None Rating $25.66 +0.12 (+0.47%) As of 04:10 PM Eastern Add Compare Share Share Ratings Stock AnalysisChartHoldingsRatings None Aggregate Rating and Price Target (2025)How MarketBeat Aggregates ETF Rating and Price TargetMarketBeat calculates the aggregate rating and price target for an ETF by considering the weight of each stock in its portfolio. These ratings and price targets are based on the most recent ratings given by Wall Street analysts over the past year. The aggregate rating reviews the ETF's overall performance and is categorized as strong sell, sell, reduce, hold, moderate buy, buy, or strong buy. The aggegreate price target represents the average potential upside for the consensus price target of individual holdings in the ETF.FYEE Aggregate RatingModerate Buy 2.69Holdings in FYEE have an aggregate rating of Moderate Buy based on 2,889 analyst ratings issued in the past year covering 155 companies (99.1% of the portfolio).FYEE Aggregate Price Target$25.66High Prediction$25.66Average Prediction$25.66Low Prediction$25.66Holdings in FYEE have an aggregate price target of $25.66 and a range of $25.66 to $25.66 covering 155 companies (99.1% of the portfolio).FYEE Consensus Ratings of HoldingsStrong Buy0 Strong Buy rating(s)Buy11 Buy rating(s)Moderate Buy104 Moderate Buy rating(s)Hold35 Hold rating(s)Reduce5 Reduce rating(s)Sell0 Sell rating(s)Strong Sell0 Strong Sell rating(s) Ratings for Stocks Held by None Strong Sell Sell Reduce Hold Moderate Buy Buy Strong Buy Ratings for the Top 100 FYEE Holdings Export to ExcelWeight In ETFCompanyShare PriceMarketRank™Consensus Rating ScoreConsensus Price TargetPossible UpsideNumber of RatingsIndicator(s)ViewRatings7.78%AAPLApple$216.98-1.7%4.6579 of 5 stars2.58$243.22 12.1%36Analyst Forecast6.25%NVDANVIDIA$115.74+6.4%4.9112 of 5 stars2.98$171.69 48.3%42Insider TradeGap Up5.44%MSFTMicrosoft$383.27+0.7%4.9035 of 5 stars2.90$509.54 32.9%29Dividend AnnouncementShort Interest ↑$198.89+1.2%4.9057 of 5 stars2.98$260.65 31.1%45Gap Up3.21%METAMeta Platforms$619.56+2.3%4.355 of 5 stars2.86$719.26 16.1%43Positive NewsGap Up2.38%BRK.BBerkshire Hathaway$496.020.0%0.772 of 5 stars2.50$457.50 -7.8%22.06%AVGOBroadcom$194.23+2.2%4.7902 of 5 stars2.93$231.48 19.2%27Dividend AnnouncementAnalyst RevisionPositive NewsGap Up2.03%GOOGLAlphabet$167.11+1.9%4.6428 of 5 stars2.86$210.62 26.0%431.95%JPMJPMorgan Chase & Co.$227.89-0.5%4.9128 of 5 stars2.53$252.89 11.0%19Gap Up1.82%GOOGAlphabet$169.00+1.8%4.9092 of 5 stars2.79$209.13 23.7%24Positive News1.48%XOMExxon Mobil$109.120.0%4.7433 of 5 stars2.64$129.25 18.5%22Positive News1.37%MAMastercard$524.69-0.2%4.8413 of 5 stars2.93$606.11 15.5%30Analyst ForecastPositive News1.31%ABBVAbbVie$211.80-0.8%4.6699 of 5 stars2.88$211.45 -0.2%24Positive News1.15%NFLXNetflix$919.68+2.7%4.3028 of 5 stars2.77$1,014.26 10.3%35Analyst ForecastGap UpHigh Trading Volume1.15%TSLATesla$248.09+7.6%4.7878 of 5 stars2.37$325.81 31.3%38Analyst ForecastGap Up1.15%UNHUnitedHealth Group$481.18-1.0%4.9893 of 5 stars3.05$629.32 30.8%22Analyst RevisionPositive News1.11%PGProcter & Gamble$168.35-2.8%4.4134 of 5 stars2.80$181.47 7.8%20Positive News1.09%JNJJohnson & Johnson$162.93-1.8%4.4425 of 5 stars2.56$171.33 5.2%18Analyst ForecastShort Interest ↑Positive News1.03%MRKMerck & Co., Inc.$93.44-1.4%5 of 5 stars2.65$117.12 25.3%23Short Interest ↑1.02%CSCOCisco Systems$60.46-0.3%4.8326 of 5 stars2.78$66.63 10.2%23Analyst RevisionPositive News1.01%WMTWalmart$85.07-2.7%4.7764 of 5 stars3.00$103.20 21.3%31Analyst ForecastPositive NewsHigh Trading Volume0.95%ADBEAdobe$438.60+1.1%4.7957 of 5 stars2.59$563.96 28.6%29Analyst Forecast0.95%CRMSalesforce$284.88+2.8%4.8865 of 5 stars2.88$365.62 28.3%410.93%DISWalt Disney$98.79+0.9%4.728 of 5 stars2.85$125.64 27.2%260.90%LLYEli Lilly and Company$822.26-0.2%4.5008 of 5 stars2.85$1,009.72 22.8%200.86%GILDGilead Sciences$113.99-0.4%4.4094 of 5 stars2.72$104.52 -8.3%29Analyst ForecastPositive News0.86%QCOMQUALCOMM$152.80-0.2%4.9572 of 5 stars2.50$205.32 34.4%30Analyst DowngradePositive News0.83%NEENextEra Energy$73.03-1.3%4.5068 of 5 stars2.50$85.92 17.6%14Analyst ForecastOptions VolumePositive News0.81%WFCWells Fargo & Company$68.98+2.5%4.1306 of 5 stars2.50$73.39 6.4%20Positive NewsGap Up0.80%HDHome Depot$364.82-0.9%4.7507 of 5 stars2.77$436.50 19.6%31Positive News0.79%AXPAmerican Express$261.19+2.3%4.8453 of 5 stars2.25$296.38 13.5%24Insider TradePositive NewsHigh Trading Volume0.79%PFEPfizer$25.73-1.0%4.8887 of 5 stars2.50$31.92 24.1%16Analyst ForecastPositive News0.79%UNPUnion Pacific$237.61-0.1%4.7977 of 5 stars2.67$263.00 10.7%21Short Interest ↑Positive News0.77%CMCSAComcast$35.19-2.1%4.8701 of 5 stars2.65$43.83 24.5%20Positive News0.77%PGRProgressive$277.52+0.2%4.2238 of 5 stars2.67$276.59 -0.3%18Dividend AnnouncementAnalyst ForecastInsider TradePositive News0.77%VVisa$333.01+0.3%4.3815 of 5 stars2.83$353.96 6.3%29Positive News0.75%SCHWCharles Schwab$74.29+2.5%4.8326 of 5 stars2.47$86.33 16.2%17Short Interest ↓Positive News0.75%TJXTJX Companies$115.34-0.7%4.7223 of 5 stars2.88$135.06 17.1%17Positive News0.72%BACBank of America$39.90+0.7%4.939 of 5 stars2.84$48.64 21.9%250.71%COPConocoPhillips$97.64+2.3%4.9638 of 5 stars3.00$133.47 36.7%19Positive News0.71%LMTLockheed Martin$461.47-1.6%4.7135 of 5 stars2.60$554.20 20.1%15Analyst ForecastPositive News0.70%ECLEcolab$255.02-1.6%4.9269 of 5 stars2.88$288.00 12.9%16Positive News0.70%CTASCintas$192.21-2.2%4.5318 of 5 stars2.19$199.79 3.9%16Short Interest ↓Positive News0.70%MMCMarsh & McLennan Companies$229.78-1.4%4.4091 of 5 stars2.13$230.44 0.3%16Dividend AnnouncementInsider TradePositive News0.68%BMYBristol-Myers Squibb$59.83-2.7%4.3411 of 5 stars2.32$57.86 -3.3%19Short Interest ↑Analyst RevisionPositive News0.67%FTNTFortinet$97.93-0.4%4.0843 of 5 stars2.38$103.72 5.9%32Insider TradeShort Interest ↑Positive News0.66%PMPhilip Morris International$151.23-0.6%4.0921 of 5 stars2.78$144.56 -4.4%9Dividend AnnouncementShort Interest ↑Positive News0.66%TTTrane Technologies$339.72+1.7%4.5089 of 5 stars2.29$413.69 21.8%17Analyst ForecastPositive News0.65%COSTCostco Wholesale$927.08-0.4%4.5177 of 5 stars2.72$1,030.43 11.1%29Earnings ReportAnalyst ForecastAnalyst Revision0.62%MSIMotorola Solutions$413.42+0.4%4.587 of 5 stars2.88$505.88 22.4%8Positive News0.61%AMATApplied Materials$149.06+1.4%4.934 of 5 stars2.65$215.38 44.5%23Dividend IncreaseAnalyst UpgradeBuyback AnnouncementAnalyst RevisionPositive NewsGap Up0.61%BDXBecton, Dickinson and Company$223.95-0.4%4.8624 of 5 stars3.00$278.29 24.3%7Short Interest ↓Positive News0.58%AMTAmerican Tower$206.67-1.5%3.8278 of 5 stars3.00$226.29 9.5%16Dividend IncreaseAnalyst ForecastPositive News0.58%NOCNorthrop Grumman$475.74-3.7%4.5394 of 5 stars2.56$542.88 14.1%18Positive News0.57%PYPLPayPal$68.62+0.9%4.8616 of 5 stars2.63$90.03 31.2%35Positive News0.57%LDOSLeidos$133.58-0.4%4.9028 of 5 stars2.69$175.87 31.7%16Short Interest ↑Positive News0.56%GRMNGarmin$215.78+1.2%3.842 of 5 stars1.80$210.80 -2.3%5Insider TradeAnalyst Revision0.53%CRHCRH$98.46+4.0%3.6356 of 5 stars3.00$109.25 11.0%12Analyst ForecastOptions VolumePositive News0.53%TAT&T$25.72-1.1%4.4169 of 5 stars2.78$26.74 4.0%230.51%EOGEOG Resources$124.18-0.3%4.5074 of 5 stars2.48$146.19 17.7%21Positive News0.50%CMECME Group$256.72-1.4%4.2528 of 5 stars1.93$238.93 -6.9%15Analyst UpgradePositive NewsHigh Trading Volume0.50%DASHDoorDash$187.70+2.2%3.3979 of 5 stars2.71$206.52 10.0%34Analyst ForecastGap UpHigh Trading Volume0.49%INCYIncyte$67.73-0.5%4.8847 of 5 stars2.32$75.25 11.1%19Short Interest ↓0.49%MGMMGM Resorts International$31.03-0.8%4.9514 of 5 stars2.76$51.29 65.3%210.48%MWAMueller Water Products$26.88+1.4%3.7915 of 5 stars2.17$25.80 -4.0%6Insider TradeNews CoverageHigh Trading Volume0.47%MSMorgan Stanley$113.99+1.7%4.7738 of 5 stars2.35$131.27 15.2%17Options VolumeGap Up0.46%NOWServiceNow$844.27+4.4%4.7007 of 5 stars2.87$1,114.24 32.0%31Analyst ForecastPositive NewsGap Up0.46%OXYOccidental Petroleum$46.11-0.4%4.7152 of 5 stars2.24$60.86 32.0%21Analyst DowngradeAnalyst Revision0.45%CSXCSX$29.55+0.1%4.7905 of 5 stars2.65$37.00 25.2%200.44%CVNACarvana$179.62+4.3%4.5845 of 5 stars2.56$265.65 47.9%18Analyst ForecastGap Up0.42%KLACKLA$680.39+2.4%4.5901 of 5 stars2.68$831.68 22.2%19Short Interest ↑Positive$58.82+0.6%3.3013 of 5 stars2.17$64.40 9.5%6Positive News0.41%ELVElevance Health$412.13-2.3%4.916 of 5 stars2.88$517.03 25.5%16Insider TradeShort Interest ↓Positive News0.39%ADPAutomatic Data Processing$294.18+0.6%4.4974 of 5 stars2.00$296.18 0.7%11Insider TradePositive News0.39%FFord Motor$9.60-1.0%4.722 of 5 stars2.06$11.77 22.6%170.39%MSCIMSCI$544.29+0.5%4.9048 of 5 stars2.79$649.23 19.3%14Positive News0.38%FIFiserv$211.10-1.1%4.6683 of 5 stars3.00$239.83 13.6%25Positive News0.37%ALLAllstate$198.45-1.6%4.9218 of 5 stars2.88$217.94 9.8%17Analyst RevisionPositive News0.36%CRUSCirrus Logic$97.89-3.8%4.4021 of 5 stars2.86$132.86 35.7%7Positive News0.36%SPGIS&P Global$478.74-0.3%4.7548 of 5 stars2.88$590.86 23.4%16Analyst ForecastShort Interest ↑Positive News0.35%PCARPACCAR$102.33-2.3%4.6647 of 5 stars2.46$121.77 19.0%13Analyst RevisionPositive News0.35%CATCaterpillar$338.50-0.4%4.7327 of 5 stars2.39$383.80 13.4%18Positive News0.34%VZVerizon Communications$42.63-1.9%4.7412 of 5 stars2.53$46.11 8.2%19Analyst DowngradeOptions VolumePositive NewsGap DownHigh Trading Volume0.32%ESEESCO Technologies$157.00-0.8%2.3148 of 5 stars3.00$182.50 16.2%2Positive News0.32%ZMZoom Video Communications$73.95+1.1%4.6151 of 5 stars2.42$90.05 21.8%24Short Interest ↓Positive News0.30%EXELExelixis$37.20+0.7%4.5802 of 5 stars2.50$37.24 0.1%20Short Interest ↓0.30%AYIAcuity Brands$263.93-1.5%4.3572 of 5 stars2.50$341.40 29.4%6News CoveragePositive News0.30%RTXRTX$128.090.0%4.7555 of 5 stars2.88$163.40 27.6%160.30%TMOThermo Fisher Scientific$512.94-0.2%4.8606 of 5 stars2.82$653.23 27.3%22Insider TradePositive News0.29%COMPCompass$8.82+3.2%2.1191 of 5 stars2.57$9.61 9.0%7Short Interest ↑Gap Up0.28%SKYWSkyWest$82.99-0.6%4.3467 of 5 stars2.50$109.75 32.2%4Short Interest ↑0.28%ALLEAllegion$123.91-1.6%4.7302 of 5 stars1.83$138.33 11.6%6Positive News0.27%ITRIItron$103.13-0.2%4.3473 of 5 stars2.73$127.64 23.8%11Positive News0.27%LNGCheniere Energy$215.39+1.9%3.7378 of 5 stars2.92$236.33 9.7%13Positive News0.27%VMIValmont Industries$326.72+1.8%3.9387 of 5 stars2.50$402.50 23.2%2Analyst UpgradeShort Interest ↑0.26%BKNGBooking$4,400.52+1.1%4.711 of 5 stars2.77$5,370.43 22.0%31Positive News0.26%JCIJohnson Controls International$78.74+2.3%4.8761 of 5 stars2.53$91.27 15.9%15Dividend AnnouncementAnalyst ForecastPositive News0.25%ZBRAZebra Technologies$279.18-0.4%4.8303 of 5 stars2.69$381.42 36.6%13Short Interest ↓Positive News0.25%TROWT. Rowe Price Group$93.28-3.1%4.5649 of 5 stars1.64$114.09 22.3%11Positive News0.25%VICIVICI Properties$32.03-1.0%4.3552 of 5 stars2.73$34.20 6.8%11Dividend AnnouncementAnalyst ForecastPositive News This page (NYSEARCA:FYEE) was last updated on 3/12/2025 by Staff From Our PartnersTrump Orders 'National Digital Asset Stockpile'Trump Orders ‘National Digital Asset Stockpile’ THIS could be the coin they choose…Crypto 101 Media | SponsoredA brutally honest economic warning for 2025 (see proof)New York Times best-selling financial author and world-renowned economist Addison Wiggin (a man who’s worked s...Banyan Hill Publishing | SponsoredAlert: DOGE goes liveElon will most likely be at the helm of it all. 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