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Raven Industries
$2.09B1.44355,996 shsN/A
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Raven Industries
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Raven Industries
$348.36M5.99$1.38 per share42.20$9.24 per share6.29
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1,29035.92 million35.20 millionOptionable

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Raven Industries NASDAQ:RAVN

Raven Industries, Inc. engages in the provision of technology products and solutions for the industrial, agricultural, geomembrane, construction, commercial lighter-than-air, and aerospace and defense markets. It operates through the following segments: Applied Technology, Engineered Films, and Aerostar. The Applied Technology segment designs, manufactures, sells, and services innovative precision agriculture products and information management tools that help growers reduce costs, control inputs, and improve farm yields to original equipment manufacturers. The Engineered Films segment produces and sells high-performance plastic films and sheeting to both direct to end-customers. The Aerostar segment offers high-altitude balloons, tethered aerostats, and radar processing systems. The company was founded by J. R. Smith, Paul Edward Yost, Thon Duwayne, and Joseph Kaliszewski in February 1956 and is headquartered in Sioux Falls, SD.