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China Minsheng Banking (CMAKY) Dividend Yield, Date & History

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$3.80 0.00 (0.00%)
(As of 12/3/2024 ET)

Dividend Summary

Dividend Yield
Annual Dividend
Dividend Payout Ratio
Dividend Payment
Dec. 17
Skip Charts & View Dividend History

China Minsheng Banking vs. The Competition

TypeChina Minsheng BankingFinance CompaniesOTCMKTS Companies
Annual Dividend$0.26$1.81$28.89
Dividend Yield6.84%1,045.42%1,810.70%

China Minsheng Banking Dividend Payout Ratio

TypePayout Ratio
Based on Trailing 12 Months of Earnings28.57%
Based on Cashflow17.79%

China Minsheng Banking Dividend History by Quarter

AnnouncedPeriodAmountYieldEx-Dividend DateRecord DatePayable Date
(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)

China Minsheng Banking Dividend - Frequently Asked Questions

What is China Minsheng Banking's dividend yield?

The current dividend yield for China Minsheng Banking is 6.84%. Learn more on CMAKY's dividend yield history.

How much is China Minsheng Banking's annual dividend?

The annual dividend for CMAKY shares is $0.26. Learn more on CMAKY's annual dividend history.

When is China Minsheng Banking's next dividend payment?

China Minsheng Banking's next dividend payment of $0.1278 per share will be made to shareholders on Tuesday, December 17, 2024.

When was China Minsheng Banking's most recent dividend payment?

China Minsheng Banking's most recent dividend payment of $0.2185 per share was made to shareholders on Monday, August 19, 2024.

When was China Minsheng Banking's most recent ex-dividend date?

China Minsheng Banking's most recent ex-dividend date was Wednesday, October 30, 2024.

When did China Minsheng Banking last increase or decrease its dividend?

The most recent change in the company's dividend was a decrease of $0.0907 on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

What is China Minsheng Banking's dividend payout ratio?
The dividend payout ratio for CMAKY is:
  • 28.57% based on the trailing year of earnings
  • 17.79% based on cash flow
Is China Minsheng Banking a good dividend stock?

China Minsheng Banking's dividend yield of 6.72% is lower than the average Finance company that issues a dividend. CMAKY has a dividend yield higher than 75% of all dividend-paying stocks 5.36, making it a leading dividend payer. China Minsheng Banking's dividend payout ratio of 28.57% is at a healthy, sustainable level, below 75% of its earnings.

This page (OTCMKTS:CMAKY) was last updated on 12/4/2024 by Staff
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