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Stocks to Compare Sections All Sections Selected Performance Chart Price & Volume MarketRank Analyst Ratings Sales & Book Value Profitability & Earnings Dividends Debt Ownership Miscellaneous Headlines About Compare NASDAQ:NVDANASDAQ:RINGNASDAQ:SHLDNASDAQ:SMHNYSEARCA:SPMONYSEARCA:SPYNYSE:TSMNYSEARCA:VOO On This Page Performance ChartPrice & VolumeMarketRank™Analyst RatingsSales & Book ValueProfitability & EarningsDividendsDebtOwnershipMiscellaneousHeadlinesAbout Comparison Ideas Stock Ideas Comparative Price Performance Over Time1 day7 days30 days90 days365 daysCompare Price & VolumeCompanyCurrent Price50-Day Moving Average52-Week RangeMarket CapBetaAvg. VolumeToday's VolumeNVDANVIDIA$109.29-1.9%$125.57$75.61▼$153.13$2.67T1.77309.91 million shs56.98 million shsRINGiShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETF$38.33+0.4%$34.22$24.94▼$39.20$1.29B0.92252,416 shs70,499 shsSHLDVictoryShares Protect America ETF$47.52-0.1%$31.90$25.74▼$34.66$1.22B0.621,674 shs418,246 shsSMHVanEck Semiconductor ETF$213.26-2.1%$239.29$198.44▼$283.07$20.26B1.357.07 million shs1.35 million shsSPMOInvesco S&P 500 Momentum ETF$92.47-2.1%$98.49$74.40▼$103.44$5.16B0.93826,872 shs169,010 shsSPYSPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust$558.79-1.5%$589.61$493.86▼$613.23$593.09B1.0152.10 million shs9.76 million shsTSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing$165.63-1.6%$193.26$125.78▼$226.40$860.16B1.1315.02 million shs2.31 million shsVOOVanguard S&P 500 ETF$513.57-1.5%$542.29$453.90▼$563.92$1.45T1.015.60 million shs997,471 shs20 Stocks to Sell NowMarketBeat has just released its list of 20 stocks that Wall Street analysts hate. These companies may appear to have good fundamentals, but top analysts smell something seriously rotten. Are any of these companies lurking around your portfolio?Get This Free ReportCompare Price PerformanceCompany1-Day Performance7-Day Performance30-Day Performance90-Day Performance1-Year PerformanceNVDANVIDIA-2.05%-5.99%-12.00%-18.67%+23.47%RINGiShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETF+2.28%+1.54%+13.97%+34.26%+54.16%SHLDVictoryShares Protect America ETF-0.71%-1.94%+14.91%+24.31%+43.14%SMHVanEck Semiconductor ETF-1.92%-4.10%-8.60%-12.34%-3.17%SPMOInvesco S&P 500 Momentum ETF-0.86%+0.03%-4.58%-2.26%+17.72%SPYSPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust-0.27%+0.28%-4.57%-4.69%+8.39%TSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing-2.82%-5.01%-10.93%-16.34%+23.42%VOOVanguard S&P 500 ETF-0.62%+0.21%-4.61%-4.73%+8.39%Remove AdsCompare MarketRank™CompanyOverall ScoreAnalyst's OpinionShort Interest ScoreDividend StrengthESG ScoreNews and Social Media SentimentCompany OwnershipEarnings & ValuationNVDANVIDIA4.8674 of 5 stars4. MSCI Global Gold Miners ETFN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASHLDVictoryShares Protect America ETFN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASMHVanEck Semiconductor ETFN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASPMOInvesco S&P 500 Momentum ETFN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASPYSPDR S&P 500 ETF TrustN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ATSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing4.5817 of 5 stars3. S&P 500 ETFN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ACompare Analyst ForecastsCompanyConsensus Rating ScoreConsensus RatingConsensus Price Target% Upside from Current PriceNVDANVIDIA 2.98Moderate Buy$171.5156.94% UpsideRINGiShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETF 2.60Moderate Buy$38.17-0.41% DownsideSHLDVictoryShares Protect America ETF 2.49Hold$47.52N/ASMHVanEck Semiconductor ETF 2.75Moderate Buy$216.481.51% UpsideSPMOInvesco S&P 500 Momentum ETF 2.75Moderate Buy$92.520.05% UpsideSPYSPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust 2.71Moderate Buy$567.081.48% UpsideTSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 2.80Moderate Buy$220.0032.83% UpsideVOOVanguard S&P 500 ETF 2.71Moderate Buy$519.291.11% UpsideCurrent Analyst Ratings BreakdownLatest NVDA, TSM, SMH, RING, SHLD, SPMO, VOO, and SPY Analyst RatingsDateCompanyBrokerageActionRatingPrice TargetDetails3/20/2025NVDANVIDIADA DavidsonSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingLower Price TargetNeutral ➝ Neutral$135.00 ➝ $125.003/20/2025NVDANVIDIAWilliam BlairSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingOutperform3/19/2025NVDANVIDIAKeyCorpSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingSet Price Target$190.003/19/2025NVDANVIDIAMorgan StanleySubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingSet Price TargetOverweight ➝ Overweight$162.003/19/2025NVDANVIDIAStifel NicolausSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingSet Price Target$180.003/19/2025NVDANVIDIASusquehannaSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingPositive ➝ Positive$180.00 ➝ $180.003/19/2025NVDANVIDIACantor FitzgeraldSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingOverweight ➝ Overweight$200.00 ➝ $200.003/19/2025NVDANVIDIAKeyCorpSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingOverweight ➝ Overweight3/19/2025NVDANVIDIABank of AmericaSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$200.00 ➝ $200.003/19/2025NVDANVIDIABenchmarkSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$190.00 ➝ $190.002/18/2025TSMTaiwan Semiconductor ManufacturingNeedham & Company LLCSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$225.00 ➝ $225.00(Data available from 3/28/2022 forward. View 10+ years of historical ratings with our analyst ratings screener.)Compare Sales & Book ValueCompanyAnnual RevenuePrice/SalesCashflowPrice/CashBook ValuePrice/BookNVDANVIDIA$130.50B20.43$0.97 per share112.93$1.72 per share63.54RINGiShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETFN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASHLDVictoryShares Protect America ETFN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASMHVanEck Semiconductor ETFN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASPMOInvesco S&P 500 Momentum ETFN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASPYSPDR S&P 500 ETF TrustN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ATSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing$2.89T0.30$7.06 per share23.45$21.75 per share7.62VOOVanguard S&P 500 ETFN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ACompare Profitability & EarningsCompanyNet IncomeEPSTrailing P/E RatioForward P/E RatioP/E GrowthNet MarginsReturn on Equity (ROE)Return on Assets (ROA)Next Earnings DateNVDANVIDIA$29.76B$2.9443.1227.461.7655.69%114.83%76.61%5/28/2025 (Estimated)RINGiShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETFN/AN/A19.05∞N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASHLDVictoryShares Protect America ETFN/AN/A31.03∞N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASMHVanEck Semiconductor ETFN/AN/A31.46∞N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASPMOInvesco S&P 500 Momentum ETFN/AN/A24.89∞N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASPYSPDR S&P 500 ETF TrustN/AN/A24.94∞N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ATSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing$36.49B$7.0423.5615.020.6640.51%30.47%19.55%4/17/2025 (Estimated)VOOVanguard S&P 500 ETFN/AN/A25.26∞N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ALatest NVDA, TSM, SMH, RING, SHLD, SPMO, VOO, and SPY EarningsDateQuarterCompanyConsensus EstimateReported EPSBeat/MissGap EPSRevenue EstimateActual RevenueDetails4/17/2025N/ATSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing$2.02N/AN/AN/A$834.10 billionN/A2/26/2025Q4 2025NVDANVIDIA$0.84$0.89+$0.05$0.89$38.16 billion$39.33 billion1/16/2025Q4 2024TSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing$2.16$2.24+$0.08$2.24N/AN/ACompare DividendsCompanyAnnual PayoutDividend Yield3-Year Dividend GrowthPayout RatioYears of Consecutive GrowthNVDANVIDIA$0.040.04%+33.42%1.36%N/ARINGiShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETF$0.401.04%N/AN/AN/ASHLDVictoryShares Protect America ETF$0.200.42%N/AN/AN/ASMHVanEck Semiconductor ETF$1.070.50%N/AN/AN/ASPMOInvesco S&P 500 Momentum ETF$0.460.50%N/AN/AN/ASPYSPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust$7.071.27%N/AN/AN/ATSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing$2.161.30%+19.21%30.68%N/AVOOVanguard S&P 500 ETF$6.701.30%N/AN/AN/ALatest NVDA, TSM, SMH, RING, SHLD, SPMO, VOO, and SPY DividendsAnnouncementCompanyPeriodAmountYieldEx-Dividend DateRecord DatePayable Date2/13/2025TSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturingquarterly$0.68551%6/12/20256/12/20257/10/20252/26/2025NVDANVIDIAquarterly$0.010.03%3/12/20253/12/20254/2/20251/16/2025VOOVanguard S&P 500 ETF$1.81213/27/20253/27/20253/31/20251/14/2025SPMOInvesco S&P 500 Momentum ETF$0.17943/24/20253/24/20253/28/20251/14/2025SPMOInvesco S&P 500 Momentum ETF$0.17943/24/20253/24/20253/28/2025(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)Compare DebtCompanyDebt-to-Equity RatioCurrent RatioQuick RatioNVDANVIDIA0.134.103.64RINGiShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETFN/AN/AN/ASHLDVictoryShares Protect America ETFN/AN/AN/ASMHVanEck Semiconductor ETFN/AN/AN/ASPMOInvesco S&P 500 Momentum ETFN/AN/AN/ASPYSPDR S&P 500 ETF TrustN/AN/AN/ATSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing0.242.572.30VOOVanguard S&P 500 ETFN/AN/AN/ACompare OwnershipInstitutional OwnershipCompanyInstitutional OwnershipNVDANVIDIA65.27%RINGiShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETFN/ASHLDVictoryShares Protect America ETF57.57%SMHVanEck Semiconductor ETFN/ASPMOInvesco S&P 500 Momentum ETFN/ASPYSPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust63.54%TSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing16.51%VOOVanguard S&P 500 ETFN/AInsider OwnershipCompanyInsider OwnershipNVDANVIDIA4.23%RINGiShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETFN/ASHLDVictoryShares Protect America ETF56.80%SMHVanEck Semiconductor ETFN/ASPMOInvesco S&P 500 Momentum ETFN/ASPYSPDR S&P 500 ETF TrustN/ATSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing1.11%VOOVanguard S&P 500 ETFN/ACompare Miscellaneous StatsCompanyEmployeesShares OutstandingFree FloatOptionableNVDANVIDIA29,60024.40 billion23.45 billionOptionableRINGiShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETFN/A33.55 millionN/AOptionableSHLDVictoryShares Protect America ETFN/A25.66 millionN/ANot OptionableSMHVanEck Semiconductor ETF147,00094.69 millionN/AOptionableSPMOInvesco S&P 500 Momentum ETFN/A55.67 millionN/ANot OptionableSPYSPDR S&P 500 ETF TrustN/A1.06 billionN/ANot OptionableTSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing65,2005.19 billion5.13 billionOptionableVOOVanguard S&P 500 ETFN/A2.82 billionN/ANot OptionableNVDA, TSM, SMH, RING, SHLD, SPMO, VOO, and SPY HeadlinesRecent News About These CompaniesMichigan Consumer Sentiment Drops To 57.0; SP500 Tests Session LowsMarch 28 at 10:23 AM | fxempire.comNASDAQ 100, Dow Jones and S&P 500 – US Indices Look SluggishMarch 28 at 8:47 AM | fxempire.comETFs & Dollar-Cost Averaging: Simple Strategy for Long-Term InvestingMarch 27 at 10:00 AM | zacks.comTech's Next Golden Age: 3 Reasons The Vanguard S&P 500 ETF Is a Must-Buy Right NowMarch 27 at 9:11 AM | fool.comNASDAQ 100, Dow Jones 30 and S&P 500 Forecast – US Indices Looking to RecoverMarch 27 at 8:49 AM | fxempire.com2 Vanguard ETFs to Buy With $100 and Hold ForeverMarch 27 at 4:30 AM | fool.comS&P 500, Nasdaq 100 Trackers SPY And QQQ Below 200-Day Average As Tariff Concerns Continue To Trouble MarketsMarch 27 at 3:21 AM | benzinga.comNASDAQ 100, Dow Jones 30 and S&P 500 Forecast – US Indices Look Slightly Bullish After Move Higher on Low VolumeMarch 26 at 8:58 AM | fxempire.comS&P 500 and Nasdaq tipped for flat start amid mortgage and durable good dataMarch 26 at 8:05 AM | proactiveinvestors.com5 ETFs That Investors Loved the Most Last WeekMarch 25 at 1:05 PM | zacks.comNASDAQ 100, Dow Jones 30 and S&P 500 Forecast – US Indices Look to Continue RecoveryMarch 25 at 8:59 AM | fxempire.comVOO ETF News, 3/25/2025March 25 at 6:56 AM | tipranks.comComposite PMI Rises To 53.5; SP500 Tests Session HighsMarch 24, 2025 | fxempire.comNASDAQ 100, Dow Jones 30 and S&P 500 Forecast – US Indices Look to BounceMarch 24, 2025 | fxempire.comS&P 500 Ends 4-Week Losing Streak: Investor Fear Eases Slightly, But Greed Index Remains In 'Extreme Fear' ZoneMarch 24, 2025 | benzinga.comS&P 500 Snapshot: Four-Week Losing Streak SnappedMarch 21, 2025 | etftrends.comNASDAQ 100, Dow Jones 30 and S&P 500 Forecast – US Indices Continue to Look LacklusterMarch 21, 2025 | fxempire.comThese 2 International Vanguard ETFs are outpacing the S&P 500 in 2025 so farMarch 21, 2025 | finbold.comAre These 4 Vanguard ETFs All You Need for a Well-Rounded Stock Portfolio?March 21, 2025 | fool.comAre These Vanguard ETFs Millionaire Makers?March 21, 2025 | fool.comWarren Buffett Swaps VOO for This Reliable Dividend Stock (VOO)March 17, 2025 | marketbeat.comNew MarketBeat Followers Over TimeMedia Sentiment Over TimeTop HeadlinesView All HeadlinesWarren Buffett Swaps VOO for This Reliable Dividend StockBy Sarah Horvath | March 7, 2025View Warren Buffett Swaps VOO for This Reliable Dividend StockNVIDIA’s Soaring Energy Needs Make These 3 Nuclear Stocks a BuyBy Thomas Hughes | March 12, 2025View NVIDIA’s Soaring Energy Needs Make These 3 Nuclear Stocks a BuyWhy Archer Aviation Stock Could Soar After Palantir PartnershipBy Jeffrey Neal Johnson | March 20, 2025View Why Archer Aviation Stock Could Soar After Palantir PartnershipNVIDIA Insiders Sell: This Is What It Means for the Market By Thomas Hughes | March 25, 2025View NVIDIA Insiders Sell: This Is What It Means for the Market 5 Best Gold ETFs for March to Curb Recession FearsBy Jeffrey Neal Johnson | February 28, 2025View 5 Best Gold ETFs for March to Curb Recession FearsNVDA, TSM, SMH, RING, SHLD, SPMO, VOO, and SPY Company DescriptionsNVIDIA NASDAQ:NVDA$109.29 -2.14 (-1.92%) As of 10:36 AM Eastern This is a fair market value price provided by Learn more.NVIDIA Corporation provides graphics and compute and networking solutions in the United States, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and internationally. The Graphics segment offers GeForce GPUs for gaming and PCs, the GeForce NOW game streaming service and related infrastructure, and solutions for gaming platforms; Quadro/NVIDIA RTX GPUs for enterprise workstation graphics; virtual GPU or vGPU software for cloud-based visual and virtual computing; automotive platforms for infotainment systems; and Omniverse software for building and operating metaverse and 3D internet applications. The Compute & Networking segment comprises Data Center computing platforms and end-to-end networking platforms, including Quantum for InfiniBand and Spectrum for Ethernet; NVIDIA DRIVE automated-driving platform and automotive development agreements; Jetson robotics and other embedded platforms; NVIDIA AI Enterprise and other software; and DGX Cloud software and services. The company's products are used in gaming, professional visualization, data center, and automotive markets. It sells its products to original equipment manufacturers, original device manufacturers, system integrators and distributors, independent software vendors, cloud service providers, consumer internet companies, add-in board manufacturers, distributors, automotive manufacturers and tier-1 automotive suppliers, and other ecosystem participants. NVIDIA Corporation was incorporated in 1993 and is headquartered in Santa Clara, California.iShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETF NASDAQ:RING$38.33 +0.16 (+0.42%) As of 10:36 AM Eastern This is a fair market value price provided by Learn more.The iShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETF (RING) is an exchange-traded fund that is based on the MSCI ACWI Select Gold Miners IMI index, a market-cap-weighted index of companies that generate revenue primarily from gold mining. RING was launched on Jan 31, 2012 and is managed by BlackRock.VictoryShares Protect America ETF NASDAQ:SHLDSears Holdings Corp. engages in the provision of retail stores through its subsidiaries. The company was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Hoffman Estates, IL.VanEck Semiconductor ETF NASDAQ:SMH$213.26 -4.49 (-2.06%) As of 10:36 AM Eastern This is a fair market value price provided by Learn more.The VanEck Semiconductor ETF (SMH) is an exchange-traded fund that is based on the MVIS US Listed Semiconductor 25 index, a market-cap-weighted index of 25 of the largest US-listed semiconductors companies. SMH was launched on May 5, 2000 and is managed by VanEck.Invesco S&P 500 Momentum ETF NYSEARCA:SPMO$92.47 -1.94 (-2.05%) As of 10:36 AM Eastern This is a fair market value price provided by Learn more.The Invesco S&P 500 Momentum ETF (SPMO) is an exchange-traded fund that is based on the S&P 500 Momentum (US Dollar) index. The fund tracks an index of 100 S&P 500 components with the strongest volatility-adjusted momentum. SPMO was launched on Oct 9, 2015 and is managed by Invesco.SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust NYSEARCA:SPY$558.79 -8.29 (-1.46%) As of 10:36 AM Eastern This is a fair market value price provided by Learn more.SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (the Trust) is a unit investment trust. The Trust seeks to provide investment results that, before expenses, correspond generally to the price and yield performance of the S&P 500 Index (the Index). The Trust seeks to achieve this investment objective by holding a portfolio of the common stocks that are included in the Index (the Portfolio), with the weight of each stock in the Portfolio substantially corresponding to the weight of such stock in the Index. The Trust invests in a range of sectors, including pharmaceuticals; oil, gas and consumable fuels; technology hardware storage and peripherals; insurance; information technology (IT) services; healthcare providers and services; semiconductors and semiconductor equipment; hotels, restaurants and leisure, communications equipment; commercial services and supplies; road and rail; real estate management and development; containers and packaging; professional services, and paper and forest products.Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing NYSE:TSM$165.63 -2.61 (-1.55%) As of 10:36 AM Eastern This is a fair market value price provided by Learn more.Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited, together with its subsidiaries, manufactures, packages, tests, and sells integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices in Taiwan, China, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Japan, the United States, and internationally. It provides a range of wafer fabrication processes, including processes to manufacture complementary metal- oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) logic, mixed-signal, radio frequency, embedded memory, bipolar CMOS mixed-signal, and others. The company also offers customer and engineering support services; manufactures masks; and invests in technology start-up companies; researches, designs, develops, manufactures, packages, tests, and sells color filters; and provides investment services. Its products are used in high performance computing, smartphones, Internet of things, automotive, and digital consumer electronics. The company was incorporated in 1987 and is headquartered in Hsinchu City, Taiwan.Vanguard S&P 500 ETF NYSEARCA:VOO$513.57 -7.64 (-1.47%) As of 10:36 AM Eastern This is a fair market value price provided by Learn more.Vanguard 500 Index Fund (the Fund) is an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The Fund offers four classes of shares: Investor Shares, Admiral Shares, Signal Shares, and Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) Shares. The Fund seeks to track the investment performance of the Standard & Poor's 500 Index, an unmanaged benchmark representing the United States large-capitalization stocks. The Fund employs a passive management-or indexing-investment approach designed to track the performance of the Standard & Poor's 500 Index. The Fund attempts to replicate the target index by investing all, or substantially all, of its assets in the stocks that make up the index, holding each stock in approximately the same proportion as its weighting in the index. 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