iShares Core S&P U.S. Value ETF Rating $92.86 -0.14 (-0.15%) As of 03:59 PM Eastern Add Compare Share Share Ratings Stock AnalysisChartDividendHeadlinesHoldingsOptions ChainOwnershipRatingsShort InterestTrendsBuy This Stock iShares Core S&P U.S. Value ETF Aggregate Rating and Price Target (2025)How MarketBeat Aggregates ETF Rating and Price TargetMarketBeat calculates the aggregate rating and price target for an ETF by considering the weight of each stock in its portfolio. These ratings and price targets are based on the most recent ratings given by Wall Street analysts over the past year. The aggregate rating reviews the ETF's overall performance and is categorized as strong sell, sell, reduce, hold, moderate buy, buy, or strong buy. The aggegreate price target represents the average potential upside for the consensus price target of individual holdings in the ETF.IUSV Aggregate RatingModerate Buy 2.65Holdings in IUSV have an aggregate rating of Moderate Buy based on 7,411 analyst ratings issued in the past year covering 498 companies (97.3% of the portfolio).IUSV Aggregate Price Target$92.86High Prediction$92.86Average Prediction$92.86Low Prediction$92.86Holdings in IUSV have an aggregate price target of $92.86 and a range of $92.86 to $92.86 covering 498 companies (97.3% of the portfolio).IUSV Consensus Ratings of HoldingsStrong Buy1 Strong Buy rating(s)Buy31 Buy rating(s)Moderate Buy279 Moderate Buy rating(s)Hold164 Hold rating(s)Reduce22 Reduce rating(s)Sell0 Sell rating(s)Strong Sell1 Strong Sell rating(s) Ratings for Stocks Held by iShares Core S&P U.S. Value ETF Strong Sell Sell Reduce Hold Moderate Buy Buy Strong Buy Ratings for the Top 100 IUSV Holdings Export to ExcelWeight In ETFCompanyShare PriceMarketRank™Consensus Rating ScoreConsensus Price TargetPossible UpsideNumber of RatingsIndicator(s)ViewRatings7.03%AAPLApple$223.75+1.4%4.2035 of 5 stars2.58$243.65 8.9%36Analyst Revision5.54%MSFTMicrosoft$395.16+0.5%4.9212 of 5 stars2.93$510.59$205.71+1.2%4.9294 of 5 stars2.98$260.65 26.7%451.99%XOMExxon Mobil$116.61+0.7%4.8059 of 5 stars2.64$129.15 10.8%22Analyst RevisionPositive News1.94%BRK.BBerkshire Hathaway$529.03+0.6%0.897 of 5 stars2.50$457.50 -13.5%21.89%UNHUnitedHealth Group$513.58-0.6%4.9368 of 5 stars3.10$629.32 22.5%21Positive News1.56%JNJJohnson & Johnson$161.14-1.3%4.5199 of 5 stars2.56$171.33 6.3%18Positive News1.55%PGProcter & Gamble$162.90-1.7%4.7011 of 5 stars2.86$181.47 11.4%21Positive News1.15%JPMJPMorgan Chase & Co.$250.99+1.2%4.8149 of 5 stars2.53$252.89 0.8%19Dividend IncreaseInsider TradePositive News1.12%BACBank of America$43.31+0.6%4.9569 of 5 stars2.84$48.45 11.9%25Analyst Forecast1.09%CVXChevron$165.93+0.6%4.6164 of 5 stars2.76$174.13 4.9%171.05%KOCoca-Cola$68.85-0.1%4.3567 of 5 stars3.00$74.24 7.8%19Positive News0.95%CSCOCisco Systems$60.99+0.0%4.528 of 5 stars2.78$66.63 9.3%23Positive News0.95%WFCWells Fargo & Company$74.270.0%4.5108 of 5 stars2.55$74.18 -0.1%20Analyst ForecastPositive News0.93%MRKMerck & Co., Inc.$87.88-4.8%5 of 5 stars2.65$117.12 33.3%230.87%LINLinde$457.45-0.4%3.4282 of 5 stars2.75$501.82 9.7%12Positive News0.87%ABTAbbott Laboratories$125.46-1.4%4.7718 of 5 stars2.84$137.94 9.9%19Positive News0.87%MCDMcDonald's$307.01+0.4%4.1437 of 5 stars2.69$323.39 5.3%260.85%ABBVAbbVie$201.12-3.8%4.6981 of 5 stars2.92$211.45 5.1%25Positive News0.79%PEPPepsiCo$145.54-0.6%4.4084 of 5 stars2.25$169.88 16.7%200.79%TMOThermo Fisher Scientific$513.77-1.2%4.8773 of 5 stars2.82$653.23 27.1%22Positive News0.78%HDHome Depot$360.90-0.8%4.7776 of 5 stars2.77$435.85 20.8%31Analyst ForecastPositive News0.77%TAT&T$27.30+1.3%4.3517 of 5 stars2.78$26.79 -1.9%230.76%ACNAccenture$308.97+0.6%4.8379 of 5 stars2.74$378.91 22.6%23Earnings ReportDividend AnnouncementAnalyst Forecast0.73%VZVerizon Communications$43.46-0.2%4.7866 of 5 stars2.56$46.71 7.5%18Analyst ForecastPositive News0.71%DISWalt Disney$101.61+1.4%4.6104 of 5 stars2.85$125.64 23.6%260.70%GSThe Goldman Sachs Group$586.16+1.0%4.9003 of 5 stars2.44$593.27 1.2%18Analyst Forecast0.69%QCOMQUALCOMM$160.15+0.0%4.9658 of 5 stars2.50$205.32 28.2%300.68%AMDAdvanced Micro Devices$114.81+0.8%4.7673 of 5 stars2.75$155.14 35.1%32Positive News0.65%TXNTexas Instruments$183.97-0.8%4.7852 of 5 stars2.27$209.20 13.7%22Positive News0.59%PFEPfizer$25.56-2.2%4.9844 of 5 stars2.63$31.92 24.9%16Analyst RevisionPositive News0.56%UNPUnion Pacific$235.90+0.3%4.8542 of 5 stars2.67$263.00 11.5%21Positive News0.55%CMCSAComcast$36.94+0.9%4.8825 of 5 stars2.62$43.64 18.1%21Analyst ForecastPositive News0.55%BLKBlackRock$974.69+1.2%4.768 of 5 stars2.83$1,120.67 15.0%12Analyst Revision0.54%HONHoneywell International$212.12+0.1%4.6157 of 5 stars2.50$249.38 17.6%16Positive News0.54%CCitigroup$74.43+0.5%4.9903 of 5 stars2.80$83.53 12.2%15Analyst Upgrade0.54%DHRDanaher$212.36-0.2%4.9316 of 5 stars2.81$278.24 31.0%21Positive News0.53%GILDGilead Sciences$107.89+1.1%4.4226 of 5 stars2.72$104.52 -3.1%29Positive News0.53%BABoeing$182.71+1.0%3.3774 of 5 stars2.65$195.68 7.1%23Analyst UpgradeAnalyst Revision0.53%SCHWCharles Schwab$80.81+1.1%4.5939 of 5 stars2.47$86.33 6.8%17Positive News0.52%COPConocoPhillips$102.44+0.2%4.9584 of 5 stars3.00$133.05 29.9%19Positive News0.51%GEGeneral Electric$212.18+0.9%4.1779 of 5 stars2.94$211.31 -0.4%16Positive News0.51%LOWLowe's Companies$230.61-1.0%4.8238 of 5 stars2.52$279.71 21.3%25Dividend AnnouncementAnalyst ForecastOptions VolumePositive News0.49%BMYBristol-Myers Squibb$59.22-3.0%3.81 of 5 stars2.32$57.86 -2.3%19Positive News0.49%WMTWalmart$84.69-3.2%4.6995 of 5 stars2.97$103.17 21.8%320.46%MDTMedtronic$88.50-1.8%4.2939 of 5 stars2.44$96.07 8.6%16Positive News0.44%SBUXStarbucks$95.88+0.2%4.588 of 5 stars2.61$106.12 10.7%28Positive News0.43%BXBlackstone$151.29-0.5%4.76 of 5 stars2.39$171.13 13.1%18Positive News0.43%CBChubb$291.444.6952 of 5 stars2.50$301.00 3.3%16Positive News0.43%PMPhilip Morris International$152.37+0.5%4.1384 of 5 stars2.80$144.56 -5.1%10Positive News0.42%MUMicron Technology$94.18-2.8%4.9457 of 5 stars2.88$132.63 40.8%25Earnings ReportDividend Announcement0.42%INTCIntel$24.20-0.1%3.8558 of 5 stars1.94$27.04 11.7%320.40%ADIAnalog Devices$213.58+0.6%4.8328 of 5 stars2.75$255.41 19.6%24Positive News0.40%AMTAmerican Tower$209.44-1.6%3.7632 of 5 stars3.06$229.43 9.5%16Positive News0.40%PLDPrologis$109.32-0.9%4.7532 of 5 stars2.70$128.78 17.8%20Positive News0.39%LRCXLam Research$77.67-0.4%4.942 of 5 stars2.78$98.06 26.3%23Positive News0.39%ADBEAdobe$403.64+2.3%4.8216 of 5 stars2.64$538.80 33.5%280.39%ELVElevance Health$423.03-1.0%4.8073 of 5 stars2.94$519.81 22.9%16Positive News0.39%SOSouthern$87.73-1.3%3.4408 of 5 stars2.21$91.46 4.3%14Positive News0.38%CMECME Group$262.06-0.3%4.1353 of 5 stars2.06$238.93 -8.8%16Positive News0.38%AMGNAmgen$306.86-2.4%4.1131 of 5 stars2.46$314.04 2.3%24Positive News0.37%DUKDuke Energy$116.10-1.7%4.044 of 5 stars2.53$123.87 6.7%15Positive News0.37%LMTLockheed Martin$442.63+1.8%4.5962 of 5 stars2.47$544.20 22.9%15Analyst Upgrade0.34%CIThe Cigna Group$316.64-1.2%4.8736 of 5 stars3.00$373.25 17.9%17Positive News0.34%CVSCVS Health$66.54-1.5%4.9613 of 5 stars2.90$70.41 5.8%21Dividend AnnouncementPositive News0.33%MDLZMondelez International$64.69-0.4%4.2567 of 5 stars2.59$69.70 7.7%22Analyst ForecastPositive News0.33%MCKMcKesson$662.71+0.3%4.1768 of 5 stars2.93$649.36 -2.0%15Positive News0.33%SPGIS&P Global$513.83+2.0%4.5314 of 5 stars2.88$590.86 15.0%16Positive News0.33%UPSUnited Parcel Service$110.01-5.0%4.9212 of 5 stars2.52$138.09 25.5%25Positive News0.32%MMM3M$153.53+0.2%4.2471 of 5 stars2.63$149.13 -2.9%16Analyst ForecastPositive News0.32%MSMorgan Stanley$125.25+0.8%4.519 of 5 stars2.33$132.33 5.7%18Analyst ForecastAnalyst RevisionPositive News0.32%NKENIKE$66.64-1.1%4.9123 of 5 stars2.63$87.38 31.1%32Earnings ReportAnalyst Revision0.30%RTXRTX$135.84+0.9%4.4341 of 5 stars3.00$166.40 22.5%17Analyst Upgrade0.29%ZTSZoetis$161.29-1.2%4.8082 of 5 stars3.08$215.90 33.9%12Positive News0.28%AMATApplied Materials$153.64-0.8%4.9539 of 5 stars2.65$215.38 40.2%23Positive News0.28%EOGEOG Resources$127.26-0.8%4.411 of 5 stars2.48$144.95 13.9%21Analyst ForecastAnalyst Revision0.27%REGNRegeneron Pharmaceuticals$634.14-4.1%4.8669 of 5 stars2.76$973.13 53.5%25Positive News0.27%DEDeere & Company$479.70-0.1%4.3826 of 5 stars2.38$460.00 -4.1%21Positive News0.27%GDGeneral Dynamics$267.61+0.7%4.9071 of 5 stars2.33$297.71 11.2%21Positive News0.27%NOCNorthrop Grumman$506.88+2.4%4.1616 of 5 stars2.56$542.88 7.1%18Positive News0.27%PNCThe PNC Financial Services Group$176.84+0.2%4.9933 of 5 stars2.35$201.65 14.0%17Analyst ForecastInsider TradePositive News0.27%USBU.S. Bancorp$43.70-0.1%4.9777 of 5 stars2.57$53.48 22.4%21Analyst ForecastPositive News0.26%APDAir Products and Chemicals$293.57+0.0%4.7963 of 5 stars2.72$341.47 16.3%18Analyst ForecastPositive News0.26%BDXBecton, Dickinson and Company$227.96-0.5%4.8536 of 5 stars3.00$278.29 22.1%7Options VolumePositive News0.26%COFCapital One Financial$182.54+0.9%4.7516 of 5 stars2.89$206.63 13.2%19Analyst ForecastOptions Volume0.25%MMCMarsh & McLennan Companies$236.78+0.9%4.4521 of 5 stars2.18$233.41 -1.4%17Analyst ForecastPositive News0.24%ROPRoper Technologies$579.07+0.4%3.0259 of 5 stars2.75$623.60 7.7%12News CoveragePositive News0.24%SYKStryker$373.00-0.3%4.803 of 5 stars2.80$421.90 13.1%20Positive News0.23%TMUST-Mobile US$258.75-0.1%4.684 of 5 stars2.61$255.80 -1.1%23Positive News0.23%FCXFreeport-McMoRan$43.08+3.5%4.7783 of 5 stars2.81$52.04 20.8%16Analyst RevisionPositive News0.23%SLBSchlumberger$42.30+1.4%4.6879 of 5 stars2.82$55.81 31.9%22Positive News0.23%TRVTravelers Companies$259.50+0.0%4.6373 of 5 stars2.22$260.00 0.2%23Analyst DowngradePositive News0.22%AEPAmerican Electric Power$102.50-1.6%3.7409 of 5 stars2.31$99.92 -2.5%13Positive NewsHigh Trading Volume0.22%ALLAllstate$208.14+0.4%4.9391 of 5 stars2.88$217.94 4.7%170.22%JCIJohnson Controls International$84.27-0.3%4.637 of 5 stars2.53$91.27 8.3%15Analyst RevisionPositive News0.22%TFCTruist Financial$41.96-0.5%4.8232 of 5 stars2.73$50.79 21.0%22Analyst ForecastOptions VolumeNews Coverage0.21%AFLAflac$109.56-0.1%4.4961 of 5 stars2.00$103.36 -5.7%14Positive News0.21%KMIKinder Morgan$28.80+0.3%3.8618 of 5 stars2.60$29.64 2.9%15Analyst RevisionPositive News0.21%MOAltria Group$56.73+0.2%3.1314 of 5 stars2.13$53.29 -6.1%8Options VolumePositive News0.21%NEMNewmont$47.48+1.4%4.8691 of 5 stars2.58$53.16 12.0%19Analyst Revision This page (NASDAQ:IUSV) was last updated on 3/25/2025 by Staff From Our PartnersYour Wealth is Under AttackPlease don't wait—this is your moment to take action. 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