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Dividend Yield Calculator

Dividend yield is one way for long-term investors to decide if a stock is worth buying. Use the MarketBeat dividend yield calculator to evaluate the dividend yields for different stocks.


Dividend Yield Formula and Results

Dividend Amount × Dividends Per Year
Initial Share Price
Dividend Yield

Dividend yield is calculated by dividing the total amount of dividends paid during the year by the price of the investment at the beginning of that year.


A lot of investors saw a significant portion of their portfolio erased after $1.7 trillion was wiped out of the Magnificent 7… Now they’re scratching their heads trying to figure out where to invest their money going forward. Well, you won’t need to search for long because the pullback from mega-cap tech is allowing other sectors and smaller companies to stand out… Setting up what could be a massive once-in-a-lifetime “double dip” opportunity on an often overlooked class of stocks. I’m talking about small cap stocks that pay dividends every month…