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First Trust TCW Opportunistic Fixed Income ETF (FIXD) Institutional Ownership

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$43.73 +0.04 (+0.09%)
As of 04:00 PM Eastern

Institutional Ownership Changes (13F Filings) for First Trust TCW Opportunistic Fixed Income ETF (NASDAQ:FIXD)

Number of
Institutional Buyers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Inflows
(last 12 months)
Number of
Institutional Sellers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Outflows
(last 12 months)
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FIXD Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

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First Trust TCW Opportunistic Fixed Income ETF Major Shareholders & Ownership History

Reporting DateMajor Shareholder NameShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
3/17/2025 Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services LLC47,288$2.03M0.0%+56.8%0.046%
3/12/2025 Centaurus Financial Inc.137,443$5.91M0.4%+35.9%0.134%
2/27/2025 ABLE Financial Group LLC12,535$539K0.2%-2.6%0.012%
2/25/2025 Leigh Baldwin & CO. LLC7,274$313K0.2%N/A0.007%
2/25/2025 Armis Advisers LLC6,774$291K0.0%N/A0.007%
2/25/2025 Integrated Advisors Network LLC18,146$780K0.0%+6.8%0.018%
2/24/2025 United Advisor Group LLC24,947$1.07M0.2%-15.8%0.024%
2/19/2025 Richmond Investment Services LLC13,216$568K0.3%N/A0.013%
2/19/2025 WCG Wealth Advisors LLC25,406$1.09M0.1%N/A0.025%
2/18/2025 Retirement Planning Group LLC25,369$1.09M0.1%+56.7%0.025%
2/18/2025 Novem Group7,964$342K0.0%N/A0.008%
2/18/2025 Elequin Capital LP27,646$1.19M0.1%N/A0.027%
2/18/2025 First Heartland Consultants Inc.42,254$1.82M0.2%-89.3%0.041%
2/17/2025 Visionary Wealth Advisors187,365$8.05M0.5%-27.9%0.183%
2/17/2025 Snowden Capital Advisors LLC152,104$6.54M0.2%+3.2%0.149%
2/17/2025 Royal Bank of Canada1,166,248$50.12M0.0%-2.1%1.141%
2/17/2025 Millennium Management LLC6,641$285K0.0%N/A0.006%
2/17/2025 Laraway Financial Advisors Inc21,952$943K0.7%+4.0%0.021%
2/17/2025 Guardian Wealth Advisors LLC NC76,809$3.30M0.3%-45.1%0.075%
2/17/2025 CoreCap Advisors LLC171,369$7.36M0.3%+115.5%0.168%
2/17/2025 Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc.946,596$40.68M0.1%+1.6%0.926%
2/17/2025 Cetera Investment Advisers1,199,421$51.54M0.1%-22.1%1.173%
2/17/2025 Captrust Financial Advisors8,567$368K0.0%-3.2%0.008%
2/17/2025 Baird Financial Group Inc.478,510$20.56M0.0%+52.2%0.468%
2/17/2025 Beck Bode LLC35,418$1.52M0.3%-24.6%0.035%
2/17/2025 Bank of America Corp DE924,941$39.75M0.0%+5.2%0.905%
2/17/2025 Benjamin Edwards Inc.128,577$5.53M0.1%-2.5%0.126%
2/17/2025 Ameriprise Financial Inc.1,716,682$73.79M0.0%+32.4%1.679%
2/17/2025 Aptus Capital Advisors LLC79,554$3.42M0.0%-44.3%0.078%
2/14/2025 Jane Street Group LLC309,173$13.29M0.0%+6,008.9%0.302%
2/14/2025 Bison Wealth LLC46,496$2.00M0.4%-3.7%0.045%
2/14/2025 Triumph Capital Management236,645$10.17M3.5%+3.4%0.231%
2/14/2025 Comerica Bank79,817$3.43M0.0%-23.7%0.078%
2/14/2025 Beacon Pointe Advisors LLC33,411$1.44M0.0%-1.2%0.033%
2/14/2025 Betterment LLC90,499$3.89M0.0%+19.6%0.089%
2/14/2025 Knightsbridge Asset Management LLC10,232$440K0.1%+34.7%0.010%
2/14/2025 Two Sigma Securities LLC6,732$289K0.0%N/A0.007%
2/14/2025 Coppell Advisory Solutions LLC1,992,193$85.93M12.2%+92.0%1.948%
2/14/2025 MGO One Seven LLC36,333$1.56M0.1%+168.4%0.036%
2/14/2025 Harvest Investment Services LLC30,399$1.31M0.3%+10.4%0.030%
Has Trump finally met his match? (Ad)

Dylan Jovine predicted the 2008 crash over a year before it happened. Folks who listened to him had the chance to walk away with gains as high as 235%, 459%, and 700% - all while the stock market got cut in half. Could he be right again?

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2/14/2025 Susquehanna International Group LLP136,653$5.87M0.0%-55.9%0.134%
2/14/2025 Stifel Financial Corp933,829$40.13M0.0%-1.8%0.913%
2/14/2025 OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC130,259$5.60M0.1%+1.0%0.127%
2/14/2025 MML Investors Services LLC137,278$5.90M0.0%+46.8%0.134%
2/14/2025 Mach 1 Financial Group LLC26,278$1.13M2.0%-94.6%0.026%
2/14/2025 First Trust Advisors LP170,592$7.33M0.0%-48.6%0.167%
2/14/2025 GeoWealth Management LLC9,624$414K0.0%-85.9%0.009%
2/14/2025 Concourse Financial Group Securities Inc.45,092$1.94M0.1%-20.6%0.044%
2/13/2025 NewEdge Advisors LLC792,984$34.08M0.2%+3.2%0.776%
2/13/2025 Rossby Financial LCC6,772$291K0.2%N/A0.007%
2/13/2025 LaSalle St. Investment Advisors LLC61,502$2.64M0.8%N/A0.060%
2/13/2025 CreativeOne Wealth LLC31,841$1.37M0.0%-27.6%0.031%
2/13/2025 Mariner LLC350,324$15.05M0.0%+217.0%0.343%
2/13/2025 Savvy Advisors Inc.13,984$601K0.1%-10.0%0.014%
2/13/2025 Entruity Wealth LLC12,527$538K0.5%N/A0.012%
2/13/2025 Townsquare Capital LLC13,747$591K0.0%+80.2%0.013%
2/13/2025 Crux Wealth Advisors88,426$3.80M2.1%N/A0.086%
2/13/2025 Elios Financial Group Inc.492,104$21.15M10.0%+24.1%0.481%
2/13/2025 Solano Wealth Investment Advisors LLC7,699$331K0.2%N/A0.008%
2/13/2025 Advisory Services Network LLC12,321$529K0.0%-59.4%0.012%
2/13/2025 Cerity Partners LLC54,446$2.34M0.0%N/A0.053%
2/13/2025 Envestnet Asset Management Inc.2,577,675$110.76M0.0%-20.4%2.521%
2/13/2025 Wells Fargo & Company MN6,313,439$271.29M0.1%-10.4%6.175%
2/12/2025 World Investment Advisors121,125$5.21M0.1%+39.3%0.118%
2/12/2025 OneAscent Financial Services LLC10,756$462K0.0%N/A0.011%
2/12/2025 Creekmur Asset Management LLC122,829$5.28M1.2%+8.5%0.120%
2/12/2025 Private Portfolio Partners LLC24,678$1.06M0.2%-4.3%0.024%
2/12/2025 StoneX Group Inc.81,184$3.49M0.2%-23.0%0.079%
2/12/2025 FSB Premier Wealth Management Inc.181,185$7.79M3.1%+2.2%0.177%
2/12/2025 BlueChip Wealth Advisors LLC15,284$657K0.4%+46.9%0.015%
2/12/2025 Tucker Asset Management LLC8,026$345K0.0%+35.8%0.008%
2/12/2025 Orion Portfolio Solutions LLC94,559$4.06M0.0%-44.0%0.092%
2/12/2025 JPMorgan Chase & Co.6,172$265K0.0%-90.2%0.006%
2/12/2025 Core Wealth Partners LLC9,560$411K0.2%-5.6%0.009%
2/12/2025 Ausdal Financial Partners Inc.48,392$2.08M0.2%+39.2%0.047%
2/11/2025 Signature Estate & Investment Advisors LLC295,120$12.68M0.3%-96.2%0.289%
2/11/2025 Modern Wealth Management LLC12,469$539K0.0%-2.1%0.012%
2/11/2025 Sequent Planning LLC105,928$4.55M1.7%+1.1%0.104%
2/11/2025 LPL Financial LLC8,449,335$363.07M0.1%-10.4%8.263%
2/10/2025 Horizon Investments LLC208,962$8.95M0.3%+0.6%0.204%
2/10/2025 Thrivent Financial for Lutherans1,032,722$45.12M0.1%+3.9%1.010%
2/10/2025 BlackDiamond Wealth Management LLC5,614$241K0.1%-6.9%0.005%
2/10/2025 Axxcess Wealth Management LLC604,876$25.99M0.6%+1.6%0.592%
2/10/2025 Cozad Asset Management Inc.19,347$831K0.1%-2.2%0.019%
2/10/2025 Creative Financial Designs Inc. ADV40,005$1.72M0.1%+2.3%0.039%
2/10/2025 Signature Wealth Management Group42,904$1.84M0.7%+14.6%0.042%
2/10/2025 Altus Wealth Group LLC14,045$604K0.3%+104.0%0.014%
2/10/2025 Harbour Investments Inc.299,782$12.88M0.4%-40.0%0.293%
2/10/2025 Envestnet Portfolio Solutions Inc.224,614$9.65M0.0%-22.0%0.220%
2/10/2025 First Financial Group Corp52,775$2.27M2.5%N/A0.052%
Has Trump finally met his match? (Ad)

Dylan Jovine predicted the 2008 crash over a year before it happened. Folks who listened to him had the chance to walk away with gains as high as 235%, 459%, and 700% - all while the stock market got cut in half. Could he be right again?

Click here for his emergency broadcast...
2/10/2025 Commonwealth Equity Services LLC1,048,899$45.07M0.1%+2.2%1.026%
2/10/2025 CFO4Life Group LLC113,624$4.88M0.9%-40.5%0.111%
2/10/2025 Avantax Advisory Services Inc.450,122$19.34M0.1%-13.7%0.440%
2/10/2025 Farther Finance Advisors LLC75,215$3.23M0.1%+205.2%0.074%
2/7/2025 PFG Advisors86,153$3.70M0.2%+159.7%0.084%
2/7/2025 HighTower Advisors LLC819,119$35.20M0.0%-3.6%0.801%
2/7/2025 Global View Capital Management LLC65,437$2.82M1.0%N/A0.064%
2/7/2025 Independent Advisor Alliance147,981$6.36M0.1%N/A0.145%
2/7/2025 Simplicity Wealth LLC54,576$2.35M0.5%+3.1%0.053%
2/7/2025 Larson Financial Group LLC601,905$25.86M1.3%+14.1%0.589%
(Data available from 1/1/2016 forward)

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FIXD Institutional Ownership - Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the largest shareholders of FIXD shares?

During the previous two years, 418 institutional investors and hedge funds held shares of First Trust TCW Opportunistic Fixed Income ETF. The most heavily invested institutionals were Morgan Stanley ($405.71M), LPL Financial LLC ($363.07M), Wells Fargo & Company MN ($271.29M), UBS Group AG ($165.57M), Raymond James Financial Inc. ($158.29M), Envestnet Asset Management Inc. ($110.76M), and Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc. ($110.21M).Learn more on FIXD's institutional investors.

Which institutional investors have been buying First Trust TCW Opportunistic Fixed Income ETF stock?

Of the 356 institutional investors that purchased First Trust TCW Opportunistic Fixed Income ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have bought the highest volume of shares: LPL Financial LLC ($4.06M), Raymond James Financial Inc. ($3.68M), Signature Estate & Investment Advisors LLC ($2.60M), UBS Group AG ($1.73M), Envestnet Asset Management Inc. ($1.67M), Coppell Advisory Solutions Corp. ($1.43M), and Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc. ($1.41M).

How much institutional buying is happening at First Trust TCW Opportunistic Fixed Income ETF?

Institutional investors have bought a total of 59,901,721 shares in the last 24 months. This purchase volume represents approximately $3.11B in transactions.

Which First Trust TCW Opportunistic Fixed Income ETF major shareholders have been selling company stock?

Of the 267 institutional investors that sold First Trust TCW Opportunistic Fixed Income ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have sold the highest volume of shares: Signature Estate & Investment Advisors LLC ($7.49M), Advance Capital Management Inc. ($1.50M), LVZ Inc. ($1.36M), LPL Financial LLC ($1.33M), Envestnet Asset Management Inc. ($1.25M), Bogart Wealth LLC ($991.48K), and Osaic Holdings Inc. ($984.99K).

How much institutional selling is happening at First Trust TCW Opportunistic Fixed Income ETF?

Institutional investors have sold a total of 33,720,741 shares in the last 24 months. This volume of shares sold represents approximately $1.57B in transactions.

This page (NASDAQ:FIXD) was last updated on 3/25/2025 by Staff
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