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CompanyCurrent Price50-Day Moving Average52-Week RangeMarket CapBetaAvg. VolumeToday's Volume
Bowlero Corp. stock logo
$1.49B0.7796,863 shs574,776 shs
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
$1.42B0.76526,973 shs485,384 shs
NIP Group Inc. stock logo
NIP Group
$56.06MN/A145,487 shs391,158 shs
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment
$1.11B1.39826,195 shs1.23 million shs
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Company1-Day Performance7-Day Performance30-Day Performance90-Day Performance1-Year Performance
Bowlero Corp. stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
NIP Group Inc. stock logo
NIP Group
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment
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CompanyOverall ScoreAnalyst's OpinionShort Interest ScoreDividend StrengthESG ScoreNews and Social Media SentimentCompany OwnershipEarnings & Valuation
Bowlero Corp. stock logo
2.431 of 5 stars
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
2.0695 of 5 stars
NIP Group Inc. stock logo
NIP Group
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment
2.8701 of 5 stars
CompanyConsensus Rating ScoreConsensus RatingConsensus Price Target% Upside from Current Price
Bowlero Corp. stock logo
Moderate Buy$15.8957.00% Upside
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
Hold$12.0020.97% Upside
NIP Group Inc. stock logo
NIP Group
Buy$12.001,100.00% Upside
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment
Hold$46.7551.42% Upside

Current Analyst Ratings Breakdown

Latest NIPG, LUCK, BOWL, and SPHR Analyst Ratings

DateCompanyBrokerageActionRatingPrice TargetDetails
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment
Subscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy rating
Lower Price TargetNeutral ➝ Neutral$45.00 ➝ $40.00
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Subscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy rating
Lower Price TargetOverweight ➝ Overweight$57.00 ➝ $54.00
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment
Subscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy rating
Reiterated RatingSell ➝ Sell
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Subscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy rating
Reiterated RatingOverweight ➝ Neutral$15.00 ➝ $12.00
NIP Group Inc. stock logo
NIP Group
Maxim Group
Subscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy rating
Initiated CoverageBuy$12.00
(Data available from 3/13/2022 forward. View 10+ years of historical ratings with our analyst ratings screener.)
CompanyAnnual RevenuePrice/SalesCashflowPrice/CashBook ValuePrice/Book
Bowlero Corp. stock logo
$1.19B1.25$0.78 per share12.96($1.20) per share-8.43
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
$1.18B1.20$0.84 per share11.86($1.26) per share-7.87
NIP Group Inc. stock logo
NIP Group
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment
$1.13B0.98$1.02 per share30.18$68.38 per share0.45
CompanyNet IncomeEPSTrailing P/E RatioForward P/E RatioP/E GrowthNet MarginsReturn on Equity (ROE)Return on Assets (ROA)Next Earnings Date
Bowlero Corp. stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
-$83.58M-$0.01N/A45.09N/A1.11%-35.76%1.68%5/5/2025 (Estimated)
NIP Group Inc. stock logo
NIP Group
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment
-$200.65M-$9.08N/AN/AN/A-32.76%-16.48%-8.30%5/9/2025 (Estimated)

Latest NIPG, LUCK, BOWL, and SPHR Earnings

DateQuarterCompanyConsensus EstimateReported EPSBeat/MissGap EPSRevenue EstimateActual RevenueDetails
2/5/2025Q2 2025
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
$0.06$0.06N/A$0.16$316.08 millionN/A
CompanyAnnual PayoutDividend Yield3-Year Dividend GrowthPayout RatioYears of Consecutive Growth
Bowlero Corp. stock logo
$0.222.17%N/AN/A N/A
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
$0.222.22%N/AN/A N/A
NIP Group Inc. stock logo
NIP Group
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment

Latest NIPG, LUCK, BOWL, and SPHR Dividends

AnnouncementCompanyPeriodAmountYieldEx-Dividend DateRecord DatePayable Date
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)
CompanyDebt-to-Equity RatioCurrent RatioQuick Ratio
Bowlero Corp. stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
NIP Group Inc. stock logo
NIP Group
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment

Institutional Ownership

CompanyInstitutional Ownership
Bowlero Corp. stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
NIP Group Inc. stock logo
NIP Group
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment

Insider Ownership

CompanyInsider Ownership
Bowlero Corp. stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
NIP Group Inc. stock logo
NIP Group
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment
CompanyEmployeesShares OutstandingFree FloatOptionable
Bowlero Corp. stock logo
11,374146.91 million29.53 millionNot Optionable
Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo
Lucky Strike Entertainment
11,374143.00 million28.74 millionN/A
NIP Group Inc. stock logo
NIP Group
N/A56.06 millionN/AN/A
Sphere Entertainment Co. stock logo
Sphere Entertainment
10,90035.79 million26.49 millionNot Optionable

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Bowlero stock logo


$10.12 +0.53 (+5.53%)
As of 03/12/2025

Bowlero Corp. operates bowling entertainment centers under the AMF, Bowlmor Lanes, and Bowlero brand names. The company also provides hosting and overseeing professional and non-professional bowling tournaments and related broadcasting. It operates bowling centers in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. The company is headquartered in Mechanicsville, Virginia.

Lucky Strike Entertainment stock logo

Lucky Strike Entertainment NYSE:LUCK

$9.92 -0.20 (-1.98%)
As of 03:58 PM Eastern

Lucky Strike Entertainment Corp. engages in operating bowling centers. It offers entertainment concepts with lounge seating, arcades, food and beverage offerings, and hosting and overseeing professional and non-professional bowling tournaments and related broadcasting. The company was founded by Thomas F. Shannon in 1997 and is headquartered in Mechanicsville, VA.

NIP Group stock logo


$1.00 -0.55 (-35.48%)
Closing price 04:00 PM Eastern
Extended Trading
$1.14 +0.14 (+13.60%)
As of 07:58 PM Eastern
Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Learn more.

Our mission is to create transformative esports experiences that entertain, inspire and connect fans across the globe. Our vision is to become the premier esports organization in the world. We are a leading esports organization with the most expansive global footprint by virtue of our operations across Asia, Europe and South America, according to the Frost & Sullivan Report. Among the top ten esports titles in the world in terms of prize pool, our wins in tier-1 world tournaments in CS:GO, Honor of Kings, Rainbow Six and FIFA represent more unique game titles with top-tier wins than any other esports organization as of January 31, 2023, according to the Frost & Sullivan Report. We were founded based on a passion for esports and belief that esports can create the same types of historical and legendary experiences and memories as traditional sports have for the past century. We operate two esports brands: Ninjas in Pyjamas and eStar Gaming. Ninjas in Pyjamas, our PC/console esports brand, was founded in 2000 in Sweden, while eStar Gaming, our mobile esports brand, was founded in 2014 in China. Competing at the highest levels in multiple esports titles over two decades, Ninjas in Pyjamas has earned recognition as one of the most storied, recognized and iconic brands in the esports world. At the same time, eStar Gaming, our mobile esports brand, is the top team in the Honor of Kings King Pro League (KPL), one of the most successful teams in KPL history in terms of titles and widely considered to be the most successful mobile esports team in the world, according to the Frost & Sullivan Report. We have a comprehensive portfolio of esports teams, competing at the highest level in video game titles such as League of Legends, CS: GO, Honor of Kings, Rainbow Six, Rocket League, Fortnite and Call of Duty Mobile. We believe that there is tremendous potential in what we refer to as the “esports+” model, with the first phase being competitive esports itself — building championship-caliber teams across the most popular esports titles. NIP Group is currently at the second phase of esports+, supplementing our competitive esports business with our talent management, event production, creative studios, and burgeoning advertising businesses to create a diverse and sustainable revenue stream driving our continued growth. Going forward, we believe that we are only limited by our imagination for the third phase of esports+, and are actively exploring opportunities in areas such as esports education and training, fan universe (B2C monetization and metaverse), digital collectibles, esports real estate and IP licensing. As of December 31, 2023, we have provided esports education related services to more than 12 educational institutions in cities including, among others, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Wuhan, Guiyang and Zhongshan, and we are aiming to bring our contents and services to 50 educational institutions across China by the end of 2025. We anticipate costs associated with our undertaking of esports education business to include staff costs as well as costs related to content development, professional training and brand building. We plan to finance our esports education business through capital contribution or shareholder loans. In addition, we have also entered into collaboration agreements with digital collectibles platforms in China, where digital collectibles featuring our IPs have been listed since November 2022. Costs associated with the collaborations consist mainly of the design, technical and operational service fees we paid to a third-party vendor for these digital collectibles. We incurred costs associated with digital collectibles of RMB32,715 in 2023. Aiming to create a global benchmark for esports+, we are also actively creating our proprietary IPs in the fields of fashion, art and metaverse. In 2022 and 2023, we launched over 20 IP collaborations with companies spanning the telecommunication, automobile, sportswear, and various other industries, introducing co-branded vehicles, peripherals, clothing, beauty products, beverages, and gift boxes. We also license companies to use the image, including AI and virtual image of our athletes for promotion. We are exploring new ways of IP collaborations leveraging our abundant resources, and expand into the fields of entertainment, education and tourism. To build our competitive edge, we are committed to give more unique attributes to our existing IPs, and will actively develop new IPs such as esports reality shows, series and movies, esports electronic festivals, exhibitions, fan arts and virtual idols, to meet the evolving market demand. As of the date of this prospectus, in addition to our current brand partners, we are negotiating potential collaborations with more than ten companies ranging over industries such as smart devices, energy drinks and dairy products, as well as companies with tourism and entertainment businesses. We expect to further expand our IP collaborations to 40 by 2025. We have not incurred any significant cost associated with our IP collaborations, nor do we expect there being material costs for our future initiatives. Currently, we are focused on developing talent for both our esports teams and greater roster of online entertainers. On the esports side, we have combined Ninjas in Pyjamas's 20-plus years of development experience as well as eStar Gaming's demonstrated success in the burgeoning competitive mobile games market in the past five years. Our talent management business also focuses on developing esports athletes to become successful online entertainers, extending their success in the esports world further to the entertainment world. In 2020, Jackson Wang, one of the world's most famous pop idols and one of the most followed male artists on Instagram, with approximately 33 million followers as of April 30, 2024, joined us as a partner and beneficial shareholder. We experienced robust growth in our net revenues, which increased from US$65.8 million in 2022 to US$83.7 million in 2023. Our gross profit also increased from US$3.7 million in 2022 to US$7.2 million in 2023, representing gross profit margins of 5.7% and 8.6% for the same years, respectively. Our principal executive offices are located at Rosenlundsgatan 31, 11 863, Stockholm, Sweden. Our registered office in the Cayman Islands is located at the offices of Osiris International Cayman Limited, Suite #4-210, Governors Square, 23 Lime Tree Bay Avenue, PO Box 32311, Grand Cayman KY1-1209, Cayman Islands. Our agent for service of process in the United States is Cogency Global Inc., located at 122 East 42nd Street, 18th Floor New York, NY.

Sphere Entertainment stock logo

Sphere Entertainment NYSE:SPHR

$30.87 -1.02 (-3.19%)
Closing price 03:59 PM Eastern
Extended Trading
$31.21 +0.34 (+1.09%)
As of 07:10 PM Eastern
Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Learn more.

Sphere Entertainment Co. engages in the entertainment business. It produces, presents, or hosts various live entertainment events, including concerts, family shows, and special events, as well as sporting events, such as professional boxing, college basketball and hockey, professional bull riding, mixed martial arts, and esports and wrestling in its venues, including The Garden, Hulu Theater, Radio City Music Hall, and the Beacon Theatre in New York City; and The Chicago Theatre. The company also operates entertainment dining and nightlife venues markets under the Tao, Marquee, Lavo, Beauty & Essex, Cathédrale, Hakkasan, and Omnia brand names. The company was formerly known as Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp. and changed its name to Sphere Entertainment Co. in April 2023. Sphere Entertainment Co. was founded in 2006 and is based in New York, New York.