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HPQ Silicon (HPQ) News Today

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C$0.22 +0.01 (+2.38%)
As of 02:50 PM Eastern
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Insider Selling: HPQ Silicon Inc. (CVE:HPQ) Director Sells 84,000 Shares of Stock
HPQ Silicon Inc. (CVE:HPQ - Get Free Report) Director Daryl Hodges sold 84,000 shares of HPQ Silicon stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, March 17th. The stock was sold at an average price of C$0.22, for a total value of C$18,060.00.
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HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Trading Up 2.4% - Here's Why
HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Shares Up 2.4% - What's Next?
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HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Stock Price Up 2.2% - Here's Why
HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Trading Up 2.2% - Time to Buy?
HPQ Silicon Increases Equity Stake in Novacium SAS
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HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Shares Up 2.2% - Still a Buy?
HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Shares Up 2.2% - Should You Buy?
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HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Stock Price Down 7.5% - Should You Sell?
HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Shares Down 7.5% - Here's What Happened
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HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Trading 2.2% Higher - Still a Buy?
HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Trading 2.2% Higher - Time to Buy?
How Kenya became the "Silicon Savannah"
HPQ Silica Polvere Fumed Silica Reactor Project Update
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HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Shares Down 8.1% - What's Next?
HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Stock Price Down 8.1% - What's Next?
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HPQ Silicon Inc. (CVE:HPQ) Director Daryl Hodges Sells 73,000 Shares
HPQ Silicon Inc. (CVE:HPQ - Get Free Report) Director Daryl Hodges sold 73,000 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Wednesday, October 9th. The stock was sold at an average price of C$0.36, for a total value of C$25,915.00.
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HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Trading Up 1.4% - What's Next?
HPQ Silicon (CVE:HPQ) Trading 1.4% Higher - Here's Why
HPQ Silica Polvere Fumed Silica Reactor: Commissioning Completed
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Noëlle Drapeau Sells 35,000 Shares of HPQ Silicon Inc. (CVE:HPQ) Stock
HPQ Silicon Inc. (CVE:HPQ - Get Free Report) Director Noëlle Drapeau sold 35,000 shares of the business's stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, September 9th. The stock was sold at an average price of C$0.39, for a total transaction of C$13,650.00.
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This page (CVE:HPQ) was last updated on 3/25/2025 by Staff
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