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Stocks to Compare Sections All Sections Selected Performance Chart Price & Volume MarketRank Analyst Ratings Sales & Book Value Profitability & Earnings Dividends Debt Ownership Miscellaneous Headlines About Compare NYSE:FNVNYSEARCA:GDXNYSE:GOLDNYSEAMERICAN:NAKNYSE:NEM On This Page Performance ChartPrice & VolumeMarketRank™Analyst RatingsSales & Book ValueProfitability & EarningsDividendsDebtOwnershipMiscellaneousHeadlinesAbout Comparison Ideas Stock Ideas Comparative Price Performance Over Time1 day7 days30 days90 days365 daysCompare Price & VolumeCompanyCurrent Price50-Day Moving Average52-Week RangeMarket CapBetaAvg. VolumeToday's VolumeFNVFranco-Nevada$147.39+1.1%$134.87$112.70▼$148.71$28.38B0.73614,498 shs1.94 million shsGDXVanEck Gold Miners ETF$41.90+0.1%$39.15$28.91▼$44.22$14.10B0.9620.50 million shs17.15 million shsGOLDBarrick Gold$18.38-0.4%$17.03$15.11▼$21.35$31.74B0.5823.62 million shs19.40 million shsNAKNorthern Dynasty Minerals$0.72+4.5%$0.65$0.27▼$0.78$387.38M0.512.16 million shs3.14 million shsNEMNewmont$43.72+0.7%$42.89$33.29▼$58.72$49.26B0.549.60 million shs7.54 million shs5G Stocks: The Path Forward is ProfitableEnter your email address and we'll send you MarketBeat's guide to investing in 5G and which 5G stocks show the most promise. Get This Free ReportCompare Price PerformanceCompany1-Day Performance7-Day Performance30-Day Performance90-Day Performance1-Year PerformanceFNVFranco-Nevada+2.06%+1.90%+3.01%+16.97%+27.98%GDXVanEck Gold Miners ETF+3.28%+3.87%+2.40%+7.01%+38.82%GOLDBarrick Gold+1.66%+4.00%+8.40%+4.68%+16.36%NAKNorthern Dynasty Minerals+4.44%+14.56%-6.85%+27.65%+152.95%NEMNewmont+2.71%+2.21%-3.14%+2.69%+23.27%Remove AdsCompare MarketRank™CompanyOverall ScoreAnalyst's OpinionShort Interest ScoreDividend StrengthESG ScoreNews and Social Media SentimentCompany OwnershipEarnings & ValuationFNVFranco-Nevada3.3775 of 5 stars2. Gold Miners ETFN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AGOLDBarrick Gold4.399 of 5 stars4. Dynasty Minerals2.6764 of 5 stars3. of 5 stars2. Analyst ForecastsCompanyConsensus Rating ScoreConsensus RatingConsensus Price Target% Upside from Current PriceFNVFranco-Nevada 2.55Moderate Buy$153.634.23% UpsideGDXVanEck Gold Miners ETF 2.63Moderate Buy$41.90N/AGOLDBarrick Gold 2.58Moderate Buy$23.7529.25% UpsideNAKNorthern Dynasty Minerals 3.50Strong Buy$1.3080.56% UpsideNEMNewmont 2.61Moderate Buy$53.1621.60% UpsideCurrent Analyst Ratings BreakdownLatest GOLD, FNV, NAK, GDX, and NEM Analyst RatingsDateCompanyBrokerageActionRatingPrice TargetDetails3/11/2025FNVFranco-NevadaRaymond JamesSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingBoost Price TargetOutperform$160.00 ➝ $162.003/11/2025FNVFranco-NevadaScotiabankSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingBoost Price TargetSector Perform ➝ Sector Perform$145.00 ➝ $150.003/11/2025FNVFranco-NevadaUBS GroupSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingBoost Price TargetBuy ➝ Buy$165.00 ➝ $170.003/11/2025FNVFranco-NevadaHC WainwrightSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingBoost Price TargetBuy ➝ Buy$155.00 ➝ $165.003/11/2025FNVFranco-NevadaTD SecuritiesSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingDowngradeBuy ➝ Hold$152.003/5/2025GOLDBarrick GoldUBS GroupSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingUpgradeNeutral ➝ Buy$22.00 ➝ $22.002/26/2025NEMNewmontTD SecuritiesSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingLower Price TargetHold$46.00 ➝ $45.002/18/2025GOLDBarrick GoldScotiabankSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingBoost Price TargetSector Perform ➝ Sector Perform$19.00 ➝ $20.002/13/2025GOLDBarrick GoldTD SecuritiesSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingLower Price TargetBuy$24.00 ➝ $23.002/11/2025FNVFranco-NevadaRoyal Bank of CanadaSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingBoost Price TargetSector Perform$145.00 ➝ $155.002/11/2025NEMNewmontRoyal Bank of CanadaSubscribe to MarketBeat All Access for the recommendation accuracy ratingBoost Price TargetSector Perform$47.00 ➝ $52.00(Data available from 3/12/2022 forward. View 10+ years of historical ratings with our analyst ratings screener.)Compare Sales & Book ValueCompanyAnnual RevenuePrice/SalesCashflowPrice/CashBook ValuePrice/BookFNVFranco-Nevada$1.10B25.90$5.17 per share28.49$30.02 per share4.91GDXVanEck Gold Miners ETFN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AGOLDBarrick Gold$12.92B2.46$2.33 per share7.87$19.25 per share0.95NAKNorthern Dynasty MineralsN/AN/AN/AN/A$0.17 per shareN/ANEMNewmont$18.68B2.64$2.74 per share15.98$25.35 per share1.72Compare Profitability & EarningsCompanyNet IncomeEPSTrailing P/E RatioForward P/E RatioP/E GrowthNet MarginsReturn on Equity (ROE)Return on Assets (ROA)Next Earnings DateFNVFranco-Nevada-$466.40M$2.86N/A36.669.78-55.28%10.55%10.09%4/28/2025 (Estimated)GDXVanEck Gold Miners ETFN/AN/A22.76∞N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AGOLDBarrick Gold$2.14B$1.2314.9411.850.4416.59%6.76%4.73%5/7/2025 (Estimated)NAKNorthern Dynasty Minerals-$15.55M-$0.04N/AN/AN/AN/A-14.52%-12.29%4/7/2025 (Estimated)NEMNewmont-$2.49B$2.9314.9211.500.4117.92%13.52%7.16%4/24/2025 (Estimated)Latest GOLD, FNV, NAK, GDX, and NEM EarningsDateQuarterCompanyConsensus EstimateReported EPSBeat/MissGap EPSRevenue EstimateActual RevenueDetails3/10/2025Q4 2024FNVFranco-Nevada$0.90$0.95+$0.05$0.91$304.33 million$321.00 million2/20/2025Q4 2024NEMNewmont$1.11$1.40+$0.29$1.24$5.32 billion$5.65 billion2/12/2025Q4 2024GOLDBarrick Gold$0.46$0.46N/A$0.57$3.98 billionN/ACompare DividendsCompanyAnnual PayoutDividend Yield3-Year Dividend GrowthPayout RatioYears of Consecutive GrowthFNVFranco-Nevada$1.521.03%+7.50%53.15%N/AGDXVanEck Gold Miners ETF$0.481.15%N/AN/AN/AGOLDBarrick Gold$0.402.18%+3.57%32.52%N/ANAKNorthern Dynasty MineralsN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANEMNewmont$1.002.29%-23.11%34.13%N/ALatest GOLD, FNV, NAK, GDX, and NEM DividendsAnnouncementCompanyPeriodAmountYieldEx-Dividend DateRecord DatePayable Date1/29/2025FNVFranco-Nevadaquarterly$0.381.1%3/13/20253/13/20253/27/20252/20/2025NEMNewmontquarterly$0.252.2%3/4/20253/4/20253/27/20252/12/2025GOLDBarrick Goldquarterly$0.102.34%2/28/20252/28/20253/17/2025(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)Compare DebtCompanyDebt-to-Equity RatioCurrent RatioQuick RatioFNVFranco-NevadaN/A23.3923.39GDXVanEck Gold Miners ETFN/AN/AN/AGOLDBarrick Gold0.142.892.15NAKNorthern Dynasty MineralsN/A1.041.04NEMNewmont0.301.961.73Compare OwnershipInstitutional OwnershipCompanyInstitutional OwnershipFNVFranco-Nevada77.06%GDXVanEck Gold Miners ETFN/AGOLDBarrick Gold62.85%NAKNorthern Dynasty Minerals10.55%NEMNewmont68.85%Insider OwnershipCompanyInsider OwnershipFNVFranco-Nevada0.70%GDXVanEck Gold Miners ETFN/AGOLDBarrick Gold0.63%NAKNorthern Dynasty Minerals2.23%NEMNewmont0.06%Compare Miscellaneous StatsCompanyEmployeesShares OutstandingFree FloatOptionableFNVFranco-Nevada40192.55 million191.21 millionOptionableGDXVanEck Gold Miners ETFN/A336.40 millionN/ANot OptionableGOLDBarrick Gold24,6001.73 billion1.72 billionOptionableNAKNorthern Dynasty MineralsN/A538.03 million526.03 millionNot OptionableNEMNewmont21,7001.13 billion1.14 billionOptionableGOLD, FNV, NAK, GDX, and NEM HeadlinesRecent News About These CompaniesLost Money on Newmont Corporation (NEM)? Join Class Action Suit Seeking Recovery - Contact Levi & KorsinskyMarch 12 at 4:15 PM | accessnewswire.comLevi & Korsinsky Reminds Newmont Investors of the Pending Class Action Lawsuit with a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of April 1, 2025 - NEMMarch 12 at 7:30 AM | accessnewswire.comNEM INVESTOR ALERT: Bronstein, Gewirtz and Grossman, LLC Announces that Newmont Corporation Investors with Substantial Losses Have Opportunity to Lead Class Action Lawsuit!March 12 at 7:00 AM | accessnewswire.comWealthfront Advisers LLC Boosts Holdings in Newmont Co. (NYSE:NEM)March 12 at 5:46 AM | marketbeat.comClass Action Filed Against Newmont Corporation (NEM) Seeking Recovery for Investors - Contact Levi & KorsinskyMarch 12 at 5:45 AM | prnewswire.comNewmont Co. (NYSE:NEM) Shares Purchased by Daiwa Securities Group Inc.March 12 at 4:55 AM | marketbeat.comClass Action Filed Against Newmont Corporation (NEM) - April 1, 2025 Deadline to Join – Contact Levi & KorsinskyMarch 11 at 10:00 PM | accessnewswire.comROSEN, NATIONAL TRIAL LAWYERS, Encourages Newmont Corporation Investors to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action - NEMMarch 11 at 9:29 PM | accessnewswire.comLevi & Korsinsky Reminds Newmont Corporation Investors of the Pending Class Action Lawsuit with a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of April 1, 2025 - NEMMarch 11 at 1:00 PM | accessnewswire.comINVESTOR ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Reminds Investors with Losses on their Investment in Newmont Corporation of Class Action Lawsuit and Upcoming Deadlines - NEMMarch 11 at 12:23 PM | prnewswire.comShareholders That Lost Money on Newmont Corporation (NEM) Urged to Join Class Action - Contact Levi & Korsinsky to Learn MoreMarch 11 at 11:45 AM | accessnewswire.comINVESTOR ALERT: Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP Investigates Claims on Behalf of Investors of NewmontMarch 11 at 11:16 AM | globenewswire.comNewmont Corporation (NEM:NYS) Financial Analysis Report 2025: Benchmarks Against Industry Averages & Top Competitors, KPIs, EBITDA, Income Statement, Market Size & Growth ForecastsMarch 11 at 10:42 AM | globenewswire.comClass Action Filed Against Newmont Corporation (NEM) - April 1, 2025 Deadline to Join - Contact Levi & KorsinskyMarch 11 at 7:30 AM | accessnewswire.comNEM INVESTOR ALERT: Bronstein, Gewirtz and Grossman, LLC Announces that Newmont Corporation Investors with Losses Have Opportunity to Lead Class Action Lawsuit!March 11 at 7:00 AM | accessnewswire.comNewmont Co. (NYSE:NEM) Shares Bought by Zurcher Kantonalbank Zurich CantonalbankMarch 11 at 4:56 AM | marketbeat.comSteward Partners Investment Advisory LLC Sells 11,173 Shares of Newmont Co. (NYSE:NEM)March 11 at 3:35 AM | marketbeat.comWhat is Zacks Research's Estimate for Newmont Q1 Earnings?March 11 at 1:16 AM | marketbeat.comROSEN, GLOBAL INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages Newmont Corporation Investors to Secure Counsel ...March 10 at 8:34 PM | bakersfield.comClass Action Filed Against Newmont Corporation (NEM) - April 1, 2025 Deadline to Join – Contact Levi & KorsinskyMarch 10 at 5:30 PM | accessnewswire.comROSEN, GLOBAL INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages Newmont Corporation Investors to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action - NEMMarch 10 at 5:05 PM | globenewswire.comNew MarketBeat Followers Over TimeMedia Sentiment Over TimeTop HeadlinesView All Headlines3 Companies Buying Back Stock – Why They’re Doubling DownBy Gabriel Osorio-Mazilli | March 1, 2025View 3 Companies Buying Back Stock – Why They’re Doubling Down5 Best Gold ETFs for March to Curb Recession FearsBy Jeffrey Neal Johnson | February 28, 2025View 5 Best Gold ETFs for March to Curb Recession FearsCitigroup Analysts Are Betting Big on These 3 Stocks—Should You?By Gabriel Osorio-Mazilli | February 12, 2025View Citigroup Analysts Are Betting Big on These 3 Stocks—Should You?Energy and Basic Materials Sectors Will Dominate in 2025By Gabriel Osorio-Mazilli | March 10, 2025View Energy and Basic Materials Sectors Will Dominate in 2025Gold's Ascent: Can Miners and ETFs Take Investors to $3,000?By Jeffrey Neal Johnson | February 21, 2025View Gold's Ascent: Can Miners and ETFs Take Investors to $3,000?GOLD, FNV, NAK, GDX, and NEM Company DescriptionsFranco-Nevada NYSE:FNV$147.39 +1.65 (+1.13%) Closing price 03:58 PM EasternExtended Trading$146.92 -0.47 (-0.32%) As of 07:38 PM Eastern Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Learn more.Franco-Nevada Corporation operates as a gold-focused royalty and streaming company in South America, Central America, Mexico, the United States, Canada, and internationally. It operates through Mining and Energy segments. The company manages its portfolio with a focus on precious metals, such as gold, silver, and platinum group metals; and engages in the sale of crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids through a third-party marketing agent. Franco-Nevada Corporation was founded in 1986 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.VanEck Gold Miners ETF NYSEARCA:GDX$41.90 +0.06 (+0.14%) Closing price 04:10 PM EasternExtended Trading$42.01 +0.11 (+0.26%) As of 07:59 PM Eastern Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Learn more.The Fund seeks to match as closely as possible the price and yield performance of the AMEX Gold Miners Index. The Fund, utilizing a passive or indexing investment approach, attempts to approximate the investment performance of the Index by investing in a portfolio of stocks that generally replicate the Index.Barrick Gold NYSE:GOLD$18.38 -0.08 (-0.41%) Closing price 03:58 PM EasternExtended Trading$18.36 -0.01 (-0.08%) As of 07:59 PM Eastern Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Learn more.Barrick Gold Corporation is a sector-leading gold and copper producer. Its shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol GOLD and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol ABX. In January 2019 Barrick merged with Randgold Resources and in July that year it combined its gold mines in Nevada, USA, with those of Newmont Corporation in a joint venture, Nevada Gold Mines, which is majority-owned and operated by Barrick. Nevada Gold Mines is the world's largest gold mining complex. Barrick owns and operates six Tier One gold mines: Cortez, Carlin and Turquoise Ridge in Nevada, Loulo-Gounkoto in Mali, Kibali in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Pueblo Viejo in the Dominican Republic. It has gold and copper mines and projects in 13 countries in North and South America, Africa, Papua New Guinea and Saudi Arabia. Barrick's diversified portfolio spans the world's most prolific gold districts and is focused on high-margin, long life assets.Northern Dynasty Minerals NYSEAMERICAN:NAK$0.72 +0.03 (+4.45%) Closing price 04:10 PM EasternExtended Trading$0.72 +0.00 (+0.42%) As of 08:00 PM Eastern Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Learn more.Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. engages in the exploration of mineral properties in the United States. It holds a 100% interest in the Pebble Copper-Gold-Molybdenum-Silver-Rhenium project comprising 1,840 mineral claims that covers an area of approximately 274 square miles located in southwest Alaska, the United States. The company was formerly known as Northern Dynasty Explorations Ltd. and changed its name to Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. in October 1997. Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. was incorporated in 1983 and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.Newmont NYSE:NEM$43.72 +0.30 (+0.68%) Closing price 03:58 PM EasternExtended Trading$43.88 +0.17 (+0.39%) As of 07:59 PM Eastern Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Learn more.Newmont Corporation engages in the production and exploration of gold. It also explores for copper, silver, zinc, and lead. The company has operations and/or assets in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Peru, Suriname, Argentina, Chile, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Ecuador, Fiji, and Ghana. The company was founded in 1916 and is headquartered in Denver, Colorado. 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