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Stocks to Compare Sections All Sections Selected Performance Chart Price & Volume MarketRank Analyst Ratings Sales & Book Value Profitability & Earnings Dividends Debt Ownership Miscellaneous Headlines About Compare NASDAQ:AVGONASDAQ:NVDANASDAQ:QCOMNASDAQ:TXN On This Page Performance ChartPrice & VolumeMarketRank™Analyst RatingsSales & Book ValueProfitability & EarningsDividendsDebtOwnershipMiscellaneousHeadlinesAbout Comparison Ideas Stock Ideas Comparative Price Performance Over Time1 day7 days30 days90 days365 daysCompare Price & VolumeCompanyCurrent Price50-Day Moving Average52-Week RangeMarket CapBetaAvg. VolumeToday's VolumeAVGOBroadcom$169.60-1.4%$210.84$119.76▼$251.88$798.31B1.0128.93 million shs6.41 million shsNVDANVIDIA$109.63-1.6%$125.57$75.61▼$153.13$2.68T1.77309.94 million shs70.83 million shsQCOMQUALCOMM$153.75-2.7%$164.40$149.43▼$230.63$170.15B1.288.19 million shs990,205 shsTXNTexas Instruments$178.26-1.4%$186.77$159.11▼$220.39$162.20B0.985.35 million shs527,079 shsThe Best High-Yield Dividend Stocks for 2025Discover the 10 Best High-Yield Dividend Stocks for 2025 and secure reliable income in uncertain markets. Download the report now to identify top dividend payers and avoid common yield traps.Get This Free ReportCompare Price PerformanceCompany1-Day Performance7-Day Performance30-Day Performance90-Day Performance1-Year PerformanceAVGOBroadcom-4.06%-9.74%-15.08%-28.86%+30.42%NVDANVIDIA-2.05%-5.99%-12.00%-18.67%+23.47%QCOMQUALCOMM-0.27%+0.01%-2.02%+0.46%-6.60%TXNTexas Instruments-2.02%+0.04%-9.61%-5.45%+4.56%Remove AdsCompare MarketRank™CompanyOverall ScoreAnalyst's OpinionShort Interest ScoreDividend StrengthESG ScoreNews and Social Media SentimentCompany OwnershipEarnings & ValuationAVGOBroadcom4.9902 of 5 stars4. of 5 stars4. of 5 stars4. Instruments4.835 of 5 stars3. Analyst ForecastsCompanyConsensus Rating ScoreConsensus RatingConsensus Price Target% Upside from Current PriceAVGOBroadcom 2.93Moderate Buy$231.4836.49% UpsideNVDANVIDIA 2.98Moderate Buy$171.5156.45% UpsideQCOMQUALCOMM 2.50Moderate Buy$205.3233.54% UpsideTXNTexas Instruments 2.27Hold$209.2017.36% UpsideCurrent Analyst Ratings BreakdownLatest TXN, NVDA, QCOM, and AVGO Analyst RatingsDateCompanyBrokerageActionRatingPrice TargetDetails3/20/2025NVDANVIDIADA DavidsonSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingLower Price TargetNeutral ➝ Neutral$135.00 ➝ $125.003/20/2025NVDANVIDIAWilliam BlairSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingOutperform3/19/2025NVDANVIDIAKeyCorpSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingSet Price Target$190.003/19/2025NVDANVIDIAMorgan StanleySubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingSet Price TargetOverweight ➝ Overweight$162.003/19/2025NVDANVIDIAStifel NicolausSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingSet Price Target$180.003/19/2025NVDANVIDIASusquehannaSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingPositive ➝ Positive$180.00 ➝ $180.003/19/2025NVDANVIDIACantor FitzgeraldSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingOverweight ➝ Overweight$200.00 ➝ $200.003/19/2025NVDANVIDIAKeyCorpSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingOverweight ➝ Overweight3/19/2025NVDANVIDIABank of AmericaSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$200.00 ➝ $200.003/19/2025NVDANVIDIABenchmarkSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingReiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$190.00 ➝ $190.003/7/2025AVGOBroadcomMorgan StanleySubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingBoost Price TargetOverweight ➝ Overweight$246.00 ➝ $260.00(Data available from 3/28/2022 forward. View 10+ years of historical ratings with our analyst ratings screener.)Compare Sales & Book ValueCompanyAnnual RevenuePrice/SalesCashflowPrice/CashBook ValuePrice/BookAVGOBroadcom$54.53B14.62$4.65 per share36.51$14.44 per share11.75NVDANVIDIA$130.50B20.50$0.97 per share112.93$1.72 per share63.74QCOMQUALCOMM$40.70B4.18$8.95 per share17.17$24.30 per share6.33TXNTexas Instruments$15.64B10.37$6.12 per share29.11$18.57 per share9.60Compare Profitability & EarningsCompanyNet IncomeEPSTrailing P/E RatioForward P/E RatioP/E GrowthNet MarginsReturn on Equity (ROE)Return on Assets (ROA)Next Earnings DateAVGOBroadcom$5.90B$2.08138.4926.582.2911.43%28.00%11.16%6/11/2025 (Estimated)NVDANVIDIA$29.76B$2.9443.2427.541.7655.69%114.83%76.61%5/28/2025 (Estimated)QCOMQUALCOMM$10.14B$9.3616.4415.592.0125.94%39.51%18.65%4/30/2025 (Estimated)TXNTexas Instruments$4.80B$5.1934.3527.683.3030.68%28.08%13.64%4/22/2025 (Estimated)Latest TXN, NVDA, QCOM, and AVGO EarningsDateQuarterCompanyConsensus EstimateReported EPSBeat/MissGap EPSRevenue EstimateActual RevenueDetails4/22/2025N/ATXNTexas Instruments$1.06N/AN/AN/A$3.91 billionN/A2/26/2025Q4 2025NVDANVIDIA$0.84$0.89+$0.05$0.89$38.16 billion$39.33 billion2/5/2025Q1 2025QCOMQUALCOMM$2.93$2.86-$0.07$2.83$10.90 billionN/A1/23/2025Q4 24TXNTexas Instruments$1.20$1.30+$0.10$1.30$3.87 billionN/ACompare DividendsCompanyAnnual PayoutDividend Yield3-Year Dividend GrowthPayout RatioYears of Consecutive GrowthAVGOBroadcom$2.361.39%+13.35%113.46%15 YearsNVDANVIDIA$0.040.04%+33.42%1.36%N/AQCOMQUALCOMM$3.402.21%+7.19%36.32%22 YearsTXNTexas Instruments$5.443.05%+7.02%104.82%21 YearsLatest TXN, NVDA, QCOM, and AVGO DividendsAnnouncementCompanyPeriodAmountYieldEx-Dividend DateRecord DatePayable Date2/26/2025NVDANVIDIAquarterly$0.010.03%3/12/20253/12/20254/2/20253/5/2025AVGOBroadcomquarterly$0.591.32%3/20/20253/20/20253/31/20251/10/2025QCOMQUALCOMMquarterly$0.852.06%3/6/20253/6/20253/27/20251/16/2025TXNTexas Instrumentsquarterly$1.362.9%1/31/20251/31/20252/11/2025(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)Compare DebtCompanyDebt-to-Equity RatioCurrent RatioQuick RatioAVGOBroadcom0.981.171.07NVDANVIDIA0.134.103.64QCOMQUALCOMM0.492.621.99TXNTexas Instruments0.764.122.88Compare OwnershipInstitutional OwnershipCompanyInstitutional OwnershipAVGOBroadcom76.43%NVDANVIDIA65.27%QCOMQUALCOMM74.35%TXNTexas Instruments84.99%Insider OwnershipCompanyInsider OwnershipAVGOBroadcom2.00%NVDANVIDIA4.23%QCOMQUALCOMM0.08%TXNTexas Instruments0.57%Compare Miscellaneous StatsCompanyEmployeesShares OutstandingFree FloatOptionableAVGOBroadcom20,0004.70 billion4.59 billionOptionableNVDANVIDIA29,60024.40 billion23.45 billionOptionableQCOMQUALCOMM51,0001.11 billion1.11 billionOptionableTXNTexas Instruments34,000909.92 million904.14 millionOptionableTXN, NVDA, QCOM, and AVGO HeadlinesRecent News About These CompaniesNorges Bank Invests $2.58 Billion in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN)March 28 at 7:31 AM | marketbeat.com5,172 Shares in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) Purchased by LM Advisors LLCMarch 28 at 6:58 AM | marketbeat.comNEOS Investment Management LLC Purchases 22,930 Shares of Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN)March 28 at 6:40 AM | marketbeat.comTexas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) Shares Sold by Amica Mutual Insurance Co.March 28 at 6:39 AM | marketbeat.comUniSuper Management Pty Ltd Purchases 13,614 Shares of Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN)March 28 at 6:31 AM | marketbeat.comTexas Instruments: Decent Potential, But Currently OvervaluedMarch 28 at 6:29 AM | seekingalpha.comTexas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) Shares Sold by Elo Mutual Pension Insurance CoMarch 28 at 6:14 AM | marketbeat.comMitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co. Ltd. Reduces Position in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN)March 28 at 6:04 AM | marketbeat.comTexas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) Shares Sold by Korea Investment CORPMarch 28 at 5:54 AM | marketbeat.com1 Large-Cap Stock on Our Buy List and 2 to Brush OffMarch 27 at 10:25 AM | msn.comTexas Instruments: More Pain In 2025 Shouldn't Discourage Long-Term InvestorsMarch 27 at 10:25 AM | seekingalpha.comIpsen Advisor Group LLC Makes New Investment in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN)March 27 at 6:06 AM | marketbeat.comTIAA Trust National Association Sells 4,506 Shares of Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN)March 27 at 5:30 AM | marketbeat.comTexas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) Stake Cut by FineMark National Bank & TrustMarch 27 at 5:22 AM | marketbeat.comTD Asset Management Inc. Sells 54,574 Shares of Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN)March 27 at 5:14 AM | marketbeat.comModern Wealth Management LLC Raises Stake in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN)March 27 at 5:14 AM | marketbeat.comWhy the Market Dipped But Texas Instruments (TXN) Gained TodayMarch 26 at 7:01 PM | zacks.comTexas Instruments to webcast its 2025 annual meeting of stockholdersMarch 26 at 3:04 PM | prnewswire.comTexas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN): One of The Top 10 Stock Picks of Diamond Hill CapitalMarch 26 at 2:59 PM | msn.comTexas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) Shares Sold by Wambolt & Associates LLCMarch 26 at 7:44 AM | marketbeat.comMitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp Lowers Stock Holdings in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN)March 26 at 7:43 AM | marketbeat.comNew MarketBeat Followers Over TimeMedia Sentiment Over TimeTop HeadlinesView All HeadlinesNVIDIA Stock Remains Stunningly Undervalued—Here’s WhyBy Thomas Hughes | March 11, 2025View NVIDIA Stock Remains Stunningly Undervalued—Here’s WhyNVIDIA Insiders Sell: This Is What It Means for the Market By Thomas Hughes | March 25, 2025View NVIDIA Insiders Sell: This Is What It Means for the Market 2 Catalysts That Could Push NVIDIA Stock Up 30% This YearBy Thomas Hughes | February 27, 2025View 2 Catalysts That Could Push NVIDIA Stock Up 30% This Year3 Semiconductor Stocks Flying Under the Radar—But Not for LongBy Nathan Reiff | March 20, 2025View 3 Semiconductor Stocks Flying Under the Radar—But Not for LongBeyond a Market Correction, Moves to Make NowBy Chris Markoch | March 12, 2025View Beyond a Market Correction, Moves to Make NowTXN, NVDA, QCOM, and AVGO Company DescriptionsBroadcom NASDAQ:AVGO$169.60 -2.39 (-1.39%) As of 10:49 AM Eastern This is a fair market value price provided by Learn more.Broadcom Inc. designs, develops, and supplies various semiconductor devices with a focus on complex digital and mixed signal complementary metal oxide semiconductor based devices and analog III-V based products worldwide. The company operates in two segments, Semiconductor Solutions and Infrastructure Software. It provides set-top box system-on-chips (SoCs); cable, digital subscriber line, and passive optical networking central office/consumer premise equipment SoCs; wireless local area network access point SoCs; Ethernet switching and routing custom silicon solutions; serializer/deserializer application specific integrated circuits; optical and copper, and physical layer devices; and fiber optic components and RF semiconductor devices. The company also offers RF front end modules and filter; Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and global positioning system/global navigation satellite system SoCs; custom touch controllers; inductive charging; attached small computer system interface, and redundant array of independent disks controllers and adapters; peripheral component interconnect express; fiber channel host bus adapters; read channel based SoCs; custom flash controllers; preamplifiers; optocouplers, industrial fiber optics, and motion control encoders and subsystems; light emitting diode, ethernet PHYs, switch ICs, and camera microcontrollers. Its products are used in various applications, including enterprise and data center networking, home connectivity, set-top boxes, broadband access, telecommunication equipment, smartphones and base stations, data center servers and storage systems, factory automation, power generation and alternative energy systems, and electronic displays. Broadcom Inc. was founded in 1961 and is headquartered in Palo Alto, California.NVIDIA NASDAQ:NVDA$109.63 -1.80 (-1.62%) As of 10:49 AM Eastern This is a fair market value price provided by Learn more.NVIDIA Corporation provides graphics and compute and networking solutions in the United States, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and internationally. The Graphics segment offers GeForce GPUs for gaming and PCs, the GeForce NOW game streaming service and related infrastructure, and solutions for gaming platforms; Quadro/NVIDIA RTX GPUs for enterprise workstation graphics; virtual GPU or vGPU software for cloud-based visual and virtual computing; automotive platforms for infotainment systems; and Omniverse software for building and operating metaverse and 3D internet applications. The Compute & Networking segment comprises Data Center computing platforms and end-to-end networking platforms, including Quantum for InfiniBand and Spectrum for Ethernet; NVIDIA DRIVE automated-driving platform and automotive development agreements; Jetson robotics and other embedded platforms; NVIDIA AI Enterprise and other software; and DGX Cloud software and services. The company's products are used in gaming, professional visualization, data center, and automotive markets. It sells its products to original equipment manufacturers, original device manufacturers, system integrators and distributors, independent software vendors, cloud service providers, consumer internet companies, add-in board manufacturers, distributors, automotive manufacturers and tier-1 automotive suppliers, and other ecosystem participants. NVIDIA Corporation was incorporated in 1993 and is headquartered in Santa Clara, California.QUALCOMM NASDAQ:QCOM$153.75 -4.22 (-2.67%) As of 10:49 AM Eastern This is a fair market value price provided by Learn more.QUALCOMM Incorporated engages in the development and commercialization of foundational technologies for the wireless industry worldwide. It operates through three segments: Qualcomm CDMA Technologies (QCT); Qualcomm Technology Licensing (QTL); and Qualcomm Strategic Initiatives (QSI). The QCT segment develops and supplies integrated circuits and system software based on 3G/4G/5G and other technologies for use in wireless voice and data communications, networking, computing, multimedia, and position location products. The QTL segment grants licenses or provides rights to use portions of its intellectual property portfolio, which include various patent rights useful in the manufacture and sale of wireless products comprising products implementing CDMA2000, WCDMA, LTE and/or OFDMA-based 5G standards and their derivatives. The QSI segment invests in early-stage companies in various industries, including 5G, artificial intelligence, automotive, consumer, enterprise, cloud, IoT, and extended reality, and investments, including non-marketable equity securities and, to a lesser extent, marketable equity securities, and convertible debt instruments. It also provides development, and other services and related products to the United States government agencies and their contractors. The company was incorporated in 1985 and is headquartered in San Diego, California.Texas Instruments NASDAQ:TXN$178.16 -2.60 (-1.44%) As of 10:49 AM Eastern This is a fair market value price provided by Learn more.Texas Instruments Incorporated designs, manufactures, and sells semiconductors to electronics designers and manufacturers in the United States and internationally. The company operates through Analog and Embedded Processing segments. The Analog segment offers power products to manage power requirements across various voltage levels, including battery-management solutions, DC/DC switching regulators, AC/DC and isolated controllers and converters, power switches, linear regulators, voltage references, and lighting products. This segment provides signal chain products that sense, condition, and measure signals to allow information to be transferred or converted for further processing and control, including amplifiers, data converters, interface products, motor drives, clocks, and logic and sensing products. The Embedded Processing segment offers microcontrollers that are used in electronic equipment; digital signal processors for mathematical computations; and applications processors for specific computing activity. This segment offers products for use in various markets, such as industrial, automotive, personal electronics, communications equipment, enterprise systems, and calculators and other. It provides DLP products primarily for use in project high-definition images; calculators; and application-specific integrated circuits. The company markets and sells its semiconductor products through direct sales and distributors, as well as through its website. Texas Instruments Incorporated was founded in 1930 and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. 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