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SPDR Gold Shares
$83.67B0.27.14 million shs541,299 shs
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SPDR Gold Shares
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SPDR Gold Shares
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SPDR Gold Shares
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SPDR Gold Shares
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SPDR Gold Shares

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SPDR Gold Shares
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SPDR Gold Shares
N/A300.60 millionN/ANot Optionable

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$278.10 -0.37 (-0.13%)
As of 10:24 AM Eastern
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SPDR Gold Trust (the Trust) is an investment trust. The investment objective of the Trust is for the Shares to reflect the performance of the price of gold bullion, less the Trust's expenses. The Trust's business activity is the investment of gold. The Trust creates and redeems Shares from time to time, but in one or more Baskets (a Basket equals a block of 100,000 Shares). The Trust issues Shares in Baskets to certain authorized participants (Authorized Participants) on an ongoing basis. The creation and redemption of Baskets is only made in exchange for the delivery to the Trust or the distribution by the Trust of the amount of gold and any cash represented by the Baskets being created or redeemed, the amount of which will be based on the combined net asset value of various Shares included in the Baskets being created or redeemed determined on the day the order to create or redeem Baskets is properly received.