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Helios Underwriting (HUW) Stock Chart & Stock Price History

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GBX 184.75
+2.65 (+1.46%)
(As of 11:37 AM ET)

Helios Underwriting Stock Price Performance

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HUW Stock Chart for Monday, November, 4, 2024

Helios Underwriting Share Price History

DateOpening PriceClosing PriceHighLowVolumeMarket Capitalization
11/01/2024GBX 180GBX 182.10
GBX 184.75GBX 181.8061,505 shs£129.91 million
10/31/2024GBX 185.70GBX 180
GBX 187.40GBX 18069,833 shs£128.41 million
10/30/2024GBX 180GBX 185.70
GBX 187.40GBX 180.5031,514 shs£132.48 million
10/29/2024GBX 183GBX 180
GBX 184GBX 18082,625 shs£128.41 million
10/28/2024GBX 184.50GBX 183
GBX 184.75GBX 18058,052 shs£130.55 million
10/25/2024GBX 185GBX 185GBX 185GBX 183.6038,334 shs£131.98 million
10/24/2024GBX 190GBX 185
GBX 186.88GBX 18543,814 shs£131.98 million
10/23/2024GBX 187GBX 190
GBX 190GBX 18519,607 shs£135.55 million
10/22/2024GBX 186.60GBX 187
GBX 187.70GBX 18523,063 shs£133.41 million
10/21/2024GBX 187GBX 186.60
GBX 188GBX 185.2118,852 shs£133.12 million
10/18/2024GBX 186.95GBX 188.50
GBX 188.60GBX 186.8031,702 shs£134.48 million
10/17/2024GBX 186.12GBX 186.95
GBX 189GBX 18331,881 shs£133.37 million
10/16/2024GBX 185.30GBX 186.12
GBX 198GBX 18343,283 shs£132.78 million
10/15/2024GBX 181.22GBX 185.30
GBX 185.90GBX 18030,526 shs£132.19 million
10/14/2024GBX 183.15GBX 181.22
GBX 187GBX 18120,706 shs£129.28 million
10/11/2024GBX 185.50GBX 183.15
GBX 186.40GBX 183.1518,240 shs£130.66 million
10/10/2024GBX 186.40GBX 185.50
GBX 188GBX 185.3053,250 shs£132.34 million
10/09/2024GBX 190GBX 186.40
GBX 190GBX 183.1098,591 shs£132.98 million
10/08/2024GBX 189.56GBX 190
GBX 190GBX 18688,305 shs£135.55 million
10/07/2024GBX 187GBX 189.56
GBX 189.56GBX 185.50184,390 shs£135.23 million
10/04/2024GBX 185GBX 187
GBX 187GBX 18396,678 shs£133.41 million
10/03/2024GBX 185GBX 185GBX 189GBX 182.5060,575 shs£131.98 million
10/02/2024GBX 188GBX 185
GBX 185.67GBX 18238,066 shs£131.98 million
10/01/2024GBX 184GBX 188
GBX 188GBX 182.33128,295 shs£134.12 million
09/30/2024GBX 183GBX 184
GBX 186GBX 18342,984 shs£131.27 million
09/27/2024GBX 187.50GBX 184.20
GBX 186GBX 181.25192,446 shs£131.41 million
09/26/2024GBX 189.60GBX 187.50
GBX 190GBX 185.3128,857 shs£133.76 million
09/25/2024GBX 187GBX 189.60
GBX 190GBX 18380,150 shs£135.26 million
09/24/2024GBX 183GBX 187
GBX 188GBX 184106,478 shs£133.41 million
09/23/2024GBX 184GBX 183
GBX 187GBX 182103,814 shs£130.55 million
09/20/2024GBX 181.50GBX 184
GBX 184.55GBX 18232,157 shs£131.27 million
09/19/2024GBX 183GBX 181.50
GBX 184GBX 162.505.81 million shs£129.48 million
09/18/2024GBX 177.88GBX 183
GBX 190GBX 180301,222 shs£130.55 million
09/17/2024GBX 178GBX 177.88
GBX 182GBX 176.7587,757 shs£126.90 million
09/16/2024GBX 176.50GBX 178
GBX 179.75GBX 17655,024 shs£126.99 million
09/13/2024GBX 177.20GBX 179.50
GBX 179.50GBX 17311,802 shs£128.06 million
09/12/2024GBX 176.50GBX 177.20
GBX 177.84GBX 17331,885 shs£126.41 million
09/11/2024GBX 178GBX 176.50
GBX 179GBX 176.5060,116 shs£125.92 million
09/10/2024GBX 176.26GBX 178
GBX 178GBX 173.7572,172 shs£126.99 million
09/09/2024GBX 174GBX 176.26
GBX 176.50GBX 174.2623,931 shs£125.74 million
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09/06/2024GBX 171GBX 174
GBX 176GBX 16887,823 shs£124.13 million
09/05/2024GBX 171.50GBX 171
GBX 171.15GBX 169.5025,834 shs£121.99 million
09/04/2024GBX 169.70GBX 171.50
GBX 171.50GBX 169.5035,468 shs£122.35 million
09/03/2024GBX 168GBX 169.70
GBX 170GBX 167.5031,176 shs£121.06 million
09/02/2024GBX 168.50GBX 168
GBX 169GBX 165.1587,119 shs£119.85 million
08/30/2024GBX 173GBX 168.50
GBX 174.50GBX 162.50174,059 shs£120.21 million
08/29/2024GBX 177GBX 173
GBX 178.50GBX 170.5078,213 shs£123.42 million
08/28/2024GBX 180GBX 177
GBX 180GBX 17771,509 shs£126.27 million
08/27/2024GBX 179.50GBX 180
GBX 182GBX 1809,703 shs£128.41 million
08/26/2024GBX 179.50GBX 179.50GBX 182GBX 175.8139,398 shs£128.06 million
08/23/2024GBX 178.50GBX 179.50
GBX 182GBX 175.8139,398 shs£128.06 million
08/22/2024GBX 177GBX 178.50
GBX 178.50GBX 1775,000 shs£127.34 million
08/21/2024GBX 176.70GBX 177
GBX 177GBX 177300 shs£126.27 million
08/20/2024GBX 178GBX 176.70
GBX 177.80GBX 172.3028,092 shs£126.06 million
08/19/2024GBX 173GBX 178
GBX 178GBX 172.3024,662 shs£126.99 million
08/16/2024GBX 171.25GBX 173
GBX 173.30GBX 168.3046,072 shs£123.42 million
08/15/2024GBX 175GBX 171.25
GBX 174.50GBX 171.2517,191 shs£122.17 million
08/14/2024GBX 170.75GBX 175
GBX 175GBX 172.5014,998 shs£124.85 million
08/13/2024GBX 178GBX 170.75
GBX 176.89GBX 17097,097 shs£121.81 million
08/12/2024GBX 175GBX 178
GBX 178GBX 17041,070 shs£126.99 million
08/09/2024GBX 175GBX 174.78
GBX 175GBX 174.782,194 shs£124.69 million
08/08/2024GBX 175GBX 175GBX 175GBX 1733,000 shs£130.81 million
08/07/2024GBX 175GBX 175GBX 175GBX 1733,000 shs£130.81 million
08/06/2024GBX 180GBX 175
GBX 177GBX 171.2111,165 shs£130.81 million
08/05/2024GBX 181GBX 180
GBX 182GBX 177.1518,280 shs£134.55 million

This page (LON:HUW) was last updated on 11/4/2024 by Staff
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