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URU Metals (URU) Stock Chart & Stock Price History

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URU Metals Stock Price Performance

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URU Stock Chart for Saturday, February, 22, 2025

URU Metals Stock Price History

DateOpening PriceClosing PriceHighLowVolumeMarket Capitalization
02/21/2025GBX 163.25GBX 160
GBX 170GBX 1503,648 shs£2.64 million
02/20/2025GBX 177GBX 163.25
GBX 170GBX 163.25333 shs£2.69 million
02/19/2025GBX 163.25GBX 177
GBX 177GBX 170167 shs£2.92 million
02/18/2025GBX 163.25GBX 163.25GBX 177.88GBX 163.25337 shs£2.69 million
02/17/2025GBX 163.20GBX 163.25
GBX 170GBX 163.25593 shs£2.69 million
02/14/2025GBX 177.88GBX 163.20
GBX 177.88GBX 162.131,341 shs£2.69 million
02/13/2025GBX 177.88GBX 177.88GBX 177.88GBX 162.13149 shs£2.94 million
02/12/2025GBX 177.88GBX 177.88GBX 177.88GBX 162.13149 shs£2.94 million
02/11/2025GBX 178GBX 177.88
GBX 177.88GBX 170780 shs£2.94 million
02/10/2025GBX 162GBX 178
GBX 178GBX 17054 shs£2.94 million
02/07/2025GBX 178.25GBX 162
GBX 178GBX 162768 shs£2.67 million
02/06/2025GBX 178.25GBX 178.25GBX 178.25GBX 170460 shs£2.94 million
02/05/2025GBX 178.25GBX 178.25GBX 178.25GBX 170460 shs£2.94 million
02/04/2025GBX 178.25GBX 178.25GBX 178.25GBX 170656 shs£2.94 million
02/03/2025GBX 162GBX 178.25
GBX 178.25GBX 170584 shs£2.94 million
01/31/2025GBX 178.25GBX 162
GBX 178.25GBX 1621,776 shs£2.67 million
01/30/2025GBX 176.88GBX 178.25
GBX 178.50GBX 1603,228 shs£2.94 million
01/29/2025GBX 153GBX 176.88
GBX 176.88GBX 165182 shs£2.92 million
01/28/2025GBX 166.88GBX 153
GBX 176.88GBX 153691 shs£2.52 million
01/27/2025GBX 166.88GBX 166.88GBX 166.88GBX 150601 shs£2.75 million
01/24/2025GBX 134GBX 166.88
GBX 166.88GBX 150177 shs£2.75 million
01/23/2025GBX 166.88GBX 134
GBX 150GBX 13425 shs£2.21 million
01/22/2025GBX 130GBX 166.88
GBX 166.88GBX 15057 shs£2.75 million
01/21/2025GBX 130GBX 130GBX 180GBX 1302,241 shs£2.15 million

This page (LON:URU) was last updated on 2/22/2025 by Staff
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