Distillate U.S. Fundamental Stability & Value ETF Rating $54.58 -0.16 (-0.29%) Closing price 04:10 PM EasternExtended Trading$54.63 +0.05 (+0.09%) As of 08:00 PM Eastern Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Polygon.io. Learn more. Add Compare Share Share Ratings Stock AnalysisChartDividendHeadlinesHoldingsOwnershipRatingsBuy This Stock Distillate U.S. Fundamental Stability & Value ETF Aggregate Rating and Price Target (2025)How MarketBeat Aggregates ETF Rating and Price TargetMarketBeat calculates the aggregate rating and price target for an ETF by considering the weight of each stock in its portfolio. These ratings and price targets are based on the most recent ratings given by Wall Street analysts over the past year. The aggregate rating reviews the ETF's overall performance and is categorized as strong sell, sell, reduce, hold, moderate buy, buy, or strong buy. The aggegreate price target represents the average potential upside for the consensus price target of individual holdings in the ETF.DSTL Aggregate RatingModerate Buy 2.62Holdings in DSTL have an aggregate rating of Moderate Buy based on 1,496 analyst ratings issued in the past year covering 101 companies (99.3% of the portfolio).DSTL Aggregate Price Target$54.58High Prediction$54.58Average Prediction$54.58Low Prediction$54.58Holdings in DSTL have an aggregate price target of $54.58 and a range of $54.58 to $54.58 covering 101 companies (99.3% of the portfolio).DSTL Consensus Ratings of HoldingsStrong Buy1 Strong Buy rating(s)Buy10 Buy rating(s)Moderate Buy57 Moderate Buy rating(s)Hold27 Hold rating(s)Reduce6 Reduce rating(s)Sell0 Sell rating(s)Strong Sell0 Strong Sell rating(s) Ratings for Stocks Held by Distillate U.S. Fundamental Stability & Value ETF Strong Sell Sell Reduce Hold Moderate Buy Buy Strong Buy Ratings for the Top 100 DSTL Holdings Export to ExcelWeight In ETFCompanyShare PriceMarketRank™Consensus Rating ScoreConsensus Price TargetPossible UpsideNumber of RatingsIndicator(s)ViewRatings3.35%UNHUnitedHealth Group$515.89-0.4%4.922 of 5 stars3.10$629.32 22.0%21News CoveragePositive News3.22%ABBVAbbVie$202.79+0.7%4.5537 of 5 stars2.92$211.45 4.3%25Positive News2.84%JNJJohnson & Johnson$163.22+0.9%4.4366 of 5 stars2.56$171.33 5.0%18Positive News2.66%TMUST-Mobile US$268.28+2.2%4.5362 of 5 stars2.61$256.80 -4.3%23Analyst ForecastOptions VolumePositive News2.05%PGProcter & Gamble$168.85+1.4%4.31 of 5 stars2.86$181.82 7.7%21Analyst ForecastPositive News2.01%CSCOCisco Systems$61.40-0.6%4.7189 of 5 stars2.78$66.63 8.5%23Positive News1.85%CIThe Cigna Group$324.74+1.1%4.9346 of 5 stars3.00$373.25 14.9%17Positive News1.77%CMCSAComcast$37.374.8672 of 5 stars2.62$43.64 16.8%21Analyst ForecastNews CoveragePositive News1.61%QCOMQUALCOMM$157.97-0.3%4.9698 of 5 stars2.50$205.32 30.0%30Short Interest ↑Positive News1.59%ELVElevance Health$431.81+0.3%4.6044 of 5 stars2.94$519.81 20.4%16Positive News1.55%MOAltria Group$58.32+1.0%3.2214 of 5 stars2.13$53.29 -8.6%8Options VolumePositive News1.50%ADBEAdobe$396.15-0.4%4.8482 of 5 stars2.64$533.85 34.8%28Positive News1.32%MCKMcKesson$666.40+0.5%4.0394 of 5 stars2.93$649.36 -2.6%15Positive News1.27%BKNGBooking$4,752.80-0.2%4.4687 of 5 stars2.74$5,370.43 13.0%31Positive News1.27%LOWLowe's Companies$232.35+0.1%4.7252 of 5 stars2.52$279.71 20.4%25Dividend AnnouncementAnalyst ForecastOptions VolumePositive News1.24%MPLXMplx$53.69-0.1%3.3127 of 5 stars2.70$54.00 0.6%10Analyst RevisionPositive News1.23%EPDEnterprise Products Partners$33.96+0.3%3.8963 of 5 stars2.75$36.60 7.8%12Analyst ForecastOptions VolumeAnalyst RevisionPositive News1.22%HCAHCA Healthcare$341.94+1.4%4.9663 of 5 stars2.83$385.67 12.8%18Short Interest ↓1.22%AMATApplied Materials$147.68-2.0%4.9466 of 5 stars2.65$215.38 45.8%23Positive News1.21%LMTLockheed Martin$442.27-0.7%4.7843 of 5 stars2.27$539.53 22.0%15Analyst UpgradeShort Interest ↓Analyst RevisionPositive NewsGap Down1.19%LRCXLam Research$74.81-1.7%4.9178 of 5 stars2.78$98.06 31.1%23Positive News1.19%BLKBlackRock$968.46+0.0%4.6908 of 5 stars2.83$1,120.67 15.7%12Analyst Revision1.14%AJGArthur J. Gallagher & Co.$341.78+1.5%4.5733 of 5 stars2.27$313.20 -8.4%15Analyst ForecastShort Interest ↓Positive News1.12%KLACKLA$700.00-0.8%4.7344 of 5 stars2.67$830.67 18.7%18Insider TradePositive News1.10%CMECME Group$261.85-0.3%4.0732 of 5 stars2.06$238.93 -8.8%16Positive News1.08%REGNRegeneron Pharmaceuticals$635.83-0.7%4.844 of 5 stars2.76$973.13 53.0%25Short Interest ↑Positive News1.04%GDGeneral Dynamics$269.60+0.0%4.9122 of 5 stars2.33$297.71 10.4%21Short Interest ↓Positive News1.04%PCARPACCAR$98.19-1.3%4.7372 of 5 stars2.53$118.38 20.6%15Positive News1.03%FANGDiamondback Energy$160.23-1.8%4.8363 of 5 stars2.96$209.33 30.6%23Analyst ForecastAnalyst RevisionPositive News1.02%CRHCRH$92.10-2.6%3.5865 of 5 stars3.00$109.64 19.0%11Positive NewsHigh Trading Volume1.00%FDXFedEx$244.26+0.2%4.7394 of 5 stars2.60$302.71 23.9%30Earnings ReportAnalyst Upgrade0.98%KRKroger$66.16+0.2%4.234 of 5 stars2.65$66.88 1.1%17Insider TradeOptions Volume0.95%SCCOSouthern Copper$96.90-0.8%1.8777 of 5 stars1.86$94.42 -2.6%7Analyst Revision0.95%ABNBAirbnb$125.65-2.3%3.7247 of 5 stars2.32$147.36 17.3%38Analyst ForecastInsider TradeGap Down0.94%PYPLPayPal$68.86-1.6%4.9522 of 5 stars2.63$90.03 30.7%35Positive News0.91%PAYXPaychex$151.83+1.1%3.298 of 5 stars1.83$137.58 -9.4%12Earnings ReportAnalyst ForecastOptions VolumeNews CoveragePositive News0.90%VRSNVeriSign$254.74+2.7%3.1722 of 5 stars3.33$250.00 -1.9%3Short Interest ↑Positive News0.89%GISGeneral Mills$59.65+1.0%4.6283 of 5 stars2.18$65.69 10.1%17Analyst Forecast0.88%CTSHCognizant Technology Solutions$77.58-0.3%4.4821 of 5 stars2.22$84.56 9.0%18Analyst ForecastBuyback AnnouncementNews CoveragePositive News0.88%LKQLKQ$41.40+1.0%4.6331 of 5 stars3.00$52.60 27.1%5Positive News0.88%SSNCSS&C Technologies$83.64-0.2%4.9522 of 5 stars3.17$97.50 16.6%6Positive News0.86%LENLennar$118.09+0.2%4.9543 of 5 stars2.32$151.07 27.9%19Earnings ReportAnalyst ForecastAnalyst Revision0.86%HSYHershey$170.79+1.3%4.054 of 5 stars1.76$162.50 -4.9%21Analyst ForecastPositive News0.85%CMICummins$323.93-1.2%4.8812 of 5 stars2.38$389.50 20.2%13Analyst DowngradePositive News0.85%DGXQuest Diagnostics$166.13-0.3%4.837 of 5 stars2.67$178.38 7.4%15Analyst Revision0.85%RGLDRoyal Gold$161.30+1.2%3.9747 of 5 stars2.38$168.86 4.7%8Positive News0.85%SYYSysco$73.99+1.7%4.9438 of 5 stars2.71$84.77 14.6%14Positive News0.84%PHMPulteGroup$105.12-0.1%4.9712 of 5 stars2.65$140.86 34.0%17Positive News0.83%CBOECboe Global Markets$220.27+1.1%2.8135 of 5 stars2.00$206.86 -6.1%8Positive News0.83%JAZZJazz Pharmaceuticals$126.40-3.4%4.9143 of 5 stars2.93$187.71 48.5%14Positive NewsHigh Trading Volume0.80%CPAYCorpay$355.94-0.4%4.1982 of 5 stars2.87$399.71 12.3%15Short Interest ↓Positive News0.80%TDYTeledyne Technologies$507.00-0.4%3.0794 of 5 stars3.00$548.00 8.1%5Positive News0.79%OMCOmnicom Group$80.61-0.7%4.5475 of 5 stars2.44$105.75 31.2%90.78%FFIVF5$270.08-1.0%4.0401 of 5 stars2.00$295.00 9.2%9Positive News0.78%EAElectronic Arts$145.30+0.1%4.21 of 5 stars2.43$155.65 7.1%23Analyst ForecastNews Coverage0.78%PRPermian Resources$13.94-1.2%4.7155 of 5 stars2.88$19.31 38.5%16Analyst ForecastOptions Volume0.76%WABWestinghouse Air Brake Technologies$186.96-0.4%4.1147 of 5 stars2.67$206.33 10.4%60.76%EMNEastman Chemical$88.95-0.7%4.8798 of 5 stars2.50$114.08 28.3%12Positive News0.75%CDWCDW$163.84-2.1%4.7632 of 5 stars2.50$235.50 43.7%8Short Interest ↓Positive News0.75%DOXAmdocs$92.02+0.1%4.5341 of 5 stars2.80$101.20 10.0%5Positive News0.75%FERGFerguson$163.28-0.6%3.801 of 5 stars2.71$200.67 22.9%140.75%NVRNVR$7,318.93+0.1%4.572 of 5 stars2.25$9,356.67 27.8%4Positive News0.74%MASMasco$70.54+0.2%4.7653 of 5 stars2.53$86.32 22.4%15Short Interest ↑Positive News0.74%JBLJabil$139.52-3.0%3.7625 of 5 stars2.83$167.50 20.1%6Earnings ReportShort Interest ↑0.74%WSMWilliams-Sonoma$164.57-0.5%4.0859 of 5 stars2.18$177.93 8.1%17Analyst Revision0.74%TPXTempur Sealy International4.0351 of 5 stars3.13$72.43 0.0%8Analyst Forecast0.74%USFDUS Foods$65.28-0.5%4.6072 of 5 stars3.00$71.09 8.9%12Positive News0.74%LECOLincoln Electric$194.86-1.2%4.1813 of 5 stars2.67$233.60 19.9%6Analyst RevisionNews CoveragePositive News0.73%NDSNNordson$206.554.2967 of 5 stars2.71$256.20 24.0%7Positive News0.73%BLDTopBuild$311.34-0.2%4.4849 of 5 stars2.63$403.88 29.7%8Positive News0.72%HRLHormel Foods$30.32+2.5%3.4992 of 5 stars2.40$31.80 4.9%5Dividend Announcement0.71%UHSUniversal Health Services$186.27+1.0%4.9684 of 5 stars2.60$228.38 22.6%15Analyst ForecastShort Interest ↑0.71%AVYAvery Dennison$178.16+0.1%4.9192 of 5 stars2.82$222.51 24.9%11News CoveragePositive News0.70%MEDPMedpace$316.61-0.3%4.4349 of 5 stars2.38$376.30 18.9%13Analyst UpgradeShort Interest ↓Analyst RevisionNews CoveragePositive News0.70%BLDRBuilders FirstSource$128.17-0.6%4.8587 of 5 stars2.85$190.72 48.8%20News CoveragePositive News0.70%AOSA. O. Smith$66.98-0.6%4.8939 of 5 stars2.29$80.86 20.7%70.69%WMSAdvanced Drainage Systems$111.20-0.9%4.844 of 5 stars2.88$164.25 47.7%8Positive News0.69%ALLEAllegion$130.21-0.1%4.3514 of 5 stars1.83$137.67 5.7%6Analyst Forecast0.69%ICLRICON Public$180.11+0.7%4.4862 of 5 stars2.80$272.50 51.3%150.68%CROXCrocs$110.59+1.0%3.7953 of 5 stars2.81$143.53 29.8%16Short Interest ↑0.68%OCOwens Corning$147.25-0.3%4.8777 of 5 stars2.67$204.18 38.7%12Short Interest ↑Positive News0.67%PKGPackaging Co. of America$198.44-0.5%4.3684 of 5 stars2.86$233.00 17.4%7Positive News0.67%CACICACI International$375.80+0.8%4.3021 of 5 stars2.86$517.31 37.7%14Analyst ForecastShort Interest ↑0.67%VTRSViatris$8.84-1.3%1.8897 of 5 stars1.75$10.50 18.8%4Short Interest ↑0.66%DKSDICK'S Sporting Goods$210.14+1.6%4.9389 of 5 stars2.57$245.50 16.8%21Analyst Revision0.65%WEXWEX$155.91+2.1%4.2881 of 5 stars2.25$187.80 20.5%12Short Interest ↑News CoveragePositive NewsHigh Trading Volume0.65%TOLToll Brothers$109.01-0.2%4.9114 of 5 stars2.60$147.57 35.4%150.64%FBINFortune Brands Innovations$62.77+0.8%4.6879 of 5 stars2.45$86.64 38.0%11Short Interest ↓Positive News0.63%GMEDGlobus Medical$73.66-0.9%4.9649 of 5 stars2.75$97.09 31.8%12Positive News0.63%NTAPNetApp$91.09-1.8%4.9782 of 5 stars2.35$129.07 41.7%17Short Interest ↓Analyst Revision0.62%DBXDropbox$26.93+0.4%2.9375 of 5 stars2.33$27.67 2.7%30.61%AKAMAkamai Technologies$81.56+0.1%4.7703 of 5 stars2.59$106.55 30.6%22Analyst Revision0.61%EXPEagle Materials$225.77-1.3%4.6388 of 5 stars2.30$286.40 26.9%10Short Interest ↑Positive News0.59%ULTAUlta Beauty$370.34-0.4%4.6571 of 5 stars2.46$427.13 15.3%24Short Interest ↓Positive News0.58%ALGNAlign Technology$164.29-1.3%4.5144 of 5 stars2.77$262.64 59.9%13Analyst Forecast0.58%FIXComfort Systems USA$331.79-4.0%4.863 of 5 stars3.00$530.75 60.0%4Analyst DowngradeShort Interest ↓News CoveragePositive News0.57%EPAMEPAM Systems$174.08-1.6%4.929 of 5 stars2.67$262.47 50.8%18Short Interest ↑Analyst Revision0.57%SWKSSkyworks Solutions$66.30-1.9%4.6669 of 5 stars1.91$83.78 26.4%230.55%ONOnsemi$43.76-2.8%4.9234 of 5 stars2.52$66.50 52.0%25Analyst Forecast0.55%TFXTeleflex$139.34-0.6%4.5088 of 5 stars2.09$182.63 31.1%11Short Interest ↑ This page (NYSEARCA:DSTL) was last updated on 3/27/2025 by MarketBeat.com Staff From Our PartnersA brutally honest economic warning for 2025 (see proof)New York Times best-selling financial author and world-renowned economist Addison Wiggin (a man who’s worked s...Banyan Hill Publishing | Sponsored$2 Trillion Disappears Because of Fed's Secretive New Move$2 trillion has disappeared from the US government's books. 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