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H World Group (HTHT) Dividend Yield, Date & History

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$33.47 +0.30 (+0.90%)
(As of 12/20/2024 05:16 PM ET)

H World Group Dividend Summary

Dividend Yield
Annual Dividend
Dividend Payment
Sep. 3
Annualized 3-Year
Dividend Growth
Dividend Payout Ratio

H World Group (HTHT) pays an annual dividend of $0.61 per share, with a dividend yield of 1.82%. The next n/a payment of $0.63 per share was paid on Tuesday, September 3, to investors who owned the stock before the ex-dividend date of Wednesday, August 14. The company currently pays out 36.97% of its earnings and 26.15% of its cash flow as dividends.

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HTHT Dividend Payments by Quarter

The chart below displays up to four years of H World Group's dividend payment history by quarter. The blue bars represent historical dividend payments, while the gray bars indicate future payments.

HTHT Dividend Yield Over Time

The chart below tracks H World Group's dividend yield over the past four years. The line represents changes in yield by quarter, providing a clear view of trends over time.

H World Group vs. The Competition

Compare H World Group's annual dividend, yield, and 3-year growth rate with averages for Discretionary and NASDAQ companies to evaluate its performance against the market.

TypeH World GroupDiscretionary CompaniesNASDAQ Companies
Annual Dividend$0.61$0.01$1.31
Dividend Yield1.82%2.81%4.21%
Annualized 3-Year Dividend Growth22.17%23.28%14.22%

H World Group Dividend Payout Ratio

Dividend payout ratios express the dividend as a percentage of another metric, such as earnings or cash flow, and can be used to assess dividend sustainability.

TypePayout Ratio
Based on Trailing 12 Months of Earnings36.97%
Based on This Year's Estimate35.26%
Based on Next Year's Estimate30.20%
Based on Cashflow26.15%

H World Group Dividend History by Quarter

AnnouncedPeriodPaymentPayment ChangeYieldEx-Dividend DateRecord DatePayable Date

This table shows H World Group's dividend history, including payout amounts, yield, dividend changes, and key dates. Use the date filter to explore data as far back as 2013 to analyze trends over time.

H World Group Dividend - Frequently Asked Questions

The current dividend yield for H World Group is 1.82%. Learn more on HTHT's dividend yield history.

The annual dividend for HTHT shares is $0.61. Learn more on HTHT's annual dividend history.

H World Group pays n/a dividends to shareholders.

H World Group's most recent n/a dividend payment of $0.63 per share was made to shareholders on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

H World Group's most recent ex-dividend date was Wednesday, August 14, 2024.

Over the past three years, the company's dividend has grown by an average of 22.17% per year.

The most recent change in the company's dividend was a decrease of $0.30 on Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

The dividend payout ratio for HTHT is:
  • 36.97% based on the trailing year of earnings
  • 35.26% based on this year's estimates
  • 30.20% based on next year's estimates
  • 26.15% based on cash flow

H World Group's dividend yield of 3.68% is higher than the average Consumer Discretionary company that issues a dividend. H World Group's dividend payout ratio of 36.97% is at a healthy, sustainable level, below 75% of its earnings.

Looking at the stock as a whole, market analysts rate H World Group stock as a Buy, with forecasts suggesting positive growth potential despite some reservations.

This page (NASDAQ:HTHT) was last updated on 12/21/2024 by Staff
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