapy. The company operates through Prevention and Recovery, and Reconstructive segments. Its Prevention and Recovery segment offers orthopedic solutions and recovery sciences including rigid and soft orthopedic bracing, hot and cold therapy, bone growth stimulators, vascular therapy systems and compression garments, therapeutic shoes and inserts, electrical stimulators management, and physical therapy products which are used by orthopedic specialists, surgeons, primary care physicians, pain management specialists, physical therapists, podiatrists, chiropractors, athletic trainers, and other healthcare professionals. The company's Reconstructive segment operates surgical implant business, which includes a suite of reconstructive joint products for the hip, knee, shoulder, elbow, foot, ankle, and finger, as well as surgical productivity tools. The company distributes its products through independent distributors and directly under the ESAB and DJO brands. Enovis Corporation was formerly known as Colfax Corporation. The company was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware.Iradimed NASDAQ:IRMD$52.96 +0.10 (+0.19%) As of 03/25/2025 04:00 PM EasternIRadimed Corp. engages in the development, manufacture, marketing, and distribution of Magnetic Resonance Imaging compatible medical devices. It also provides a non-magnetic Intravenous infusion pump system that is specifically designed for use during MRI procedures. The company was founded by Roger Susi in July 1992 and is headquartered in Winter Springs, FL.Soleno Therapeutics NASDAQ:SLNO$50.05 -0.09 (-0.18%) Closing price 03/25/2025 04:00 PM EasternExtended Trading$51.20 +1.16 (+2.31%) As of 03/25/2025 07:54 PM Eastern Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Learn more.Soleno Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, focuses on the development and commercialization of novel therapeutics for the treatment of rare diseases. Its lead candidate is Diazoxide Choline Extended-Release tablets, a once-daily oral tablet, which is in Phase III clinical trials for the treatment of Prader-Willi Syndrome. The company was formerly known as Capnia, Inc. and changed its name to Soleno Therapeutics, Inc. in May 2017. Soleno Therapeutics, Inc. was incorporated in 1999 and is based in Redwood City, California.TransMedics Group NASDAQ:TMDX$70.79 -0.68 (-0.95%) Closing price 03/25/2025 04:00 PM EasternExtended Trading$70.00 -0.79 (-1.11%) As of 03/25/2025 08:00 PM Eastern Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Learn more.TransMedics Group, Inc., a commercial-stage medical technology company, engages in transforming organ transplant therapy for end-stage organ failure patients in the United States and internationally. The company offers Organ Care System (OCS), a portable organ perfusion, optimization, and monitoring system that utilizes its proprietary and customized technology to replicate near-physiologic conditions for donor organs outside of the human body. Its OCS includes OCS LUNG for the preservation of standard criteria donor lungs for double-lung transplantation; OCS Heart, a technology for preservation of DBD donor hearts deemed unsuitable due to limitations of cold storage and for ex vivo reanimation, functional monitoring, and beating-heart preservation of donation-after-circulatory-death hearts; and OCS Liver for the preservation of DBD and DCD of donor livers. The company also developed national OCS program, a turnkey solution for outsourced organ retrieval; and provides OCS organ management and logistics services, including aviation and ground transportation, and other coordination activity. The company was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in Andover, Massachusetts. 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