FT Vest Technology Dividend Target Income ETF Rating $22.82 -0.40 (-1.72%) As of 03/11/2025 Add Compare Share Share Ratings Stock AnalysisChartHoldingsRatings FT Vest Technology Dividend Target Income ETF Aggregate Rating and Price Target (2025)How MarketBeat Aggregates ETF Rating and Price TargetMarketBeat calculates the aggregate rating and price target for an ETF by considering the weight of each stock in its portfolio. These ratings and price targets are based on the most recent ratings given by Wall Street analysts over the past year. The aggregate rating reviews the ETF's overall performance and is categorized as strong sell, sell, reduce, hold, moderate buy, buy, or strong buy. The aggegreate price target represents the average potential upside for the consensus price target of individual holdings in the ETF.TDVI Aggregate RatingModerate Buy 2.64Holdings in TDVI have an aggregate rating of Moderate Buy based on 895 analyst ratings issued in the past year covering 78 companies (93.0% of the portfolio).TDVI Aggregate Price Target$22.82High Prediction$22.82Average Prediction$22.82Low Prediction$22.82Holdings in TDVI have an aggregate price target of $22.82 and a range of $22.82 to $22.82 covering 78 companies (93.0% of the portfolio).TDVI Consensus Ratings of HoldingsStrong Buy1 Strong Buy rating(s)Buy8 Buy rating(s)Moderate Buy47 Moderate Buy rating(s)Hold18 Hold rating(s)Reduce3 Reduce rating(s)Sell1 Sell rating(s)Strong Sell0 Strong Sell rating(s) Ratings for Stocks Held by FT Vest Technology Dividend Target Income ETF Strong Sell Sell Reduce Hold Moderate Buy Buy Strong Buy Ratings for the Top 78 TDVI Holdings Export to ExcelWeight In ETFCompanyShare PriceMarketRank™Consensus Rating ScoreConsensus Price TargetPossible UpsideNumber of RatingsIndicator(s)ViewRatings9.79%AVGOBroadcom$194.23+2.2%4.7932 of 5 stars2.93$231.48 19.2%27Dividend AnnouncementAnalyst RevisionPositive NewsGap Up8.94%IBMInternational Business Machines$249.72+0.3%4.5789 of 5 stars2.31$231.44 -7.3%16Positive News7.44%MSFTMicrosoft$383.27+0.7%4.9047 of 5 stars2.90$509.54 32.9%29Dividend AnnouncementShort Interest ↑7.36%TXNTexas Instruments$175.70-0.9%4.761 of 5 stars2.27$209.20 19.1%22Positive News6.37%ORCLOracle$151.17+4.8%4.8364 of 5 stars2.62$176.85 17.0%29Earnings ReportDividend IncreaseAnalyst ForecastAnalyst RevisionNews Coverage3.91%QCOMQUALCOMM$152.80-0.2%4.9572 of 5 stars2.50$205.32 34.4%30Analyst DowngradePositive News3.89%TSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing$176.92+3.5%3.514 of 5 stars2.80$220.00 24.4%5Analyst RevisionGap Up3.13%ADIAnalog Devices$206.62-1.2%4.8714 of 5 stars2.75$255.41 23.6%24Positive News2.33%TAT&T$25.72-1.1%4.4151 of 5 stars2.78$26.74 4.0%232.16%CSCOCisco Systems$60.46-0.3%4.565 of 5 stars2.78$66.63 10.2%23Analyst RevisionPositive News2.15%TMUST-Mobile US$255.61-0.4%4.6693 of 5 stars2.70$254.10 -0.6%23Positive News1.96%VZVerizon Communications$42.63-1.9%4.7529 of 5 stars2.53$46.11 8.2%19Analyst DowngradeOptions VolumePositive NewsGap DownHigh Trading Volume1.91%AMATApplied Materials$149.06+1.4%4.9339 of 5 stars2.65$215.38 44.5%23Dividend IncreaseAnalyst UpgradeBuyback AnnouncementAnalyst RevisionPositive NewsGap Up1.87%LRCXLam Research$76.59+4.4%4.967 of 5 stars2.77$98.22 28.2%22Short Interest ↓Positive NewsGap Up1.69%HPQHP$28.51+0.6%4.9676 of 5 stars2.00$36.14 26.8%12Analyst DowngradePositive News1.66%NXPINXP Semiconductors$204.45-0.7%4.9812 of 5 stars2.84$267.00 30.6%19Dividend AnnouncementPositive News1.66%INTUIntuit$591.14+0.8%4.6802 of 5 stars2.70$721.61 22.1%20Short Interest ↑1.64%CMCSAComcast$35.19-2.1%4.8701 of 5 stars2.65$43.83 24.5%20Positive News1.64%GLWCorning$45.35+1.0%3.8646 of 5 stars2.86$53.00 16.9%14Positive NewsGap Up1.60%MSIMotorola Solutions$413.42+0.4%4.587 of 5 stars2.88$505.88 22.4%8Positive News1.49%KLACKLA$680.39+2.4%4.5892 of 5 stars2.68$831.68 22.2%19Short Interest ↑Positive News1.39%MCHPMicrochip Technology$51.90-0.7%4.5082 of 5 stars2.74$74.37 43.3%19Short Interest ↑Positive News1.30%TELTE Connectivity$143.09-1.0%4.7797 of 5 stars2.42$167.00 16.7%12Positive News1.07%HPEHewlett Packard Enterprise$15.07-1.8%4.9906 of 5 stars2.60$21.27 41.2%15Dividend AnnouncementAnalyst ForecastShort Interest ↓1.06%CTSHCognizant Technology Solutions$79.50-3.6%4.3936 of 5 stars2.20$83.39 4.9%20Analyst ForecastShort Interest ↑1.03%ASMLASML$703.37+1.9%3.6204 of 5 stars2.91$937.00 33.2%11Positive NewsGap Up1.00%STXSeagate Technology$86.73-0.3%4.866 of 5 stars2.63$122.56 41.3%19Short Interest ↑Positive News0.91%APHAmphenol$62.88+2.0%4.8047 of 5 stars2.69$80.68 28.3%13Positive NewsGap Up0.82%DELLDell Technologies$94.62+3.3%4.9993 of 5 stars2.84$141.24 49.3%19Short Interest ↓Gap Down0.68%NTAPNetApp$91.49+0.6%4.9524 of 5 stars2.35$129.07 41.1%17Short Interest ↓Gap Up0.57%CDWCDW$166.66+0.4%4.5596 of 5 stars2.56$242.67 45.6%9Short Interest ↑0.56%ROPRoper Technologies$566.42+0.1%3.6236 of 5 stars2.75$623.60 10.1%12Dividend AnnouncementPositive News0.48%CCOICogent Communications$69.94+0.0%4.0376 of 5 stars2.63$80.25 14.7%8Insider TradePositive News0.47%SSNCSS&C Technologies$81.53+0.0%4.933 of 5 stars3.17$97.50 19.6%6Short Interest ↓Positive News0.46%GENGen Digital$26.70-1.3%3.2193 of 5 stars4.0030.42%MPWRMonolithic Power Systems$582.99+2.2%4.9077 of 5 stars2.83$866.17 48.6%120.42%INFYInfosys$18.51-2.5%1.8784 of 5 stars2.45$20.22 9.3%11Analyst DowngradeOptions VolumeGap Down0.41%SWKSSkyworks Solutions$67.85-0.6%4.5049 of 5 stars1.91$83.78 23.5%230.39%UIUbiquiti$307.75+1.7%1.2909 of 5 stars2.00$331.00 7.6%2Positive NewsGap Down0.37%DOXAmdocs$87.43-1.5%4.6418 of 5 stars2.80$101.20 15.7%5Positive News0.30%NOKNokia Oyj$5.21+1.1%2.9274 of 5 stars2.60$5.85 12.4%50.29%SAPSAP$264.19+1.3%2.7138 of 5 stars3.00$248.83 -5.8%90.27%SNXTD SYNNEX$127.79+0.1%4.591 of 5 stars2.75$147.50 15.4%8Positive News0.27%LDOSLeidos$133.58-0.4%4.9016 of 5 stars2.69$175.87 31.7%16Short Interest ↑Positive News0.26%KTKT$17.94+0.9%4.4625 of 5 stars3.333Upcoming Earnings0.22%ERICTelefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ)$8.02-2.7%1.0391 of 5 stars2.00$6.70 -16.5%10.21%ATHMAutohome$29.88+0.5%1.7152 of 5 stars2.50$32.00 7.1%6Analyst UpgradePositive News0.19%IRDMIridium Communications$27.35-6.8%4.5241 of 5 stars2.67$36.00 31.6%3Dividend AnnouncementAnalyst ForecastAnalyst Revision0.17%AVTAvnet$46.90-2.3%3.9554 of 5 stars1.50$50.00 6.6%4News CoveragePositive News0.16%XRXXerox$6.05-1.0%3.1994 of 5 stars1.25$9.50 57.0%40.14%CNXCConcentrix$44.28-3.1%4.8009 of 5 stars3.00$75.00 69.4%6Positive News0.13%VIVTelefônica Brasil$8.41+0.3%4.1488 of 5 stars2.60$9.97 18.6%5Positive News0.13%IDCCInterDigital$212.48-0.1%1.0212 of 5 stars2.00$120.00 -43.5%30.13%PAYCPaycom Software$206.47-0.1%4.4673 of 5 stars2.08$212.80 3.1%12Analyst UpgradeAnalyst Revision0.12%TEFTelefónica$4.58-0.5%1.0682 of 5 stars1.8050.12%SIMOSilicon Motion Technology$52.11-1.3%4.3534 of 5 stars2.75$80.63 54.7%80.11%DNBDun & Bradstreet$7.99-0.8%2.9769 of 5 stars2.33$12.50 56.5%60.11%OLEDUniversal Display$148.81-0.6%4.254 of 5 stars2.71$190.43 28.0%70.10%CAMTCamtek$64.24+1.3%4.1777 of 5 stars3.00$114.11 77.6%10Gap Up0.10%AMKRAmkor Technology$19.42+1.0%4.9466 of 5 stars2.50$31.50 62.2%10Options VolumeGap Down0.10%KBRKBR$50.64-0.2%4.6094 of 5 stars2.88$75.88 49.8%8Short Interest ↑0.10%SAICScience Applications International$104.65-1.5%4.1848 of 5 stars2.22$136.11 30.1%9Upcoming EarningsPositive News0.09%DLBDolby Laboratories$81.27-0.7%4.6385 of 5 stars3.00$100.00 23.1%2Short Interest ↓0.09%CABOCable One$274.11-1.6%4.8462 of 5 stars2.00$417.75 52.4%40.09%POWIPower Integrations$56.62+2.1%4.449 of 5 stars2.86$78.00 37.8%7Short Interest ↑0.07%CSGSCSG Systems International$60.79+0.1%4.2525 of 5 stars2.86$71.71 18.0%7Dividend IncreasePositive News0.07%VSHVishay Intertechnology$16.61-2.6%3.0562 of 5 stars2.33$22.00 32.5%30.06%SSTKShutterstock$19.83-2.0%3.7985 of 5 stars2.25$45.33 128.7%40.06%KLICKulicke and Soffa Industries$35.89+0.8%3.1943 of 5 stars2.60$52.00 44.9%5Dividend Announcement0.05%STMSTMicroelectronics$24.64-1.1%4.6049 of 5 stars2.33$31.26 26.9%15Short Interest ↓0.05%SPNSSapiens International$27.32+0.1%3.0659 of 5 stars2.20$33.50 22.6%5Short Interest ↑Positive News0.05%ADEAAdeia$14.01-0.6%3.4267 of 5 stars3.00$18.33 30.9%3Positive News0.04%YOUClear Secure$25.08-0.3%3.8481 of 5 stars2.60$34.00 35.6%5Positive News0.04%PRGSProgress Software$54.57-1.0%4.575 of 5 stars2.71$72.43 32.7%70.04%ATENA10 Networks$19.59+0.7%2.3476 of 5 stars2.50$21.00 7.2%2Analyst UpgradeShort Interest ↑Positive News0.03%BHEBenchmark Electronics$38.58-1.3%1.535 of 5 stars2.50$43.00 11.5%4Dividend AnnouncementNews CoverageNegative News0.02%HCKTThe Hackett Group$28.47-1.1%4.1542 of 5 stars2.75$32.67 14.7%4Short Interest ↑Positive News0.01%SLPSimulations Plus$27.25+2.6%3.7351 of 5 stars3.00$49.40 81.3%7Gap Up This page (BATS:TDVI) was last updated on 3/12/2025 by MarketBeat.com Staff From Our PartnersURGENT: This Altcoin Opportunity Won’t Wait – Act NowCrypto has officially entered the "banana zone" – that wild phase where prices can 1000x in days. 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