First Trust Morningstar Dividend Leaders Index Rating $42.79 -0.16 (-0.37%) Closing price 04:10 PM EasternExtended Trading$42.90 +0.12 (+0.27%) As of 07:22 PM Eastern Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Learn more. Add Compare Share Share Ratings Stock AnalysisChartDividendHoldingsOwnershipRatingsBuy This Stock First Trust Morningstar Dividend Leaders Index Aggregate Rating and Price Target (2025)How MarketBeat Aggregates ETF Rating and Price TargetMarketBeat calculates the aggregate rating and price target for an ETF by considering the weight of each stock in its portfolio. These ratings and price targets are based on the most recent ratings given by Wall Street analysts over the past year. The aggregate rating reviews the ETF's overall performance and is categorized as strong sell, sell, reduce, hold, moderate buy, buy, or strong buy. The aggegreate price target represents the average potential upside for the consensus price target of individual holdings in the ETF.FDL Aggregate RatingModerate Buy 2.55Holdings in FDL have an aggregate rating of Moderate Buy based on 1,119 analyst ratings issued in the past year covering 94 companies (99.6% of the portfolio).FDL Aggregate Price Target$42.79High Prediction$42.79Average Prediction$42.79Low Prediction$42.79Holdings in FDL have an aggregate price target of $42.79 and a range of $42.79 to $42.79 covering 94 companies (99.6% of the portfolio).FDL Consensus Ratings of HoldingsStrong Buy0 Strong Buy rating(s)Buy3 Buy rating(s)Moderate Buy38 Moderate Buy rating(s)Hold43 Hold rating(s)Reduce10 Reduce rating(s)Sell0 Sell rating(s)Strong Sell0 Strong Sell rating(s) Ratings for Stocks Held by First Trust Morningstar Dividend Leaders Index Strong Sell Sell Reduce Hold Moderate Buy Buy Strong Buy Ratings for the Top 94 FDL Holdings Export to ExcelWeight In ETFCompanyShare PriceMarketRank™Consensus Rating ScoreConsensus Price TargetPossible UpsideNumber of RatingsIndicator(s)ViewRatings9.57%ABBVAbbVie$205.12+1.2%4.5221 of 5 stars2.92$211.45 3.1%25Positive News8.30%VZVerizon Communications$44.960.0%4.7048 of 5 stars2.56$46.71 3.9%18Analyst ForecastShort Interest ↑Positive News7.62%CVXChevron$166.06-0.4%4.5377 of 5 stars2.76$174.13 4.9%17Options VolumePositive News7.18%PMPhilip Morris International$155.17+0.1%4.3875 of 5 stars2.80$144.56 -6.8%10Short Interest ↓Positive News6.97%PFEPfizer$25.20+0.8%4.9866 of 5 stars2.63$31.92 26.7%16Positive News5.25%MOAltria Group$58.17-0.2%3.189 of 5 stars2.13$53.29 -8.4%8Ex-DividendPositive News4.82%IBMInternational Business Machines$243.83-1.0%4.2997 of 5 stars2.41$231.44 -5.1%17Analyst RevisionPositive News3.40%GILDGilead Sciences$111.79+0.6%4.5817 of 5 stars2.72$105.12 -6.0%29Analyst ForecastPositive News3.05%UPSUnited Parcel Service$109.66-1.2%4.8896 of 5 stars2.52$137.57 25.5%25Analyst ForecastPositive News3.00%CVSCVS Health$67.13-0.7%4.908 of 5 stars2.90$70.41 4.9%21Positive News2.46%DUKDuke Energy$119.42+1.5%4.1082 of 5 stars2.53$123.87 3.7%15Positive News1.81%USBU.S. Bancorp$42.21-2.4%4.9993 of 5 stars2.55$53.21 26.1%20Analyst ForecastPositive News1.74%TFCTruist Financial$40.46-2.3%4.9578 of 5 stars2.73$50.68 25.3%22Analyst Forecast1.60%KMIKinder Morgan$28.39+0.6%4.2322 of 5 stars2.60$29.64 4.4%15Short Interest ↓Analyst RevisionPositive News1.56%AEPAmerican Electric Power$106.96+1.7%3.7201 of 5 stars2.31$100.77 -5.8%13Analyst ForecastPositive NewsHigh Trading Volume1.56%FFord Motor$9.73-1.8%4.6056 of 5 stars2.06$11.37 16.9%17Analyst ForecastHigh Trading Volume1.54%PNCThe PNC Financial Services Group$171.83-1.8%4.9775 of 5 stars2.38$204.25 18.9%16Analyst ForecastPositive News1.48%OKEONEOK$98.47-0.2%4.6526 of 5 stars2.67$105.00 6.6%15Analyst ForecastShort Interest ↓Analyst RevisionPositive News1.26%EXCExelon$44.71+1.0%4.3777 of 5 stars2.56$45.13 0.9%9Positive News1.25%KMBKimberly-Clark$140.73+0.1%4.6375 of 5 stars2.14$144.85 2.9%14Analyst ForecastShort Interest ↓News CoveragePositive News1.21%DOWDOW$34.36-2.5%4.7449 of 5 stars2.23$47.31 37.7%131.17%PRUPrudential Financial$109.94-3.9%4.9149 of 5 stars2.15$126.15 14.8%13Insider TradePositive News0.98%KHCKraft Heinz$30.24+0.6%4.298 of 5 stars1.80$30.73 1.6%15Positive News0.94%LYBLyondellBasell Industries$69.81-1.6%4.9874 of 5 stars2.23$88.25 26.4%13Short Interest ↑Positive News0.91%XELXcel Energy$69.72+0.6%3.3671 of 5 stars2.80$72.30 3.7%10Positive News0.83%WECWEC Energy Group$107.50+1.2%3.6547 of 5 stars2.38$101.88 -5.2%8News CoveragePositive News0.81%ETREntergy$84.38+0.4%3.8339 of 5 stars2.73$84.75 0.4%15Options VolumePositive News0.73%ESEversource Energy$61.13+1.4%4.4256 of 5 stars2.27$67.40 10.3%11Positive News0.61%FITBFifth Third Bancorp$38.81-2.4%4.9796 of 5 stars2.53$46.64 20.2%19Analyst ForecastPositive News0.61%TROWT. Rowe Price Group$91.57-3.3%4.3956 of 5 stars1.64$114.09 24.6%11Short Interest ↑Positive News0.59%FEFirstEnergy$40.05+1.5%4.1927 of 5 stars2.33$45.00 12.4%15High Trading Volume0.58%EIXEdison International$58.20+1.6%4.955 of 5 stars2.57$76.82 32.0%140.56%AEEAmeren$99.71+1.1%4.1911 of 5 stars2.64$96.70 -3.0%11Analyst RevisionPositive News0.55%STTState Street$88.95-3.1%4.9368 of 5 stars2.40$101.53 14.1%15Analyst ForecastPositive News0.55%RFRegions Financial$21.42-2.3%4.9648 of 5 stars2.56$27.17 26.9%18Analyst ForecastPositive News0.54%HBANHuntington Bancshares$14.79-2.2%4.8692 of 5 stars2.79$18.18 22.9%19Short Interest ↑0.49%KEYKeyCorp$15.80-2.3%4.9726 of 5 stars2.58$19.42 22.9%19Analyst Forecast0.48%CFGCitizens Financial Group$40.26-2.4%4.7365 of 5 stars2.61$48.67 20.9%18Short Interest ↑0.47%EVRGEvergy$67.87+0.8%3.0195 of 5 stars3.00$69.08 1.8%70.45%CAGConagra Brands$26.55+0.4%3.5674 of 5 stars2.27$28.20 6.2%11Upcoming Earnings0.44%BBYBest Buy$72.28-3.5%4.9705 of 5 stars2.45$93.50 29.4%20Ex-DividendInsider TradeAnalyst RevisionPositive News0.44%FANGDiamondback Energy$157.54-1.7%4.8173 of 5 stars2.96$209.33 32.9%23Analyst ForecastAnalyst RevisionPositive News0.44%KKellanova$82.430.0%3.2317 of 5 stars2.07$77.96 -5.4%14Analyst ForecastInsider TradePositive News0.39%CLXClorox$146.18+0.4%3.753 of 5 stars1.85$159.50 9.1%13Analyst ForecastOptions VolumeNews CoveragePositive News0.36%LNTAlliant Energy$63.58+0.7%3.4495 of 5 stars2.30$63.55 0.0%10Short Interest ↓Positive News0.36%FNFFidelity National Financial$64.77-0.2%4.2271 of 5 stars2.60$70.40 8.7%5Positive News0.35%SWKStanley Black & Decker$76.46-1.6%4.7139 of 5 stars2.30$102.20 33.7%10Analyst ForecastNews Coverage0.32%SJMJ. M. Smucker$116.13-0.5%3.8391 of 5 stars2.30$125.67 8.2%10Analyst Upgrade0.31%IPGInterpublic Group of Companies$26.29-0.4%4.884 of 5 stars2.33$33.50 27.4%9Analyst Forecast0.30%PNWPinnacle West Capital$94.23+1.3%3.5784 of 5 stars2.56$95.17 1.0%9Positive News0.28%OMFOneMain$48.43-4.1%4.9164 of 5 stars2.54$59.17 22.2%13Analyst ForecastNews Coverage0.26%OGEOGE Energy$45.49+0.9%3.4666 of 5 stars2.40$45.67 0.4%5Positive News0.25%UGIUGI$32.88-0.2%3.9349 of 5 stars2.67$28.33 -13.8%3Positive News0.25%HASHasbro$60.59-1.3%4.9388 of 5 stars2.89$80.22 32.4%9Analyst Upgrade0.23%LNCLincoln National$35.72-2.9%4.8137 of 5 stars2.00$37.40 4.7%10Positive News0.23%CMAComerica$58.73-1.5%4.9008 of 5 stars2.23$68.00 15.8%22Analyst ForecastNews Coverage0.22%WUWestern Union$10.48-1.4%3.6366 of 5 stars1.70$12.11 15.6%100.22%BENFranklin Resources$19.27-2.9%4.2277 of 5 stars1.64$20.86 8.3%11Positive News0.21%FHNFirst Horizon$19.24-0.2%4.7905 of 5 stars2.60$22.23 15.6%15Positive News0.20%WHRWhirlpool$89.58-3.7%3.3045 of 5 stars1.75$106.00 18.3%4Positive News0.20%MTNVail Resorts$161.59+0.4%4.5089 of 5 stars2.11$193.56 19.8%9Short Interest ↓Analyst Revision0.17%COLBColumbia Banking System$24.73-2.3%4.5587 of 5 stars2.33$31.25 26.4%12Positive News0.17%SIRISirius XM$22.75-4.5%3.834 of 5 stars1.93$26.81 17.8%140.16%NXSTNexstar Media Group$176.45-1.7%4.9135 of 5 stars3.00$208.43 18.1%7Insider TradePositive News0.15%FAFFirst American Financial$65.68-1.2%4.0323 of 5 stars2.50$74.50 13.4%4Short Interest ↑0.15%FMCFMC$42.25-0.9%4.5875 of 5 stars2.07$51.15 21.1%140.15%ZIONZions Bancorporation, National Association$49.47-1.6%4.7147 of 5 stars2.11$60.94 23.2%19Analyst ForecastPositive News0.14%PORPortland General Electric$44.39+1.5%3.0056 of 5 stars2.22$47.00 5.9%90.14%SRSpire$78.18+0.9%2.9937 of 5 stars2.50$76.00 -2.8%10Analyst DowngradeAnalyst Revision0.13%SNVSynovus Financial$46.12-2.7%4.7215 of 5 stars2.67$58.67 27.2%18Positive News0.13%NJRNew Jersey Resources$49.38+2.0%3.6265 of 5 stars2.60$51.75 4.8%5Insider TradeShort Interest ↓News CoveragePositive News0.13%APAMArtisan Partners Asset Management$39.11-2.9%3.733 of 5 stars2.00$44.38 13.5%4Short Interest ↓Positive News0.12%FLOFlowers Foods$18.87+0.1%4.6178 of 5 stars1.75$21.00 11.3%4Short Interest ↓0.12%JHGJanus Henderson Group$35.97-3.0%4.9501 of 5 stars2.38$47.38 31.7%8Analyst DowngradeShort Interest ↓Positive News0.12%OZKBank OZK$43.73-2.8%4.3413 of 5 stars2.00$50.38 15.2%90.12%ALEALLETE$65.68+0.0%3.8148 of 5 stars3.00$67.00 2.0%2News CoveragePositive News0.12%VLYValley National Bancorp$8.78-2.2%4.4298 of 5 stars2.44$10.78 22.8%90.12%UBSIUnited Bankshares$34.40-1.3%4.3893 of 5 stars2.00$41.88 21.7%4Positive News0.12%BKHBlack Hills$60.02+0.7%3.0604 of 5 stars2.00$62.33 3.9%30.11%PRGOPerrigo$28.06+1.1%4.7878 of 5 stars2.25$33.00 17.6%4Short Interest ↓0.11%TXNMTXNM Energy$53.54-0.3%1.8997 of 5 stars2.71$53.57 0.1%7Positive News0.11%AVAAvista$40.90+2.1%4.0492 of 5 stars1.67$37.33 -8.7%3News CoveragePositive NewsHigh Trading Volume0.11%NWENorthWestern Energy Group$56.80+2.0%2.7315 of 5 stars2.71$59.25 4.3%7Positive News0.10%OGSONE Gas$75.89+2.9%2.7011 of 5 stars2.13$72.44 -4.6%80.10%MSMMSC Industrial Direct$77.77-3.4%3.1172 of 5 stars2.14$83.80 7.8%7Upcoming EarningsDividend AnnouncementNews CoveragePositive News0.10%MANManpowerGroup$58.75-1.0%4.4989 of 5 stars2.00$69.33 18.0%6Positive News0.10%FIBKFirst Interstate BancSystem$28.59-1.8%4.6535 of 5 stars2.14$36.14 26.4%7Positive News0.10%WENWendy's$14.63-2.5%4.6122 of 5 stars2.30$18.08 23.6%20Short Interest ↓0.09%TNLTravel + Leisure$46.40-1.8%4.9986 of 5 stars2.60$63.70 37.3%10News Coverage0.09%ASBAssociated Banc$22.38-1.5%4.7204 of 5 stars2.10$27.11 21.1%10Analyst Forecast0.08%FHBFirst Hawaiian$24.29-1.9%3.5438 of 5 stars1.57$29.00 19.4%7Positive News0.07%SMGScotts Miracle-Gro$54.66-4.5%4.5036 of 5 stars2.50$74.00 35.4%6Short Interest ↑0.07%FHIFederated Hermes$40.70-1.3%4.189 of 5 stars2.17$42.17 3.6%6Positive News0.06%CATYCathay General Bancorp$42.63-1.9%4.0352 of 5 stars2.20$50.80 19.2%5Positive News This page (NYSEARCA:FDL) was last updated on 3/28/2025 by Staff From Our PartnersElon Warns: Exec Order 14024 Targets DollarExecutive Order 14024 is paving the way for irreversible damage to the dollar's value—threatening your wealth,...Priority Gold | SponsoredNew “Trump” currency proposed in DCAccording to one of the most connected men in Washington… A surprising new bill was just introduced in Wash...Paradigm Press | SponsoredA market crash is coming—here’s whenThe stock market cycle I've used to identify the most likely day of the next market crash is the exact same in...Chaikin Analytics | SponsoredYour Wealth is Under AttackPlease don't wait—this is your moment to take action. 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