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Drive Shack
$15.48M1.491.15 million shs8.20 million shs
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$281.86M0.00N/AN/A($0.34) per share0.00
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3,37092.39 million84.53 millionOptionable

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Drive Shack NYSE:DS

Drive Shack Inc. owns and operates golf-related leisure and entertainment venues. It operates through three segments: Entertainment Golf Venues, Traditional Golf Properties, and Corporate. The Entertainment Golf Venues segment operates golf-related leisure and entertainment venues with gaming and golf technology, a chef-inspired menu, craft cocktails, and social events, as well as operates Puttery, an indoor socializing and entertainment platform. As of December 31, 2021, it operated six owned or leased entertainment golf venues across four states with locations in Orlando, Florida; West Palm Beach, Florida; Raleigh, North Carolina; and Richmond, Virginia, The Colony, Texas, and Charlotte, North Carolina. The Traditional Golf Properties segment operates golf courses and country clubs in the United States. As of December 31, 2021, it owned, leased, or managed 55 properties across nine states. The Corporate segment consists of securities and other investments and executive management. The company was formerly known as Newcastle Investment Corp. and changed its name to Drive Shack Inc. in December 2016. Drive Shack Inc. was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.