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CompanyCurrent Price50-Day Moving Average52-Week RangeMarket CapBetaAvg. VolumeToday's Volume
Tyson Foods, Inc. stock logo
Tyson Foods
$21.41B0.722.53 million shs2.90 million shs
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Tyson Foods
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Tyson Foods
4.6702 of 5 stars
CompanyConsensus Rating ScoreConsensus RatingConsensus Price Target% Upside from Current Price
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Tyson Foods
Hold$61.101.64% Upside

Current Analyst Ratings Breakdown

Latest TSN Analyst Ratings

DateCompanyBrokerageActionRatingPrice TargetDetails
Tyson Foods, Inc. stock logo
Tyson Foods
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Boost Price TargetEqual Weight ➝ Equal Weight$60.00 ➝ $63.00
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Tyson Foods
Piper Sandler
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UpgradeUnderweight ➝ Neutral$58.00 ➝ $58.00
Tyson Foods, Inc. stock logo
Tyson Foods
Hsbc Global Res
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UpgradeModerate Sell ➝ Hold
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Tyson Foods
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UpgradeReduce ➝ Hold
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Tyson Foods
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Lower Price TargetNeutral ➝ Neutral$63.00 ➝ $61.00
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Tyson Foods
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Lower Price TargetOverweight ➝ Overweight$76.00 ➝ $75.00
Tyson Foods, Inc. stock logo
Tyson Foods
UBS Group
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Initiated CoverageNeutral$62.00
(Data available from 3/13/2022 forward. View 10+ years of historical ratings with our analyst ratings screener.)
CompanyAnnual RevenuePrice/SalesCashflowPrice/CashBook ValuePrice/Book
Tyson Foods, Inc. stock logo
Tyson Foods
$53.61B0.40$7.16 per share8.40$52.29 per share1.15
CompanyNet IncomeEPSTrailing P/E RatioForward P/E RatioP/E GrowthNet MarginsReturn on Equity (ROE)Return on Assets (ROA)Next Earnings Date
Tyson Foods, Inc. stock logo
Tyson Foods
$800M$2.9620.3114.660.741.96%6.87%3.38%5/5/2025 (Estimated)

Latest TSN Earnings

DateQuarterCompanyConsensus EstimateReported EPSBeat/MissGap EPSRevenue EstimateActual RevenueDetails
2/3/2025Q1 25
Tyson Foods, Inc. stock logo
Tyson Foods
$0.79$1.14+$0.35$1.01$13.46 billion$13.62 billion
CompanyAnnual PayoutDividend Yield3-Year Dividend GrowthPayout RatioYears of Consecutive Growth
Tyson Foods, Inc. stock logo
Tyson Foods
$2.003.33%+3.15%67.57%13 Years

Latest TSN Dividends

AnnouncementCompanyPeriodAmountYieldEx-Dividend DateRecord DatePayable Date
Tyson Foods, Inc. stock logo
Tyson Foods
(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)
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Tyson Foods

Institutional Ownership

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Tyson Foods

Insider Ownership

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Tyson Foods
CompanyEmployeesShares OutstandingFree FloatOptionable
Tyson Foods, Inc. stock logo
Tyson Foods
138,000356.19 million348.96 millionOptionable

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Tyson Foods stock logo

Tyson Foods NYSE:TSN

$60.12 -1.19 (-1.95%)
Closing price 03/12/2025 03:59 PM Eastern
Extended Trading
$60.02 -0.10 (-0.16%)
As of 03/12/2025 07:31 PM Eastern
Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Learn more.

Tyson Foods, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates as a food company worldwide. It operates through four segments: Beef, Pork, Chicken, and Prepared Foods. The company processes live fed cattle and hogs; fabricates dressed beef and pork carcasses into primal and sub-primal meat cuts, as well as case ready beef and pork, and fully cooked meats; raises and processes chickens into fresh, frozen, and value-added chicken products, including breaded chicken strips, nuggets, patties, and other ready-to-fix or fully cooked chicken parts; and supplies poultry breeding stock. It also manufactures and markets frozen and refrigerated food products, including ready-to-eat sandwiches, flame-grilled hamburgers, Philly steaks, pepperoni, bacon, breakfast sausage, turkey, lunchmeat, hot dogs, flour and corn tortilla products, appetizers, snacks, prepared meals, ethnic foods, side dishes, meat dishes, breadsticks, and processed meats under the Tyson, Jimmy Dean, Hillshire Farm, Ball Park, Wright, Aidells, ibp, and State Fair brands. The company sells its products through its sales staff to grocery retailers, grocery wholesalers, meat distributors, warehouse club stores, military commissaries, industrial food processing companies, chain restaurants or their distributors, live markets, international export companies, and domestic distributors who serve restaurants and food service operations, such as plant and school cafeterias, convenience stores, hospitals, and other vendors, as well as through independent brokers and trading companies. The company was founded in 1935 and is headquartered in Springdale, Arkansas.