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Pegasystems (PEGA) Insider Trading & Ownership

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$75.77 +0.20 (+0.26%)
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$75.95 +0.18 (+0.24%)
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Pegasystems (NASDAQ:PEGA) Insider Buying and Selling Activity

Insider Ownership
Number Of
Insiders Buying
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Buying
(Last 12 Months)
Number Of
Insiders Selling
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Selling
(Last 12 Months)
$12.79 M
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PEGA Insider Buying and Selling by Quarter

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Pegasystems Insider and Congressional Trades History

Transaction DateNameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionDetails
3/12/2025Rifat Kerim AkgonulInsiderSell2,000$72.25$144,500.00  
3/11/2025Alan TreflerChairmanSell31,500$70.93$2,234,295.00  
3/4/2025Leon TreflerInsiderSell2,049$75.65$155,006.85  
3/3/2025Kenneth StillwellCFOSell2,000$78.31$156,620.00  
2/25/2025Alan TreflerChairmanSell31,500$77.38$2,437,470.00  
2/14/2025Kenneth StillwellCFOSell7,742$84.72$655,902.24  
2/3/2025Kenneth StillwellCFOSell2,000$105.63$211,260.00  
1/2/2025Kenneth StillwellCFOSell2,000$94.00$188,000.00  
12/31/2024Leon TreflerInsiderSell752$93.83$70,560.16  
12/16/2024Efstathios A. KouninisCAOSell299$96.90$28,973.10  
12/10/2024Kenneth StillwellCFOSell6,200$94.67$586,954.00  
12/2/2024Kenneth StillwellCFOSell2,000$94.60$189,200.00  
12/2/2024Leon TreflerInsiderSell752$94.60$71,139.20  
11/5/2024Efstathios A. KouninisCAOSell528$83.00$43,824.00  
11/1/2024Leon TreflerInsiderSell8,288$81.23$673,234.24  
10/28/2024Rifat Kerim AkgonulInsiderSell1,000$80.07$80,070.00  
10/25/2024Efstathios A. KouninisCAOSell303$81.00$24,543.00  
10/25/2024Kenneth StillwellCFOSell5,792$79.15$458,436.80  
10/1/2024Kenneth StillwellCFOSell1,000$73.17$73,170.00  
9/30/2024Leon TreflerInsiderSell752$72.00$54,144.00  
9/3/2024Kenneth StillwellCFOSell3,000$70.41$211,230.00  
9/3/2024Richard H JonesDirectorSell10,000$69.88$698,800.00  
9/3/2024Rifat Kerim AkgonulInsiderSell1,000$70.41$70,410.00  
8/30/2024Efstathios A KouninisCAOSell932$71.00$66,172.00  
8/26/2024Efstathios A KouninisCAOSell750$71.00$53,250.00  
8/23/2024Richard H JonesDirectorSell4,729$70.03$331,171.87  
8/21/2024Kenneth StillwellCFOSell3,019$67.55$203,933.45  
8/1/2024Kenneth StillwellCFOSell3,000$69.39$208,170.00  
8/1/2024Richard H JonesDirectorSell15,271$69.25$1,057,516.75  
7/31/2024Efstathios A KouninisCAOSell750$72.09$54,067.50  
7/31/2024Leon TreflerInsiderSell752$72.09$54,211.68  
7/25/2024Rifat Kerim AkgonulInsiderSell1,000$70.00$70,000.00  
7/1/2024Kenneth StillwellCFOSell2,000$59.78$119,560.00  
7/1/2024Leon TreflerInsiderSell752$60.21$45,277.92  
6/26/2024Kenneth StillwellCFOSell1,000$60.00$60,000.00  
6/11/2024Sharon T RowlandsDirectorBuy8,600$58.63$504,218.00  
5/1/2024Kenneth StillwellCFOSell2,000$60.39$120,780.00  
4/30/2024Leon TreflerInsiderSell752$60.34$45,375.68  
4/29/2024Richard H JonesDirectorSell10,000$60.88$608,800.00  
4/1/2024Kenneth StillwellCFOSell2,000$63.70$127,400.00  
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4/1/2024Leon TreflerInsiderSell752$64.20$48,278.40  
(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)

PEGA Insider Trading Activity - Frequently Asked Questions

50.10% of Pegasystems stock is owned by insiders. Learn more on PEGA's insider holdings.

The following insider purchased PEGA shares in the last 24 months: Sharon T Rowlands ($504,218.00).

Insiders have purchased a total of 8,600 PEGA shares in the last 24 months for a total of $504,218.00 bought.

The following insiders have sold PEGA shares in the last 24 months: Alan Trefler ($4,671,765.00), Efstathios A Kouninis ($257,764.50), Kenneth Stillwell ($5,654,500.61), Leon Trefler ($1,643,216.04), Richard H Jones ($3,345,252.46), and Rifat Kerim Akgonul ($579,276.98).

Insiders have sold a total of 232,054 Pegasystems shares in the last 24 months for a total of $16,357,387.16 sold.

Pegasystems Key Executives

This page (NASDAQ:PEGA) was last updated on 3/25/2025 by Staff
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